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[–] timewarp@lemmy.world 1 points 28 minutes ago

Say it with me. Biden needs to step aside for a different candidate for Democrats to beat Trump.

[–] timewarp@lemmy.world -2 points 6 hours ago

Typical response from what I just described. I do not want Trump to win. I want Biden to step aside and energize the Democrat party with a younger and well-spoke candidate that can actually talk unscripted.

You resorting to insulting me is classic cult conditioning. I wish you the best of luck, but calling people names and ignoring polls and what most left-leaning news is trying to make obvious is not a smart decision:


Biden cult members will of course now claim media is fake news and polls don't matter.

[–] timewarp@lemmy.world -1 points 8 hours ago

What will Trump be in jail for? His national documents case was dismissed today. Once appealed to the Supreme Court that will get thrown out. The New York case is unlikely to result in any jail time and may very well get thrown out too. Biden is losing to Trump already. The people that will vote blue no matter are not going to influence the swing voters and undecided who are leaning Trump.

A different candidate that can actually speak the plan, policies & party in an intelligent and enthusiastic way will win. Biden's condition is not improving without some serious drugs and/or experimental treatments. Maybe they'll find a way to revert aging between now & November. If not and Biden stays in, might as well kiss whatever democracy you think Biden gave us goodbye.

[–] timewarp@lemmy.world -4 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago) (2 children)

Biden is losing in the polls which historically overestimates the percentage of Democrat presidential votes. He's losing to Trump and Trump will get elected if Biden doesn't step aside.

I live in the US. Why even ask?

[–] timewarp@lemmy.world 3 points 8 hours ago (2 children)

So Infrastructure Bill gives $65 billion to companies monopolies... yet, they've ran out of money for ACP:


Does these companies actually use the money to expand broadband?

https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2022/10/25/broadband-subsidies-coronavirus-aid/ https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/02/isps-keep-giving-false-broadband-coverage-data-to-the-fcc-groups-say/

It gives $110 billion for roads, bridges and other major projects... and a bridge that spans just 0.67 miles costing 10 billion dollars and construction expecting to take 10 years. So, we're talking maybe 10 small bridges, as the costs keep increasing.

The antitrust thing is a good start, but Biden has gave too much leniency to the courts which the higher courts were stacked by Trump. Unless Biden were to do something about the Supreme Court, like most cases... Big business and corporate donors will prevail.

Same with student loan forgiveness. It is a good start, but it has been overturned time and time again in the courts. Furthermore, it doesn't deal with how majority of companies who are now "paying" for school for employees and then owning them for a long duration despite poor and unsafe working conditions. Biden has largely failed on improving employment & benefit legislation which has been broken.

Marijuana decriminalization: Marijuna is still illegal under federal law and has not yet been decriminalized. His change in classification would not actually decriminalize it under federal law.

General economic direction: Have you looked at housing prices recently? Biden's economy benefits the wealthy and hurts the middle and lower class workers. Inflation has increased significantly above wages.

[–] timewarp@lemmy.world -4 points 9 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago) (4 children)

Biden cult is the group of people that think Biden is the best candidate to beat Trump and that everyone saying he should step aside should just shut-up and fall in line.

[–] timewarp@lemmy.world 2 points 18 hours ago

You push the beans & they get means

[–] timewarp@lemmy.world 8 points 18 hours ago (4 children)

I'm curious, what issues do you care about that you believe he's made more progress on than any candidate in your lifetime?

[–] timewarp@lemmy.world 6 points 18 hours ago

A vast majority of Democrat representatives live out their lives without getting killed by MAGA crazies. I think most of them though are willing to take that risk for what they believe in. Do you believe in something greater than yourself that would prompt you to take that risk?

[–] timewarp@lemmy.world 12 points 18 hours ago (3 children)

Simply, you can't. I'm personally all for an open source alternative for electronic voting. I can bank online, but not vote online. I'd trust an open source online voting platform more than I'd trust poll workers to not skew some votes. I'd also like to be able to track my vote and ensure it was cast for the person I voted for.

[–] timewarp@lemmy.world 6 points 19 hours ago (6 children)

He's done okay for someone who has compromised with Republicans to give them concessions in order to get legislation passed. His stance on Israel has been detrimental to his campaign. He's taken on some easy wins like marijuana reclassification. There is a lot of issues with current legislation that hurts middle-class workers still that he hasn't done anything about. People face these issues regularly in the workforce, which doesn't build trust. He hasn't done enough to ensure a win against Trump, and the polls show that.

[–] timewarp@lemmy.world 5 points 20 hours ago (3 children)

Run for local or state office.

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