That's what happens when people stumble across that website called GitHub, get hooked and now have unrealistic expectations for the real git.
"I just installed Git for Windows. Where is the drag-to-upload box?"
— A statement dreamt up by the utterly deranged
Real git involves a lot of sweat, requires you to clean up any mess you make, and communicate with any partners about their preferred techniques instead of rawdogging it and waiting for issues. The pushing and pulling will come naturally but you need to know how and when to release, and be clear about how you wish to commit. Nightly is an option but good luck getting everyone on board. People might judge you for using the word "master" but it should be alright in private.
Still avoids Scunthorpe. There is no good reason to visit Scunthorpe.
Is it the lighting or did you also get 10 years younger?
My CPU lasted longer than the sticker (it's a laptop)
Congratulations, you triggered a filter search...
Antigua and Barbuda
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Cabo Verde
Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Cote d'Ivoire
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
This happens so often I instinctively press ⌫, C, Z when I see this specific list.
"What do you mean you can't play games with it, son? When I had this in high school, I got invited to every LAN party and got free drinks."
What year?
Scrolling through 200 items is easier on a phone than a desktop without PgUp/PgDn.
Or (A)llemagne, (N)iemcy, (T)yskland, (S)aksa, (V)asija (you won't encounter the last two unless you use a website in Finnish or Estonian, however the first three are used in numerous countries including Germany's neighbors).
The lists are occasionally auto-translated, sometimes I see "🇹🇷 Truthahn".
I imagine the Australian embassy in Vienna already has forms to handle the situation, and so does the Austrian one in Canberra.
This does not affect people without Google Play Services so why complain? We need fewer reasons for people to buy Apple products so that devs are more inclined to build good native Android apps.
This is why I see it as a mild positive for us. For normal users, it's another step away from privacy and security towards convenience that they will accept. Yes, some will see this on-by-default feature and think "no privacy is possible anymore" but that's best solved by GrapheneOS etc. becoming more visible.