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Wir sind eine deutsch- und englischsprachige Lemmy Community und entwickelten uns aus feddit.de heraus.

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AttributionThis text was partly adapted and modified from chaos.social. It is free to be adapted and remixed under the terms of the CC-BY (Attribution 4.0 International) license.



Matrix Room
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We are a German and English-speaking Lemmy community that evolved from feddit.de.

Feddit.org serves as a Reddit alternative in the Fediverse.

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AttributionThis text was partly adapted and modified from chaos.social. It is free to be adapted and remixed under the terms of the CC-BY (Attribution 4.0 International) license.



This community is powered by donations and supported by Fediverse Foundation.

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founded 2 weeks ago
ich🇲🇽iel (feddit.org)
submitted 6 hours ago by Ranslite to c/ich_iel

Eine bereits Anfang Juni auf arXiv veröffentlichte Arbeit wirft nun eine faszinierende Frage auf: Selbst wenn die Menschheit noch weit davon entfernt ist, solche [Warp-] Antriebe zu konstruieren – könnte es fortschrittlichere außerirdische Zivilisationen geben, die dies schon geschafft haben? Und falls ja, wären wir in der Lage, die Spuren eines solchen Warp-Antriebs nachzuweisen?

Paper: What no one has seen before: gravitational waveforms from warp drive collapse | PDF


Archived link

The Russia’s State Social University (RSSU) has launched a “social rating” platform that claims to build a person’s “social portrait” with possible applications in future government policies.

Named “We,” the platform promises to determine a user’s comparative “social status” based on a survey that includes questions about income, family status, benefits, creditworthiness, criminal record, lifestyle and state awards, among others.

“The social rating figures don’t affect [a person’s] life, the availability of services or the career trajectory in any way,” RSSU said on the platform’s website. “But who knows what these figures will mean for you in the future?”

Observers on social media compared the platform’s name “We” to the highly influential 1921 dystopian novel of the same name by Russian author Yevgeny Zamyatin. [The novel "We" describes a world of harmony and conformity within a united totalitarian state. It inspired British author George Orwell to write his own novel, "Nineteen Eighty-Four", which was published in 1949.]


Hier wird also jetzt das Wachstum gesucht. Und, worauf die Ampel noch zu Beginn der Legislaturperiode so stolz war, wird einfach wieder zurückgenommen:

Bevor Bürgergeld beansprucht werden kann, sollen Betroffene erst einmal vorhandenes eigenes Vermögen aufbrauchen.

Hier wird Vermögen abgebaut, aber das Vermögen das wirklich einen Unterschied für die Staatskasse machen würde bleibt unangetastet. Das ist menschenverachtend. Ich werde keiner dieser Parteien jemals wieder meine Stimme geben. Und habe auch keine Ahnung welcher anderen.

ich_iel (feddit.org)
submitted 11 hours ago by genfood to c/ich_iel
ich💤iel (feddit.org)
submitted 11 hours ago by genfood to c/ich_iel
ich🍻iel (lemmy.ml)
submitted 12 hours ago by Samsy@lemmy.ml to c/ich_iel

TL/DR; Gesetzentwurf für Propaganda im Klassenzimmer und das Verbot der Zivilklausel (sprich des herzlichen "Nein Danke" aller Hochschulen zur Militärkooperation). Universitäten sollen gezwungen werden mit der Bundeswehr zusammen zu arbeiten. Maggus, mir graut vor dir.

Petition zum unterschreiben

submitted 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago) by voodoocode to c/dach

Auch Mesut Özil, deutscher Weltmeister von 2014, solidarisierte sich mit Demiral und teilte am Samstag ein Bild des Spielers beim Zeigen des Grußes bei Instagram. Beim Spiel saß Özil dann unmittelbar hinter Erdogan.


Das war’s – Das März/April-Heft wird die letzte MagPi-Ausgabe sein, die auf Deutsch erscheint. Wir sind sehr dankbar für Ihre Mitgliedschaft, Ihre Unterstützung und Ihr Interesse an MagPi und bedauern zutiefst, dass es uns nicht gelungen ist, dem deutschen Magazin den Erfolg zu verschaffen, den es verdient hätte.


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China’s economy has repeatedly disappointed expectations since the end of the Covid pandemic. Consumption is sluggish, the property crisis is a burden and attempts to achieve growth through exports are being met with punitive tariffs from the rest of the world.

Few Western observers know the world’s second-largest economy better than Joerg Wuttke. In an in-depth conversation with The Market NZZ, the long-serving former President of the EU Chamber of Commerce in Beijing talks about China's growth prospects, the problem of overcapacity in the country and explains who calls the shots when it comes to economic policy.--

Joerg Wuttke:

"The property crisis continues to be the biggest drag [for the Chinese economy]. It had been looming for a long time because it was obvious that property prices were significantly inflated."


"There is also a special feature of China: everything the government announces with big plans ends up creating overcapacity at some point. The best current example is the automotive sector, where around 140 suppliers are fighting each other. This is eroding the profitability of companies and people are struggling to survive."


"People [who consider buying property] have become cautious. For years, they thought they could buy a flat and sell it later at a higher price. And now they are suddenly realising that they have lost 30%. The government should do more to counter this, it is not doing a good enough job [...] There is no point in the government lowering mortgage rates if I don’t know whether the apartment I have bought will ever be completed or if I have to assume that prices will continue to fall. There are 90 million empty housing units in the country, which is a huge oversupply.


"Consumption is also restrained when people see that their own family members are losing their jobs. There are many unemployed people in rural areas who have returned to their villages from the big construction sites. Pessimism, which has never really been an issue in the last thirty years, has spread in the last twelve months."


"Nobody knows for sure [how high the unemployment is]. It is a question of definition, because in the official statistics you are apparently not considered unemployed if you work even one hour a week. Youth unemployment climbed to almost 30%, but then the government changed the statistics. However, you can see a clear trend if you look at the purchasing managers’ indices [...] Companies are holding back on hiring, especially in the private sector.


"This is the first Third Plenum [which takes off on July 15] that has not triggered any great expectations. Which probably means that markets will hardly be disappointed if not much comes out of the session. We will certainly hear warm words, especially addressed towards foreign companies [...] they are likely to announce plans to reduce protectionism between [Chinese] provinces and open up the domestic market. A market struggling with overcapacity leads to provinces closing themselves off from each other."


"China accounts for 30% of total global production, but it only accounts for 14% of global consumption. That is a huge imbalance. President Xi Jinping has focussed on the manufacturing sector because he hopes it will also boost innovation. But launching big plans in China always leads to everyone aiming for the goal, everyone seeing a lot of money, and then everyone doing the same thing in 31 provinces and regions. The country has more than 150,000 state-owned enterprises. They all remain on the market, even though many of them are losing money. [...] This [Chinese] economy has a gigantic skew. There needs to be consolidation, and that would require political courage."


"Probably about ten [among the 140 actors in the automotive sector are profitable]. The top dog is BYD, Tesla is also doing very well, they both have capacity utilisation rates of almost 100%. However, a third of the suppliers have a capacity utilisation of less than 20%. These companies are making huge losses, but they are being concealed and absorbed by local governments."


"This consolidation [consolidation of the Chinese economy] will be much more painful. It won’t be easy in a country that doesn’t have a well-developed social safety net."


"Xi [who doesn’t have much sympathy for social security and doesn’t want a welfare state] once told the Danish prime minister that he could not understand these lazy Europeans. In China, people have to work hard. He seems like someone from another time. He tells unemployed young people that they should just go to the countryside and help the farmers. There's a huge generation gap in the country."


"I think the tariffs [imposed by the EU on Chinese electric Vehicles] are rather low. BYD’s share price rose by 9% when they were announced. That really says it all. The tariffs are not designed in such a way that the Chinese can no longer sell cars in Europe. But this will be an issue worldwide: the US is imposing 100% import duties on EVs, Turkey has added 40%, Brazil is imposing tariffs in the steel sector. There will be more to come. We have to be prepared for the fact that this flood of exports from China will also trigger counter-pressure in the so-called Global South. The playing field for China is getting narrower and narrower.

ich🌐🐭iel (feddit.org)
submitted 12 hours ago by EherVielleicht to c/ich_iel

Der Weiterausbau der Autobahnen ist das falsche Ziel. Wie man längst weiss, verlagern sich die Staus einfach an einen anderen Ort. Verkehrswende wäre ein "weniger", nicht ein "noch mehr".

Link: 20min

submitted 10 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago) by favstarmafia to c/verkehrswende

Ein Konzept für einen minimalistischen, aber gerade noch akzeptablen Individualverkehr

Bei diesem Konzept geht es nur um Fahrzeuge für den Individualverkehr. Die Reichweite und die Leistung der zulässigen Fahrzeuge ist ganz bewusst beschränkt, um den Energieverbrauch zu minimieren und den Radius der täglichen Mobilität zu verringern. Das Konzept beschäftigt sich ganz bewusst nur mit Elektromotoren und Akkus, um die Komplexität zu verringern. Es würde per Gesetz für alle gelten, niemand könnte privat andere Fahrzeuge fahren. Mit Individualverkehr sind hier die Fahrten gemeint, die man außerhalb der Arbeit täglich erledigt. Das wäre zum Beispiel auch die Fahrt zur Arbeit, aber nicht die Fahrt als Installateur während der Arbeit.

  • Die Fahrzeuge können alle maximal 100 km/h fahren (Dauerleistung).
  • Für Überholvorgänge kann die maximale Leistung verwendet werden.
  • Die Reichweite darf durch Muskelkraft erweitert werden.
  • Die Leistung für Zweiräder ist auf 15 KW begrenzt.
  • Die Leistung für Fahrzeuge mit mehr als 2 Rädern ist auf 35 KW begrenzt.

Mir ist klar, dass das Konzept eine offensichtliche Schwäche hat, da es ja auch noch den Transport von Gütern auf den gleichen Straßen gibt, das habe ich aber ganz bewusst nicht mit aufgenommen, das es sonst vom eigentlichen Thema ablenken würde.

Ein paar Fahrzeuge, die diesem Konzept schon ziemlich nahe kommen, findet ihr hier.

  • Was ist euere Meinung zu diesem Konzept?
  • Welche Punkte könntet ihr euch davon für euch selbst vorstellen?

Summary from article's beginning:

The Raspberry Pi Super Computer was originally built for Open World in October 2019. We have 1050 Raspberry Pi 3b+ in four server racks, configured in a big square box reminiscent of a British Police box, popularized in a certain British Television TV series. Fast forward to today, the Pi Cluster, “The Raspberry Pi Super Computer (Pi Cluster),” got sent to e-waste, some parts stripped off it, was dormant for 2 years, and then in May of this year found it’s way to my garage where it got a complete overhaul.

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DM - Deutsche Mark 27 1964 (files.mastodon.social)
submitted 8 hours ago by die_reklame to c/die_reklame
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