
joined 1 year ago

Ich habe mich für eine Performance-Art-Geschichte angemeldet, bei der ich gefundene Einkaufslisten vorlesen werde. Das ist morgen Abend und mir fehlt noch einiges an Material, um den zeitlichen Rahmen zu füllen. Deswegen hatte ich gehofft, dass lemmy mir vielleicht aus der Patsche helfen kann: Schickt mir gerne Fotos eurer Einkaufslisten, am besten handgeschrieben und in deutscher Sprache. Ich nehme alles, auch Erfundenes. Danke schon mal an alle!

Edit: Vielen Dank an alle, die ihre Listen geschickt haben. Ich habe jede einzelne davon vorgelesen, viele haben einen Lacher geerntet. Vielleicht freut sich Lemmy zu hören, dass ich in meiner Verzweiflung auch auf reddit gepostet und dort deutlich weniger Unterstützung erfahren habe. Fröhliches Einkaufen :)


Thanks for everyone's kind words on my first comic strip. Here is my second.


If the bottle has a nice vibe, I will enjoy drinking it. The only measure of quality I can apply based on taste is if it does or doesn't taste unpleasantly acidic. If I wanted to get into wine, I wouldn't even know where to start.


Guess I'll just have to come up with some content then...


It is one of my cherished parts of the day to brush my teeth in the evening. I like to walk around, listen to music, daydream, swap hands, apply more toothpaste to keep going. Not to mention the smooth feeling and fresh taste afterwards. I like to have a curated collection of toothpastes to choose from as well as an electrical or mechanical brush according to mood.

[–] 0 points 11 months ago (1 children)

In Bayern gibt es nur die CSU.


A blog that makes it a sport to roast (American) suburbian nightmare castles without sense of scale or taste, pointing out architectural atrocities both inside and outside. A lot of them are for sale, so I think it fits this community. Let me know should this type of post violate the rules :)

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

I have a soft spot for dense, relatable semi-nonsense lyrics à la "I Am The Walrus" by the Beatles. My corresponding playlist is still rather short, so feel welcome to recommend any that you know. This one scratches the itch. It's based on tweets from back then when Twitter wasn't a shitshow.


Favourite part:

On the floor like a wild potato

Monkey monkey monkey - that's so cute

In the grim future of Hello Kitty

There is only war

A few key paradigm shifts could save the heart of the world

Having a relationship, is it worth giving up on sex with so many people?

Blue is not a flavor

Where's my Yeti?


Throughout the past decade, I have gone throught the process of eating animals and feeling patronized by people saying that maybe I shouldn't, to being a vegetarian, to being a vegetarian with a strong preference for vegan options whenever possible. While this lifestyle is quite convenient, I am considering to go all the way.

The reason for this being less the numerous rational arguments that can be brought forward, but rather the realization that they are easier to understand and defend without the tiresome activity of justifying behaviour to yourself that you can't, really.

With every step I took, the wrongness of things I had been taking as 'just the way it is' became obvious to be. Suddenly, I was again able to look at an animal and see a being just like myself. I was appalled by the casual cruelty and routine dissociation from it. While I was taking part myself, I just couldn't. I thought I was seeing clearly and understanding what was happening, but I really wasn't.

While I firmly believe that people should be allowed to argue for things they don't personally follow, it is just harder to gain perspective on a problem from inside. (Not to mention the deconstructive outside demand for personal moral integrity when making demands.)

I have found that, in rediscovering my empathy towards animals, my general ability to empathize grew. I became more aware of [my role in] the suffering of factory workers and ecosystems etc.

I am tired of living in cognitive dissonance. It feels good, and empowering, to at least try.

I'd be interested in your takes on my thoughts. Note: English is not my first language.

TL;DR: It is hard to name a problem you are causing.


Should I still isolate myself after a positive test? Is it ok to do my own shopping (with a mask) or should I call someone? Do I still wait for a negative test or simply to be free of symptoms? Since people around me don't really talk about Covid anymore and my country doesn't have any guidelines in place, I'd be interested in your takes. I don't wanna be a d*ck to others but would also rather not overshoot and lock myself up at home for two weeks like in the early days. (I hope this doesn't count as asking for medical advice.)

Edit: Thanks y'all. Guess I just needed to hear that even though everyone has been talking of "after Covid", the situation hasn't fundamentally changed despite our lives having normalized. I'll be cancelling plans and staying home.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

My notion of how these work has improved. Also the zoom shots are beautiful.

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