
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 5 hours ago

My apologies, its on my end. An extension was blocking it, now I can see the screenshots. Not sure what happened, because that is the first thing I check. Everything fine, I can see the two screenshots too.

[–] 1 points 9 hours ago (2 children)

I don't know what the issue is here, but I can't see anything in your post, other than this:

What's going on? Is it Beehaw or why can't I see it?

[–] 3 points 21 hours ago

I deleted my reply, because I don't know what I'm talking.

[–] 1 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 21 hours ago)

Random note: I'm currently in the Fire Temple and my sanity is slowly dying. It's by far the worst place in all Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom so far! But the music is fantastic, gives me Indiana Jones vibes.

Edit: Okay, I'm probably just over reacting right now, because I'm a bit desperate.^^

[–] 5 points 23 hours ago (1 children)


[–] 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Did you play other games on Ryujinx as well? I really want to switch, because the better handling of patches (updates, addons, mods) in my opinion. And also, we have to at some point if we want to play newer games I guess, but not sure. Maybe TotK is just an outlier? Many other people seem to be able to play the game well.

Do you have AMD GPU as well? It looks like a problem with AMD.

[–] 12 points 1 day ago (2 children)

After your edit, the post points to an image only, no longer the link to the source. Please edit back the link, if not at least into the body.

[–] 6 points 1 day ago (8 children)

Isn't Signal Open Source? If so, why is it a surprise then?


This is not a troll post and I hate nobody. (I know, the title may sound like it is.)

This year I got into Switch emulation for first time and finished Breath of the Wild with 130 hours on Yuzu, with 60 fps patch and higher resolution. Besides some control issues on very specific shrines, most of the time it was a smooth experience. I fully switched to Ryujinx after it and now started playing Tears of the Kingdom. Here are my issues with it after playing for over 10 hours on Ryujinx:

  • minor: distracting graphical issues all over the place on ground and walls texture corners, but I can live with that and its more or less depending on the angle and places
  • major: sometimes game freezes and crashes randomly on the overworld map
  • showstopper: could not progress any longer, on a specific mission where I had to use the camera it just didn't want to recognize the photo of the statue

I tried different Roms for the game, with and without mods, with and without different patches (1.0, 1.2.0, 1.2.1) and different settings on the emulator. Always same problems, nothing could resolve for me. Then I copied my save file to Yuzu and tried the game there. Results after playing game for 6 hours on it:

  • very minor: no longer those graphical issues, but light blinking issues when traveling, so much less distracting and less active
  • safe: no freezes happen anymore
  • progress: instant progress on the place with the photo, I could hear the audio that was missing on Ryujinx, I tried 10 different images on Ryujinx to do exact same photo but it did not work, it only works on Yuzu

My PC System:

  • OS: Linux
  • GPU: AMD 7600
  • CPU: AMD 7700X

Does anyone have similar experience? I searched lot, but could not find any other solution and gave up after days. Again, please this i not a war. I just share my experience. I play Super Mario Wonder on Ryujinx and its a perfect experience so far and want to keep using it as my main Switch emulator. I also like the fact that addons (patches, updates and mods) are not installed on the NAND, but I just point to the place where they are without installing.

[–] 6 points 1 day ago

Windows 2000 looks nothing alike KDE Plasma with Breeze theme. But besides that point, you don't have to like what others like. It's just taste.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Desktop is a form factor not “software”

That's just a definition for you. For the stats it does not matter what form factor it has. For the software and operating system, the form factor has 0 meaning. We are talking about stats and I explained it multiple times why the Steam Deck is a desktop PC from the perspective of web browsing stats. But I will end the discussion here now, as we are running in circles. Have a good day.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago (3 children)

The example with Android makes no sense as a argument in our discussion.

The steam deck is a hand-held game console - doesn’t matter what OS is it uses

Wrong. It does matter. Plus, it matters what software and what configuration it uses the moment it gets counted in the stats.

The discussion is not about what you try to tell. You can say what you want, it does not matter that the Steam Deck uses hardware that is PC and software that is a hybrid of Desktop and Gaming operating system. And when going to the web with a web browser, then the Steam Deck is in Desktop mode, and therefore seen as a Desktop PC. Not only act it like that, the functionality is a Desktop PC.

The Steam Deck has two modes if you forgot that, and we are talking about the Desktop PC mode. Which is what the stats are all about.


A documentary not only about how CoD 4, but how CoD came into in the first place. I'm currently a few minutes into the video and want to share it here. Documentaries by Ahoy are always enjoyable, without too much fluff and jokes. Highly recomended.

If you don't like YouTube, here is an alternate link with more privacy:

Edit: Just noticed the above invidious link from the nerdvpn server is not available at the moment. Here is an alternate Invidious link from a different server:


Solution: Thanks for finding the solution, kate (in the comments). The option to control this is --extractor-retries .

I recently start using SponsorBlock feature with yt-dlp . When it looks up SponsorBlock server, it tries 3 times to connect and download information. I would like to increase the retries for this specifically, but could not find the right setting or option in the manual (man yt-dlp) and help (yt-dlp --help). I would like to increase it to at least 5 or maybe even 10 retries per video.

I've noticed for sometimes it cannot login within the first 3 look ups, but when I retry the command after that it will just look up fine. Therefore an increase in the retries setting would be helpful. Especially helpful when downloading entire playlists, leaving it for some time alone.


Today I'm here again to terrorize this community with my Bash scripts nobody asked for.

This new biggest is a script evolved from a much simpler version found at to something more complex and complete. Now there are even options to show a simple horizontal bar and relative percentage numbers instead the file size itself.

It's a script to control du command in combination with several other standard Linux utilities. I'm well aware of these alternative applications to help visualizing what the biggest files on the system are. Well, I like these kind of scripts and I like its not too much bloated. And especially the output as paths can be combined with other tools easily. It's also kinda fun doing this. Edit: Forgot to mention, it also reads stdin pipe, as output from another program like find in example.

Have a good day.


Solved: Thanks to a user with this reply:

cross-posted from:

Hi all. I have a little problem and don't know how to solve. A CLI program in Python is broken since Python 3.12. It was working in Python 3.11. The reason is, that Python 3.12 changed how subclassing of a pathlib.Path works (basically fixed an issue), which now breaks a workaround.

The class in question is:

class File(PosixPath):
    def __new__(cls, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
        return cls._from_parts(args).expanduser().resolve()  # type: ignore

    def __init__(self, source: str | Path, *args: Any) -> None:
        self.__source = Path(source)

    def source(self) -> Path:
        return self.__source

    def modified(self) -> Time:
        return Time.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(self))

    def changed(self) -> Time:
        return Time.fromtimestamp(os.path.getctime(self))

    def accessed(self) -> Time:
        return Time.fromtimestamp(os.path.getatime(self))

    # Calculate sha512 hash of self file and compare result to the
    # checksum found in given file. Return True if identical.
    def verify_sha512(self, file: File, buffer_size: int = 4096) -> bool:
        compare_hash: str = file.read_text().split(" ")[0]
        self_hash: str = ""
        self_checksum = hashlib.sha512()
        with open(self.as_posix(), "rb") as f:
            for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""):
            self_hash = self_checksum.hexdigest()
        return self_hash == compare_hash

and I get this error when running the script:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/tuncay/.local/bin/geprotondl", line 1415, in 
File "/home/tuncay/.local/bin/geprotondl", line 1334, in main
arguments, status = parse_arguments(argv)
File "/home/tuncay/.local/bin/geprotondl", line 1131, in parse_arguments
default, status = default_install_dir()
File "/home/tuncay/.local/bin/geprotondl", line 1101, in default_install_dir
steam_root: File = File(path)
File "/home/tuncay/.local/bin/geprotondl", line 97, in __new__
return cls._from_parts(args).expanduser().resolve()  # type: ignore
AttributeError: type object 'File' has no attribute '_from_parts'. Did you mean: '_load_parts'?

Now replacing _from_parts with _load_parts does not work either and I get this message in that case:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/tuncay/.local/bin/geprotondl", line 1415, in 
File "/home/tuncay/.local/bin/geprotondl", line 1334, in main
arguments, status = parse_arguments(argv)
File "/home/tuncay/.local/bin/geprotondl", line 1131, in parse_arguments
default, status = default_install_dir()
File "/home/tuncay/.local/bin/geprotondl", line 1101, in default_install_dir
steam_root: File = File(path)
File "/home/tuncay/.local/bin/geprotondl", line 97, in __new__
return cls._load_parts(args).expanduser().resolve()  # type: ignore
File "/usr/lib/python3.12/", line 408, in _load_parts
paths = self._raw_paths
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute '_raw_paths'

I have searched the web and don't understand how to fix this. Has anyone an idea what to do?


Hi all. Yesterday I posted a program/script which is focused on path based text formatting, such as output from ls or find. Today I want to share new version. I'm proud, even though its limited in its usefulness, but today I solved an issue that was complicated to me (and a few other issues).

Linux command file is used to display file type and mime information, which is super handy. Reason why this was complicated to me is, as I want it to run only once for all paths together for performance reasons. For over thousand files instead taking more than a minute execution time, its down to under 2 seconds when displaying file type information (which includes spawning file process in the background). A few examples:

$ find Desktop/*.* -maxdepth 0 | fpath -F'{type}   \t{name}'
text/plain      append.cfg
text/plain      dynamic.cfg
image/png       nearest.png
image/png       new.png

$ find Desktop/*.* -maxdepth 0 | fpath -a -F'{path}\n\t{file}'
        ASCII text
        ASCII text
        PNG image data, 1920 x 1440, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlaced
        PNG image data, 1920 x 1440, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlaced

Update v0.3:

Rather than creating a new post, I want to note that I have a huge update. First off, the performance is increased drastically with recent optimizations. Even thousands of paths are now processed very fast (until operations reading from file system is involved).

Just to put into perspective: When I search and output list of paths with time baloosearch6 "a" in my home, I get 8468 files and it takes 0m0,048s. Now when I pipe that into fpath with default processing and without options, it takes 0m0,086s to process. But with a more complex command that involves reading file stats (like size and such) and colored output and a slice:

time baloosearch6 "a" | fpath -F'{.mode}  {.size} \t{-3:-1}: {blue}{name} {}' -sred

it only takes 0m0,200s to execute! But using {file} or {type} or {mime} will still take a long time, even if the subshell process is run only once (it will still read the information for every file):

time baloosearch6 "a" | fpath -F'{file}'

took 3m54,233s to run. But what do you expect with approx. 8 thousand files. Without this script, it would take the same amount of time when running bare metal file command on all of these files.

Secondly, I have implemented a slice command that works very well. It's like the index {3} thing, but now you can set a {start:end} range to not only get a single part, but all parts within that range. It even works with negative numbers like {-3:} to get the last three parts of a path. An empty index means to get everything until end of path.

I'm quite happy how this program turned to be out. Python (at least for me with Python v3.12) is not that slow after all.


While I was writing a shell script (doing this the past several days) just a few minutes ago my PC fans spinned up without any seemingly reason. I thought it might be the baloo process, but looking at the running processes I see it's names block-rate-estim . It takes 6.2% CPU time and is running since minutes, on my modern 8 core CPU. And uses up 252 KiB. The command is shown as block-rate-estim --help, which when I run on the commandline myself will just run the program without output and blocking until I end the process. Sounds alarming to me first. Is something mining going on?

I looked up where the command is coming from:

$ ls -l /usr/bin/block-rate-estim
.rwxr-xr-x 14k root 20 Dez  2023 /usr/bin/block-rate-estim

$ yay -F block-rate-estim
extra/libde265 1.0.12-1 [installed: 1.0.15-1]

$ yay -Si libde265
Repository      : extra
Name            : libde265
Version         : 1.0.15-1
Description     : Open h.265 video codec implementation
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             :
Licenses        : LGPL3
Groups          : None
Provides        : None
Depends On      : gcc-libs  glibc
Optional Deps   : ffmpeg: for sherlock265
qt5-base: for sherlock265
sdl: dec265 YUV overlay output
Conflicts With  : None
Replaces        : None
Download Size   : 270,31 KiB
Installed Size  : 783,53 KiB
Packager        : Antonio Rojas 
Build Date      : Mi 20 Dez 2023 20:06:16 CET
Validated By    : MD5 Sum  SHA-256 Sum  Signature

It's still going on the background, I have no idea what this is. The thing is, I didn't start any process that is related to video codec. Other than FreeTube being in the background with video in Pause mode since 2 hours or so. I use FreeTube since months and this never happened before, I see this block-rate-estim process the first time.

What should I do? I'm on an up-to-date EndeavourOS installation.


I don’t use Google directly, but as part of the open source meta search engine SearXNG, where we can specify what search engines it will use. And the top result is from Google and I can confirm that Plasma 6 for Arch is now officially been canceled. And it’s linked to Reddit. :smiley:

Search terms: kde plasma 6 release arch linux

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