Or just another user agent. Those things update so frequently, it's likely just some analytics that checks user agent.
I mean, u know that SpaceXs main income is flying shit around for NASA? If that was unexpected for you, I have bad news.
You make it sound like they start from scratch with every new game.
What if the intention is to gather data on that, though?
You're right.
You must hate statistics
It's the form of the crust. It only happens when the oven rise (the amount the bread grows in the oven) is good, which needs quite a few things going right, from amount of fermentation, to temperature, to good gluten network development etc.
The biggest thing that did it for me was who runs Nord? Not business entities but the people.
Protons leadership is out in the open with their names (fwiw their CEO is even on the Higgs paper, lol), but Nord has a very intransparent structure.
The fact that you put Harris on the same level as the others tells me all I need to know about you.
But you wouldn't vote against Hitler if the opponent would be Harris?
And instead you enable someone that does what you hate, but worse?
You can always uninstall and install an older apk.