I vote for the best chance in opposition (regardless of my commie opinions) and I illegally volunteer for them (I am a soldier)
Oh righties, its that simple! How did we not think of that? Its just a decision to be made!
That wouldn’t even be spiteful, she tried to fuck you over!
We would kinda need to have a revolution to remove him, he gerrymandered the country so bad that he got 75% mandate from only 38% of the votes! Which we kinda fantasy about in our wet dreams, but there is just no one to lead it… Viktor pretty much bought everyone!
I too believe in equality! Pit slutty ass armor on them too… Wai wut?
But… aren’t cats incapable of tasting sweet tastes?
You live out of fantasies whispering to yourself like the rest of us!
Christian virtue signaling! Worked for the nazis, works for the neo nazis!
That is a lot of money? Especially so considering that those funds are frozen and are not supposed to be touched since courts may find the freezing to be illegal in which case all will have to be paid back with interest! Which they may consider that Trump is a Russian plant
But could Biden give all of the frozen assets to Ukraine and rule it to be fair? Yup and he should, but heeey what do you expect from him?
Information and/or they wanna fuck with foreign diplomats! Some ppl cannot be disappeared into a pre-revolution basement to violate any and all human rights on them (the cia actually dissapears ppl for torture, google it) so they send a a brick to be build in and by far the easiest and fastest of that is becoming x of y!
I am! I forbid specifically him to have any fun >:3
On my way!