
joined 1 year ago
[–] -2 points 1 day ago (2 children)

¿Biden competent? He's probably gonna die of old age by Jan 5, and if not, is going to be ordering who knows what crap with his dementia on Jan 6...

[–] 1 points 3 days ago

No es novedad, es esperable de esos fachos disfrazados. El día uno del gobierno de Boric estaba ya planteado el tema que los pacos le habían hecho un shadow profile al presi, que potencialmente tenía suficiente información para planificar un secuestro y ejecución a lo "Ronald Ojeda".

[–] 16 points 3 days ago

I heard before that the internet was for transmitting lolcats but this is getting ridiculous(ly cute)!

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

Is there an english equivalent?

Yes: "gratis".

English is literally about mugging other languages in a backalley for words (and boning them for grammar). It's the ISO standard procedure.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

luck? I have a $5* wrench.

* (Actually a $7 wrench. Inflation is murder around here.)

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Don't count all of us in, funnies scene in Greenland was watching Orlando get taken out via asteroid hit and how am I going to find the IRL version funny if I'm dead for it?

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Biden is too old, frail and crazy to do it. We'd need to instaurate some fresher blood on the Presidential race.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (4 children)

But that can be said of any of the other such called factors:

A yubikey can be stolen

A fingerprint can be scanned and distributed

So its not really an argument against passwords (or passkeys, or passwordless, or whatever marketing want to call them these days).

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Then they have the right to not continue publishing their stuff. That doesn't affect the rights of the persons who already got their copy alongside the associated rights to consume it. Depending on the licensing terms, it might not even affect their granted right to redistribute, if any.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (6 children)

Isn't the idea that not everyone has access to your biometrics?

There's honestly no need to make computers ask people for piss scans:

something you know

A password

something you have

Access to the password

something you are

The person who knows the password

[–] 5 points 1 week ago

Don't worry it won't be a close call. Trump has this one in the pocket unless we change the democratic figurehead for someone who actually has some meat and spine.

[–] 11 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

The fun thing about regressions: these things affects you if your system is new enough that it has the behaviour reintroduced. Which means you are less likely to be hit if you are using Debian Stable (or even Oldstable) than, say, Sid (unpatched at the time of writing this comment) or Arch btw.


Con todas las noticias sobre el cambio climático y ahora los "nuevos términos" (never has been) como el "río atmosférico" y otros misceláneos, para qué estamos con cosas - uno debería sentirse preocupado.

Pero para suerte mía, vivo como 100 km fuera de la zona que pega estos sistemas frontales, igual llueve su harto pero me salvé. Y cuando veo que en los noticieros ahora se pegan con el "río informático" como nueva muletilla, que nos falta agüita, que nos volvimos flojos con la sequía, que el niño no que la niña etc etc, pues yo me acuerdo de esta escena de una película vieja de Pokémon.

(Parece que el próximo finde las voy a ver negras eso sí)

Y eso feddit, ¿cómo están con el agüita?


More or less title.

The idea is, one can already excise the corporation social media somewhat, or limit their reach into your content, if you self-host your social media (or at least if you participate in the Fediverse, say on Mastodon Lemmy etc) and instead link or cross post to corporate ones such as say Twitter or Discord.

But I'm looking for something to self-host that is better geared to do this with small snippets of text that (mostly) stand by themselves. Something that would fit in a original!tweet or even smaller and would not have much use for the "conversation workflow" UI of corporate social media.

The two use cases I'm aiming for are:

  • instead of posting something creative directly on eg.: Reddit or Discord (by which in the latter it would get locked and lost in that blackhole), I just post it in $THINGY and then link it on Reddit / Discord. That way I also retain license.
  • having a "local" archive of my comments on various stuff that I can tag, query or consult on, or even easily share with other people.

At first I thought "maybe what I'm looking is micro-blogging" but on second thought it feels like I'm looking for something even smaller than that? I'm not at all sure, so I thought to ask around here what would you guys self-host for this kind of thing or if it's even a Thing.


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