
joined 1 year ago
[–] tubbadu@lemmy.kde.social 2 points 2 days ago

I can't believe it, thank you very much!


Hello! I have jellyfin+qbittorrent+radarr on my home server, but I can't make it work with hardlinks. When a download finishes, it just copies it to the /movie folder, doubling the disk space. at least, I think that it's just a copy, because the disk space is double and find ./downloads -samefile ./movies/path/to/file.mkv returns no result, meaning if I understand correctly that file.mkv is not hardlinked to any file in the download folder (but it should).

this is the docker compose:

    image: lscr.io/linuxserver/radarr:latest
    container_name: radarr
    network_mode: container:gluetun
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - TZ=Europe/Rome
      - ./radarr-config:/config
      - /media/HDD1/movies:/movies
      - /media/HDD1/downloads:/downloads
    restart: unless-stopped

HDD1 hard drive is formatted ext4, that supports hardlinks (in fact I can create them manually), and in the radarr settings the checkbox "use hardlinks instead of copy" is checked.

Ideally I'd prefer softlinks instead of hadlinks, but I don't think there's a way to do it natively, I think I'd need an external script

Any tips? Thanks in advance!

[–] tubbadu@lemmy.kde.social 14 points 4 days ago

Because I was today years old when I found out this beautiful piece of software exist :D

thank you very much!

[–] tubbadu@lemmy.kde.social 1 points 4 days ago

I'll surely check them out, thank you very much!


Hello! I was wondering if running periodically a script to automatically pull new images for all my containers is a good or a bad idea. I'd run it everyday at 5.00AM to avoid interruptions. Any tips?

EDIT: Thanks to everyone for the help! I'll install Watchtower to manage the updates

[–] tubbadu@lemmy.kde.social 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (1 children)

It worked, thank you very much for your help man! Now the only remaining problem is the snapshot 166, that snapper does not let me remove. I assume I should remove in a similar way as timeshift:

$ sudo btrfs subvolume delete /.snapshots/166/snapshot
WARNING: not deleting default subvolume id 2968 '/.snapshots/166/snapshot'

I think there's something I'm missing about how these snapshot works

[–] tubbadu@lemmy.kde.social 51 points 6 days ago

Yay! More free ads!

[–] tubbadu@lemmy.kde.social 1 points 6 days ago (3 children)

Thanks for the answer! I mounted it and removed all the timeshift-btrfs stuff. now, after a reboot, sudo btrfs subvolume list -t / does not show timeshift stuffs anymore, but if I mount again sudo mount -o subvolid=5 /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt and ls /mnt/ I get:

@  @cache  @home  @log  timeshift-btrfs

how can I remove timeshift-btrfs from there? can i just rm -rf it?

In openSUSE

(sorry I forgot to mention, I'm running EndeavourOS)


Hello! My disk space was out of space left, so I decided to remove some snapper snapshot. snapper list listed over 360 snapshots. I removed them, and freed 50Gb of space. One of these hasn't been deleted successfully:

Cannot delete snapshot 166 since it is the next to be mounted snapshot.

it's description is writable copy of #156. How can I remove it? should I do it using btrfs subvolume delete?

here's the output of sudo btrfs subvolume list -t /:

ID      gen     top level       path
    ---------       ----
256     178487  5               timeshift-btrfs/snapshots/2023-09-18_18-25-33/@
257     341688  5               @home
258     341680  5               @cache
259     341688  5               @log
260     26      256             timeshift-btrfs/snapshots/2023-09-18_18-25-33/@/var/lib/portables
261     27      256             timeshift-btrfs/snapshots/2023-09-18_18-25-33/@/var/lib/machines
708     341688  5               @
710     341680  708             .snapshots
2781    178991  5               timeshift-btrfs/snapshots/2024-05-07_12-20-43/@
2968    326034  710             .snapshots/166/snapshot
2969    341679  710             .snapshots/167/snapshot

all those timeshift subvolumes are there because before snapper, I used to use timeshift. I tried to remove them:

sudo btrfs subvolume delete timeshift-btrfs/snapshots/2023-09-18_18-25-33/@/var/lib/machines    
ERROR: Could not statfs: No such file or directory

If I understand correctly, it means that I should give an actual "system" path instead of the path in the table, but I don't understand which path

thanks in advance to everyone!


Hello! I have a problem: sometimes I instinctively refer to a movie by the English name (for example, Star Wars), but if I search for it in jellyfin it is not found, as the italian translated name is "Guerre Stellari". I'd like to be able to search for it with both the original name and the translated name. The original name is present in the metadata, it just isn't used as a search parameter. Is there a way?

EDIT: I understood the problem: i'm stupid

Star wars episode IV had both the translated and the original title, and was correctly find when searching "star wars", but episode V and VI didn't have the string "star wars" in the original title! and this is why jellyfin didn't find them. I edited the metadata and added it, now it works perfectly. Thanks to everyone!

[–] tubbadu@lemmy.kde.social 55 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (5 children)

Jar Jar Binks. He's my favorite Sith

[–] tubbadu@lemmy.kde.social 1 points 1 week ago

I'm using windscribe VPN from Italy and it works without issues right now

[–] tubbadu@lemmy.kde.social 14 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Mexico filter

[–] tubbadu@lemmy.kde.social 24 points 1 week ago (10 children)
[–] tubbadu@lemmy.kde.social 5 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Uhm this could be a good workaround, I'll look into it, thanks! It would solve the movies problem, but not any other screen sharing problem

Thank you!


Hello guys! sometimes I watch movies with friends over jitsi meet, and in order to share just a single window with just its own audio I use chromium, that has the "share tab" option. However, I'd like a more general solution (I cannot play mkv files on browser, for example). I'd like a compact way that creates a virtual device sharing the window (even if the window gets minimized or hidden behind other windows!) and its audio, without the audio of all other windows (I don't want my notification sounds to be shared too). a quick online search gave me only "complex" answers, that I'll try only if a more convenient way is not available.

[I'm running EndeavourOS KDE Wayland]

Thank to everyone in advance!


Hello fellow selfhosters! I have a laptop and a tablet (both running endeavourOS), and I want a certain folder to be always in sync. I also have a very potato server.
My two options currently are Nextcloud and Syncthing. The laptop and the tablet are rarely online at the same time, so I need the server as middleman (so, no syncthing laptop <-> tablet, but laptop <-> server <-> tablet).

Which one do you recommend? The power consumption (of the client) is also very important, because both the laptop and the tablet are battery-powered

I'm also open to other options as well!

thanks in advance to everyone!

Edit: thanks to everyone for your precious help! I finally set up syncthing and it's working flawlessly!


Hello! I'll try to explain what I'm looking for: I sometimes have to write simple web pages (not just text, also buttons and video players and so on), but I really really hate writing html code. What I'm used to is QML, which I like a lot, because of the ease of placing objects exactly where I need using the anchors and the Layout objects. What I'm looking for is a language or something with a similar syntax, that can then be "built" to plain HTML/CSS/JS. Is there something like this? I know I can compile Qt/QML for webassembly, but I'm having huge amounts of problems, and also I'd like to have the possibility to have a plain HTML result, not necessary bind to the server side.

thanks in advance!!


it says "Remember that it's not possible to play films on GNU/Linux, but only on other compatible devices"... ahh what a wild world we live in

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by tubbadu@lemmy.kde.social to c/degoogle@lemmy.ml

Hello there! This is my problem: I'm going to buy a new smartphone, and I'd really like to degoogle myself as much as possible. The idea would be to buy a device compatible with LineageOS, but... Supported devices are usually older models, and often there are newer devices with better specs for the same price, that does not support lineageOS. Is seems a shame to buy a device with lower specs than another one just because of software compatibility. So the alternative would be to buy an unsupported device, unlock the bootloader and debloat it as much as possible, flash privileged fdroid and aurora store on it, install microg, etc... What do you suggest me to do? Is the second alternative a viable option? What other steps should I do if I decide to go that way?

Thanks in advance folks!

Thanks to anyone for the great answers! I finally decided to buy a pixel 6 (or 6 pro if I find a good deal) and install a custom ROM on it! GrapheneOS will support it for "only" 3 more years, while other roms like lineageos or divestos will have longer support. What do you suggest? Graphene OS and when support ends switch to another one? O directly use the other one?


hello! For University I need to use a remote machine with a very very VERY weak password I cannot change, and I have to use that machine to edit some code with a few other students of my team. All the code should then be pushed to a repo of my personal github. I'd like to be able to grant access to only that repo, so that if someone guesses the password it cannot touch my other stuffs. What options do I have?

as suggested by @elliot_crane@lemmy.world I created a github fine grained access token setting its only permission as read/write only that repo. Then I cloned the repo on the remote machine and set the url to include the token:

git remote set-url origin https://myusername:MYTOKEN@github.com/myusername/myrepo.git 

I then set the user and email:

git config user.name myusername
git config user.email my@email.com

and voilà! I can now simply push without any password requested! And in case someone gained access to the token (that is stored in plain text inside the .git folder) it would only grant access to that specific repo, limiting the damages

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by tubbadu@lemmy.kde.social to c/opensource@lemmy.ml

Hello! I'm looking for a calendar app for my android device to display the current week of the calendar, with all events and tasks at the right hour. I'd use it for my university schedule. I found on F-droid some apps like this and this, but none of them provided a homescreen widget. Any suggestion is greatly appreciated! thanks in advance!

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by tubbadu@lemmy.kde.social to c/linux@lemmy.ml

Hello! I have a bunch of photos all mixed together, and I'd like to sort them out in order to better find the ones I'm searching for without loosing half an hour. I was thinking of adding custom tags to each image (manually), like "my dog", "trip to Paris", "my friend X" etc. I'd like this tag system to be portable, filesystem-indipendent. What are my best bet?

On dolphin if I click on a file I can add a custom tag. Where is the tag stored? in the file or in some plasma configuration file, so that moving the file on my phone would loose the tags?

I searched the web but probably I don't really know how to call this, because all I found was a bunch of 11 years old threads or video tag editor (I need to do this with images)

thanks in advance!

EDIT: I have a HUGE amount of pictures to sort manually, so I'd need a GUI designed to be really quick. It probably does not exist, or if it does it won't satisfy me, so I'd probably write my own simple frontend for it, so the ideal would be a CLI tool or something QT-compatible

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