
joined 1 year ago
[–] 20 points 14 hours ago (1 children)

Fromer president

he hasn't won the election yet thank god

[–] 2 points 15 hours ago

If you're referring to audiophiles, I believe it's because they are acknowledging they know enough to say they are an amateur but recognize there are people who call themselves an audiophile just because they say "vinyl is the superior sound" without any justification of that opinion, which is an accurate observation of the divisions amongst audiophiles.

[–] 1 points 15 hours ago

Better is definitely relative, but I think vinyl is much more enjoyable and experience for me personally.

also, I don't like the crackle so I religiously clean each side of the disk to remove any dust before playing and it sounds wonderful. I've gotten compliments to that effect so definitely worth the effort.

[–] 1 points 15 hours ago

check to see what your insurance covers. I'm in my early 30's and getting onto a regular stretching program has been the best thing for me

[–] 7 points 1 day ago

Can confirm, just wish other people around the fediverse would realize you can adore and speak out against Israel without being antisemitic. To clarify I mean that can you speak out against genocide AND that you don't have to say shit like "fuck the Jews".

Been fighting that bullshit since Israeli Trump started his genocide.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Wasn't the failed assassin a registered Republican?

[–] 1 points 2 days ago

Good riddance. Speaking with someone too inept to tell the difference between "you're a Nazi" and "you're sucking Nazi dick" is about as fun as getting a splinter.

[–] -4 points 2 days ago (7 children)

Been waiting for y'all to stop pretending you weren't antisemitics

[–] 1 points 2 days ago

You might as well add any organized religion or sufficiently large group at that point. Statements such as yours do little except enable the erasure of Jewish identity, good job you're doing the Christians work for them.

[–] 22 points 2 days ago (3 children)

Gender does not matter when doing the Emperor's work


Let's post about our current runs!

Are you doing vanilla? Modded?

What's your goal? What are you finding interesting?

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