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Plasma 6 Bugs

If you encounter a bug, proceed to https://bugs.kde.org, check whether it has been reported.

If it hasn't, report it yourself.


Developers do not look for reports on social media, so they will not see it and all it does is clutter up the feed.

founded 1 year ago

I love Breeze icons but every now and then I would like to change, needless to say that most of the sets have their default colors and do not respect the Plasma user's choice of accent.


There is a Fediverse-wide canvas event at canvas.fediverse.events (currently temporarily down with no ETA). Is the KDE community participating?

I redrew this Kiki icon as pixel art and I can, and probably will, place this image myself, as it's just 282 non-white pixels; I just want to know if anyone is going to draw the KDE logo, Konqi or other imagery so we can all be in one area.

1:1 image that can be used as a template:

If you have any KDE art you'd like to add, including better versions of Kiki, feel free to post them! I can adjust the palette into this year's 34-color one or even redraw high-res images as pixel art for you.


No post this week.

See you next week for what will probably be an extra large installment!

@kde@floss.social @kde@lemmy.kde.social
#KDE #Plasma #KDEPlasma #Linux #FOSS #OpenSource

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by levi@awful.systems to c/kde@lemmy.kde.social

I have two vaults set up using CryFS, one is large and the other one is small >1Gb

The small one mounts perfectly fine, the larger one doesn't mount it launches Dolphin but shows the file directory is empty

It doesn't throw any errors, just this weird behavior happens.. I checked the vaults hidden directory all my files are still there but encrypted ( just seeing random folders )..

Is there a way to force it to mount using the command line ?


Does anybody know a program that does this?


Every time I tried to enable the device auto mount on my second hard drive, it never worked. I always had to manually mount it through KDE's GUI whenever I wanted to access it's content.

I later researched and found out that I could edit the /etc/fstab file with my second hard drive's UUID, which caused it to always mount on startup as I wanted.

So my question is, why doesn't KDE auto mount also replicate this process of editing the /etc/fstab?

The KDE auto mount never worked on plasma 6, I believe it's something related to wayland (even though I don't understand how they could be related).


The second maintenance release of the 24.05 series is out.


#kdenlive #videoediting



Is it possible to configure a system-wide KDE Plasma wallpaper?

With GNOME you can easily do this by creating a keyfile: https://help.gnome.org/admin/system-admin-guide/stable/dconf-keyfiles.html.en

Is there something similar in KDE? I've looked at the Kiosk documentation, but didn't find anything about setting a system-wide default background (like in an enterprise deployment).



Hello everybody! I was thinking of switching from GNOME to KDE Plasma on my laptop. The main things keeping me from switching are

  • Touchpad Gestures
  • Dynamic Workspaces

Since I have a pretty beefy machine, dynamic workspaces are more an optional than anything but if there's something unnegotiable to me, especially for a laptop experience, is the touchpad experience which must me at least viable. So what has been your experience? Please I need your opinion


I've seen some articles talking about some tweaks in Arch with older versions of KDE to prevent audio crackling and snapping, but I cant seem to find the relevant config files or locations, and was hoping someone had current info for KDE 6.1 with this issue. Tried both on board audio with a Realtek chip and a SBZ card, and similar issue happens so I assume I need to change some other setting to disable the system sleeping or some such.

Thank you.


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Mail, calendars, notes, tasks, travel... Find out what developers of KDE's personal information management suite of apps have been up to.

Get the breakdown of all the new features, and how everything has been made more reliable, faster and better.




I am just a regular Linux user with a bit of additional interest in customizing. I can install things from the store, change settings in the GUI comfortably etc.

Occassionally there are things I am looking for are not available already but could be with few simple tweaks. For eg. right now I am looking for an analog clock widget different from the standard one already available. I need to reduce its size and/or change its background.

I believe this could be done by changing the clock source and building a new clock.

Currently I am not knowledgeable enough to do that and also with insufficient free time to learn everything. I would try if there is a standard pre-built ISO configured to this need with all tools pre-installed.

Is there such an option available?


Learn how to reduce the power usage and make your apps more accessible in 8 minutes flat.


#Selenium #KDEEco



First, I'd like to thank everyone involved in KDE for building such a great DE!

One of the features I love about KDE is the ability to have a multiline Icons-and-Text Task Manager. However, I think it could be improved even more. I wanted to share my thoughts and see what others think.

Please consider the attached image. In ① and ② we see what the taskbar looks like when 'Maximum rows' is set to 2. And ③ is a sketch I quickly made to illustrate what I am thinking of. In short:

  • I imagine a layout that is more space-efficient and one that doesn't try to look like a grid. Pinned icons don't stretch.
  • Instead of 'Maximum rows', we just have a fixed number of rows. And when the opened applications are just a few and they can fit in a single row, I think it would look better if they didn't stretch and take up all the vertical space available, but just take the first row and leave the second one empty.
  • If the Digital Clock and the Application Launcher icon could somehow be made smaller, there would be even more free space for other useful stuff and the taskbar would (arguably) look better.

What do you folks think?


both buttons cancel the download, but "proceed" also makes discover freeze, is this a known issue? Also, here's the system info:

KDE Plasma Version: 6.1.1
KDE Frameworks Version: 6.3.0
Qt Version: 6.7.1
Kernel Version: 6.9.6-200.fc40.x86_64 (64-bit)
Graphics Platform: Wayland
Processors: 8 × Intel® Core™ i3-10105F CPU @ 3.70GHz
Memory: 15.5 GiB of RAM
Graphics Processor: AMD Radeon RX 6600`


Does anyone know if it is possible to order the playlist alphabetically? because I looked in the settings and didn't find an option to do this.

It's kind of annoying to find songs without them being sorted.


I have a fresh install of Fedora KDE Plasma Desktop 40. Every time I log into the DE, the Discover application opens automatically on start. How can I disable this behavior so that Discover does not automatically launch? There are no apps configured for autostart in the KDE autostart system settings.


cross-posted from: https://floss.social/users/akademy/statuses/112693519928211217

Make it a 2-for-1, join us for the Qt Contributor Summit and then enjoy #Akademy2024 immediately afterwards!

QtCS will be held in Würzburg on the 5th and 6th of September. Register here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Z7HQIE15ikSdAarszBEkrArpzSaOjg5Akg0mgdu88JlUNzZTUEk3Q1BURkZWS09PUUdQRU1HVUoySy4u

Submit talks here: https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_Contributor_Summit_2024_-_Program

Then, still in Würzburg, from the 7th to the 12th, join our community for #Akademy2024.

Get the latest KDE news, join the projects and help us decide where to go next.

Register for Akademy here: https://akademy.kde.org/2024/register/




Crystal Dock v2.1 is out now!

What it is: Crystal Dock is a cool dock (desktop panel) for Linux desktop, with the focus on attractive user interface, being simple and easy to use, and cross-desktop support.

The current version (version 2.x) supports KDE Plasma 6 on Wayland. Other desktop environments will be considered when they run on Wayland and provide sufficient APIs.

Change log:

New features:

  • Floating style: this feature can be turned on/off from the dock's context menu and the floating margin can be set from the Appearance Settings dialog.

Bugs fixed:

  • Fixed a bug where Sets All Desktops on a window makes it disappear from the dock.
  • Fixed a bug where a window that demands attention could have its dock icon flashing even after it has been looked at, until the dock reloads.
  • Fixed a bug where setting minimumIconSize larger than maximumIconSize crashes the dock.

GitHub page: https://github.com/dangvd/crystal-dock

GitHub release link: https://github.com/dangvd/crystal-dock/releases/tag/v2.1

KDE Store link: https://store.kde.org/p/2105085

Blog post: https://dangvd.blogspot.com/2024/06/crystal-dock-v21-released.html

Hope you like it and have a nice weekend!

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