
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

Stop engaging the tantrum is what the literature says is the best practice. IIRC fMRIs show not that the mind (prefrontal cortex) is in a loop but that the prefrontal cortex is entirely shut down and the limbic system is highly active. Basically they are just having a tiny breakdown because whatever it is they are chanting about was the straw that broke the camel's back in terms of how much challenge they can accept in a day. Luckily, the other side of it is a reset and they are back to 100% capacity. So just let it be and when the screams change from anger to sadness, hug it out and then move along as if it never happened.

It is we adults who are bothered by tantrums. Kids don't even remember them. Because the memory parts of the brain are offline. We have a choice about whether we are bothered. We can choose not to be.


UPDATE: I have found someone willing to help with the project. The internet is beautiful!

I am seeking someone who knows a thing about 3D modeling and wants to help me in a #ZeroWaste project.

Years ago, IKEA sold a lunchbox/bento box they called the Flottig. & (It was discontinued in 2017.)

They make great child lunchboxes except for one flaw. The white clasps on the side are detachable and with even one missing, the box becomes unusable. Children, as they are wont to do, are great at detaching the white clasps and losing them. (The flatware is also easy to lose and children lose that, but the box is still functional without those items.)

One Flottig that has suffered such fate has made its way into my possession. I have meticulously measured all the measurements necessary to create a 3D model of the clasp in hopes of uploading it to Thingiverse and allowing parents to 3D print replacement pieces to keep their Flottigs in rotation until their child becomes an adult and takes the Flottig with them to their new adult home to pass down to their children. And so on and so forth. That I'll benefit, too, is the motivation I needed to actually take the measurements.

So, if this sounds like a project you would like to be involved in where you take my measurements and create a 3D model and we upload it to Thingiverse as a free gift to the world, with your name as primary author for full credit, let me know! While I was planning on doing this as a free project as a labor of love (so there is no payment for any of us involved), I will happily treat my co-author of the 3D model to a Flottig of their own from the second-hand market.> prusa