
joined 10 months ago
[–] 22 points 3 days ago (10 children)

On the contrary, I was going to ask you guys here, am I wrong to believe that there is zero interest in GTA 6? Or at the very least, people don't care about a game that won't be released for a year and a half?!?

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Oh it's availqble through Izzy, not native F-Droid, thank you.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Since FreeTube is not available for Android, how do you use it on phone?

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

I don't use web browser on phone for content, although I use Free Browser for being pure open source withoit deoendancies, but I only use computer for websites.

I'm trying to figure out which app to you.


What are people's recommendation between LibreTube, NewPipe, and PipePipe?

I don't subscribe or download videos through app, I primarily use on occassion to listen to random music videos while I'm out somewhere, I do not watch content on phone, only listen to something.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Someone else mentioned it. I have never played Bioshock, I think I've seen it used as a benchmark. I look for military style games and I wasn't sure if I should give Bioshock a try.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Thank you providing reasons for why it's your favourite game.

I bought the New Order/Old Blood combo on GOG.

Prey looks really nice. Don't you primarily play through the game with a sword, having a lot of required stealth kills?

Is Turbo Overkill an arena game in a single environment, as opposed to progressing through multiple levels, say, in like a military campaign?

[–] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I have New Order. I tried Doom reboot and lost interest in playing because of the fictional space creatures. You're the 3rd to mention Titanfall 2. I have it but played maybe an hour so I don't know it very well.

[–] -2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I don't like random creatures or space aliens, fantasy, Martians, I don't like those games. I prefer real world military style. What makes Half Life so good?

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

Someone else said Ttitanfall 2, to which I replied "I have it, I have not played it through, only played half an hour to an hour, but I will trust you and play it through soon to give it a proper try"

I will watch for Effect and Cause to see what you like about it so much.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

From '97? It reminds me of Doom.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I see people rave about it. I tried Half Life 2 for an hour and quit because I lost all interest since there wasn't much happening.

[–] 9 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I have it, I have not played it through, only played half an hour to an hour, but I will trust you and play it through soon to give it a proper try.


What are people's recommendation for their favourite FPS single player campaigns that you still enjoy playing a couple of levels once in awhile? No multiplayer suggestions.

My all time one is Medal Of Honor 2010 reboot. I don't play through it every time but I have a couple of favourite levels.


What are people's recommendation for their favourite FPS single player campaigns that you still enjoy playing a couple of levels once in awhile? No multiplayer suggestions.

My all time one is Medal Of Honor 2010 reboot. I don't play through it every time but I have a couple of favourite levels.


Last month the Canadian Taxpayers’ Federation took its “Debt Clock” on a tour of British Columbia to draw attention to the province’s mounting debt. The debt is currently $112 billion and rising by $53 million per week – faster than any other provincial government’s. That’s $20,000 for every British Columbian. The NDP-run province’s credit rating is “plummeting,” according to outside experts, driving up the interest rate it pays on new debt. It is spending $4 billion a year on interest and will soon pay more.

The NDP’s uncontrolled spending is a big part of the problem. In 2002, Campbell’s Liberal government forecast operational spending of $25.6 billion. Horgan’s first budget forecast spending of $53.6 billion. Eby’s government forecasts spending of $92.7 billion in 2026-2027, a 73 percent increase in only a decade. The NDP will have nearly tripled B.C.’s debt in only a decade – from $45.2 billion in Horgan’s first budget to a projected $126.5 billion in 2026-2027. Including Crown corporations, total provincial debt will have more than doubled from $69.4 billion to $165 billion.


Lots of people quit with it 2 years ago, some people ignored all restrictions from fhe beginning. There is some concern that this announcement is political theatre because everyone in public health employment still must disclose their status for getting injections.

Binnie make this announcement that it's ending, it's over, and the thousands if hospital staff that never got one injection can apply to be doctors and nurses again, but must disclose status, what changes then? If it's really ending, then they can all be imediately re-hired without asking any health queations.

Signal forks (

Wht would be people's recommendation between using Molly, Langis and Signal-FOSS? I have always used Molly for years but I'm oen to sometuhing else.

Signal Names (

Now that we can create and delete usernames at will, do people have any concerns about giving people they meet their Signal ID? I have no fears of it. In fact, my Signal is oozic.35 if anyone wanta to message me.


Why does it seem that people actively avoid expressing disaagreements on what somone says when they are out somewhere having a conversation? Why arwe people more concerned about trying to sound nice rather than being honest? It's not provactive or antagonizing to simply say "I can't agree with you on that, I disagree." I suspect that if someone articulates the reasoning behind their disagreement, a lot of people would not be bothered by it, unless someone wants everybody to believe the same things and are easily disturbed by contrary points of views.

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