
joined 6 months ago

It really doesn't make a difference if you are or aren't and i presumed you were an atheist the whole time.

No one disputes the first part. However, you seem to have convinced yourself it proves your second part which it doesn't.

So, even after having to point out that you toon completely completely the wrong point over the business owners part, you double down, despite STILL literally giving yet more examples of what were all meant to be details specifically about people giving up their wealth for God.

Somehow you've literally taken away the exact opposite point from the one being made every single time and you're arguing my point, against yourself, better than I ever could.

"A special military operation"

[–] undergroundoverground@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

Oh, I see, you are saying that. I forget how many people subscribe to supply side Jesus.

So, we can dismiss anything he is supposed to have said that disagrees with you but we can beleive the ones you believe agree with you? Thats an interesting take.

They gave their professions up to follow Jesus. So, its very in keeping with what I said and belied any idea that their former professions belied anything. That's very much you drawing back from where you wanted to end up and not the other way round.

Remember that "mammon" doesn't mean money. Had Jesus only meant money, when he said that, he would have used the Hebrew word for money or coins and not a completely different word. Even then, very few people had any contact with actual money back in those days and, of the few that did, they would only ever use them to pay taxes. So, telling people not to love something they didnt come into contact with and, even if they did, would hate their contact with it would have been a bit silly. So, he clearly could never have meant that.

Its bizzare that you go on about deliberate misrepresentations in the bible and missed one of the most egregious.

Mammon means wealth or profit above what you need to survive. "The love of profit is the root of all evil." "If you have 2 shirts, your second belongs to the man with no shirt."

Jesus was anti wealth and Christianity, according to what he is recorded to have actually said, is incompatible with capitalism.

[–] undergroundoverground@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago (4 children)

Sorry, I'm really not sure of the point you're trying to make here.

I'm not saying the bible is historically accurate, beyond criticism, or that eye witness testimonies aren't problematic. Had I done so, the above would make a lot more sense.

All I'm saying is, of the records that exist, such as they are, he was very vocally anti-wealth. You're replying as though you're disagreeing with what I'm saying. However, you don't seem to refute anything that I've said.

Are you saying he is recorded as being vocally anti-wealth?

You gotta love the old "why vote for better oppression" argument, used despite their admission that one is in fact, considerably better. In this instance, we can literally quantify it as being 33% better.

Again, if you want to make up your own definition of middle class, then you're right.

By everyone else's, you're not.

The rest is just noise.

[–] undergroundoverground@lemmy.world 5 points 2 days ago (6 children)

By actual Christianity, I mean Christianity in line with the things he was reported to have said, as opposed to ones that directly go against them.

Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't. Theyre still the things he's reported to have said though.

[–] undergroundoverground@lemmy.world 52 points 2 days ago (14 children)

Thats WHY they killed him. Cant have those "evil blood thirty terrorists" calling for peace now can they? That would ruin the optics of their special military operation or whatever they're calling their invasion of Lebanon.

It's mad that they have operatives so high up in Hezbollah that they can compromise the entirety of their means of communication in one stroke but couldn't use those same operatives and compromised lines of communication to see the October attacks coming.

Hopefully, mossad waited long enough before doing this that no one will think to try and reconcile the two.

You think thats bad, wait until you hear about the shareholders. They dont even have to pretend to work and they'll be paid far more for their lack of trouble. The shareholders have had well in excess of a 77% pay rise and, despite that, want even more.

Crazy right? I bet that's got you really annoyed, considering those are worse than the exact thing you were complaining about above....


[–] undergroundoverground@lemmy.world 12 points 2 days ago (8 children)

I agree with everything but the fact that, of what is reported of Jesus, he was very anti-wealth, over and above what people need to get by and that a actual christianity is incompatible with capitalism.

To me, thats the part that certain types of "christians" need to be metaphorically slapped round the face with.

[–] undergroundoverground@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago (2 children)

But some who has earned a penny in interest has spent time as both worker and owner.

Its not that you've shifted it. I agree there. Its that your using sweeping terms that include things like earning a penny in interest that, in order to not sound ridiculous, has to have caveated to a point that:

No, the idea is that the middle class (defined in the conventional way) spends time in both the “worker” category and the “owner” category.

Doesn't reflect where it ends up at all.

Also, its not the conventional way. You 100% made that up and what you're describing is petite bougouise.

From wiki

The modern usage of the term "middle-class", however, dates to the 1913 UK Registrar-General's report, in which the statistician T. H. C. Stevenson identified the middle class as those falling between the upper-class and the working-class.[13] The middle class includes: professionals, managers, and senior civil servants. The chief defining characteristic of membership in the middle-class is control of significant human capital while still being under the dominion of the elite upper class, who control much of the financial and legal capital in the world.

Lol yeah, what these sorts of things would be dismissed as is literally called a "repugnant clause."

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