
joined 1 year ago
[–] xavier666@lemm.ee 8 points 5 hours ago (1 children)

what do you have against tall men? :-\

[–] xavier666@lemm.ee 3 points 13 hours ago

Way too cultured

[–] xavier666@lemm.ee 2 points 13 hours ago

Those that try to hide or shift blame of mistakes are a bigger red flag in my book.

People, please; look at this.

It's inevitable that mistakes will happen.

[–] xavier666@lemm.ee 1 points 2 days ago

I remember the good old times when testers has to check if their sites work on Chrome/Firefox/Opera/Safari/Edge.

[–] xavier666@lemm.ee 1 points 2 days ago

And you could simply have a separate Firefox profile rather than spinning up an entire virtual machine.

This is what I do. Even though there is nothing wrong with the Qubes approach, I think it's overkill unless you are hiding from nation-state attackers.

[–] xavier666@lemm.ee 5 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I gave up and used a Windows VM for such shenanigans. It's hard when even the government doesn't want to listen. This is a good project which bridges the gap -> https://github.com/Fmstrat/winapps.

[–] xavier666@lemm.ee 10 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

The primary issues that I faced with Windows (Win10 nearly a decade ago) are

  • very slow updates
  • constant 100% disk usage after boot
  • high background process usage
  • [Rare] messing with my dual partition setup
  • The final error which caused me to format my PC -> After logging in, the desktop froze, no icons showing up, no task manager.

If I had never used Linux, these wouldn't even seem like problem; just normal Windows shenanigans. But after using Linux, I can never go back. I don't know how much worse/better Win11 is now but can't be bothered to try.

[–] xavier666@lemm.ee 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

What's even more funny is that they already have two, somewhat decent, interfaces which are meant for touch; Win8 tablet UI and Windows Phone Live Tiles UI.

If they want, they can easily work upon them, make them controller-friendly, and bake it into Win11. But they are too stubborn to do it.

[–] xavier666@lemm.ee 5 points 3 days ago (3 children)

Talk about digging one's own grave.

[–] xavier666@lemm.ee 4 points 3 days ago

By standard social definitions, I’m a broke student

This, i believe, is one of the biggest faults of society/social media which is not discussed enough. We are always chasing an unreachable goal of success which makes us constantly depressed.

I don’t mind public transport because it’s good enough for my needs

I mostly use public transport other than scenarios where it's just not feasible (catching a flight at 6-7 am). What I meant to say is that I am fortunate enough to be in an area which has good public transport.

[–] xavier666@lemm.ee 4 points 3 days ago (5 children)

The big thing is that the Deck uses Linux which allows Steam to provide an amazing interface

For most people, i think it's just that it has a good UI. They don't bother whether it's linux-powered. Maybe it's possible to create a good UI in windows as well, but it will be bogged down by 100s of unwanted processes.

[–] xavier666@lemm.ee 8 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I see

  • linux
  • gaming
  • valve

I buy


I have been a PC gamer for the majority of my life. But before that, i was a console player on the NES. But NES mainly had platformers, and no 3d games. So i am not used to movement and camera controls simultaneously at all.

I have purchased a Steam Deck OLED and it's phenomenal at playing platformers and twin stick top down games. However, i am absolutely sucking at FPS games on it. Can't make shots on the controller which are like muscle memory on my PC. I'm also having a slightly hard time on 3rd person over the shoulder games (not as bad as FPS though). It's probably because of my age (30+) I guess.

My question is that is there a way to improve other than 'git gud'? Example, is there an easy FPS game where I don't have to move or shoot too fast? Or a sample controller exercise game, like we have AimLabs for mouse movement.



I was thinking about the anti-cheat scenario and this popped on my mine. Consider the following scenario.

Valve comes out with an alternate OS for the Steam Deck called "Steam OS Secure" which supports anti-cheats. Special proprietary blobs were added to the OS, in collaboration with the game devs, which allow it to monitor metrics at the kernel level. These anti-cheats will only be able to run on an unmodified Steam Deck which gets disabled the moment you "modify" your Deck.

(I'm unsure what "modify" means here. Maybe if the user creates a root password or if a new layer has been added on top of SteamOS)

This will come pre-installed with the Deck (Steam Deck 3 maybe), but a seperate OS without the proprietary blobs is also available and can be downloaded/installed right from the Deck itself. This can be switched anytime but it's a lengthy procedure. Obviously, the one without the anti-cheat performs better.

What do you think about this? Would you approve this? Will your perception towards Valve change? Will it be better for gaming over all?

Edit: I can understand the dislikes. No one wants RING-0 anti-cheat on Linux. But I just want to have a discussion on this. I don't see game devs making exceptions their game only on Linux in the near future.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by xavier666@lemm.ee to c/minecraft@lemmy.world


I have never seen this anywhere. This could be as rare as 5-6 tall cactus.

Edit - Check comments for seed/coords

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