
joined 8 months ago
[–] -1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

she should IMHO have to pay for the plate too. some vegans are not even vegan by choice but by allergy, and just fragments of scavengers "food" -really not easily to "completely" clean from plates- can cause very bad allergic reactions and i would expect a pure vegan (not necesarily a "vegetarian") restaurant to explicitly "throw away" (as in never use it again for guests) any plate contaminated. luckily i am not a vegan myself and vegetarian mostly by my own choice, but i know how hard allergic reactions to non"food"-contaminated-food can be.

of course a sign that "meat is not allowed to be eaten there and everything contacted with it has to be payd to buy anew by the offender as it could not be used any more by the reastaurant" should better be placed somewhere to on one hand help service personnel with such guests by clarifying things and on the other hand to give more security to those guests who are not vegan by choice.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

I hope I never see you.

i hope you see him.

[–] -4 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

i am from the west and perceive the west as an ever-ongoing aggressor and war driver full of poisonous lies and false promises even against their own people. some of those war driver regimes even have monuments that publicly show-off their inner and outer brutish lawlessness to never give back to their rightful owner a once stolen land.

i perceive countries that took land by force and did't give it back to their rightful owners for decades as invadors, no matter how much they like to see themselves as the "help" against "other" invadors. in fact just wanting to be seen as the good ones for things they do worse in other places actually makes them even worse again.

i don't see russia to 'like' to invade, in fact they have left countries before, something other invaders don't do. in fact russia sometimes even sells countries for cheap amount of money to nations that still lack civilisation and need to develop themselves to become civilised (like to actually abolishing slavery or such), i guess that selling that country to a slavery-liking nation was russia's biggest crime until today.

also if russia really 'like's to invade, they'ld already have done it way earlier in ukraine, and in general way more often, maybe as often as the us does and maybe then finding the same foul excuses like the us always does, but what i perceive instead is a LOT of propaganda in the west, so that i genuinely cannot really tell lots about russia these days but only about the crimes the regime here obviously commits inside as well as outside.

getting their asses handed to them

Are you talking about hawaii? that was not "handing" to the us, that was afaik forced by terror from the US against the hawaiian nation to surrender to the biggest threat to them and since then.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

unfortunately all historical facts do not help that easily against false narrative imprinted opinions in brainwashed slaves.

[–] 11 points 3 weeks ago

guess the're counting the money they ripped off from you without you noticing anything. counting that much can take hours !! ;-)

[–] 7 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

poor country they live in. seems that country needs external help to develop a minimum bit of civilisation. 🤷‍♀️

[–] 0 points 3 weeks ago

sound of silence 🤪 my music player does not pop up, i have popups disabled 😁

[–] 7 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

ads with install buttons always are traps. and traps are always bad (except snmp traps, those are good but unreliable)

same way ads at download pages stating "proceed to download" are traps.

also ads at search result pages stating " 1 2 3 4 .. next" are traps too.

for the "sponsored" note: there is no boundary here that makes it really clear for what that 'sponsored' is meant for. without any boundary it could be for something above it, below it, on the side or maybe even something that opens when you click on "sponsored" itself (seen it this way once). it could be for an ad that just failed to load (noticed the free space above that "sponsored" text? maybe the ad loads a bit later just to shift the real contents down so you "accidently" click on the ad that loads intentionally late for this very accident to be likely to happen?) if you use adblockers - which you should do for security reasons anyway - then you'll see "sponsored" or "advertising" often even without the ad it was meant for after full load of the page. so a single "sponsored" without a clear boundary showing what would be that sponsored content, does not state anything to be an ad, it is purely meaningless and the lack of such boundary always is intentional to distract the user from what he wanted and trap him somehow.

a clear thumbs-down for 'zoho assist' from me here just for paying for (or trying out for free or such) such an advertising type.

And in most cases ads simply beeing ads are traps too. by the very concept of ads.

around 80 % of all things i actually still wanted after i bought them were recommendations by people i met in person. 15 % are things recommended by real persons i met on the internet. around 5% are things i bought without it beeing recommded by anyone (not even an ad) things i still wanted after i bought it due to an ad are nearly not existant. ok, i have stopped viewing television in 1997, have a sticker at my postbox that forbids to throw ads in (works where i live), use dns entries to remove most ads in my network, use browsers/extension that remove most crapjunkwastelitterrubbishads and skip webpages that still show too many ads or too offensive cookieterrorbanners. i use google search only sometimes for comparison of results, but near to zero for actual searching. i feel safe to say i am not that much distracted by ads. (however open source projects and authors do get money from me on a monthly basis, where i want to support them, either direct lly sent from my bank account or indirect).

for me personally an ad just saying "you might like this" drives me away from that product, if it needs or wants an ad, i don't want it, even more so the more it states how difficult and horrible my life would be without the product or how easy it'll be with it, go away ad-needing products, get recommended personally by those who actually use it, not by those who want to sell it. period. there is no better ad than true recommendation and its also free, no marketing monkey needs to get payed for bs, only an actually good product is needed... and there we go what types of products actually need ads...

once in my life i discovered a product that i first explicitly not bought for a decade because of the awful ad for it, but bought it another decade later by an absentminded accident and found it to be a good product despite its awful ad. then they increased packaging/reduced the product within to cover up a price increase in trade of more waste production, so i abandoned that product again and found something cheaper more eco friendly instead, yes, the cheaper one is really not as good, but i feel better with it and especially less betrayed by the vendor, so the eco one is the better one alltogether. and also i think its better to buy products where you don't see ads for cause this behaviour could actually fix this advertising storm in the long run, so in this way its the better choice to buy products that don't have ads for it.


An ad with an install button is always a trap, even more so when the real install follows a single misclick on it. il'd say it would be quite fair to downvote/zerostars an app for how foulish-sneaky it was positioned in the search results if it is shown like an actual result with a f'ing install button. as its advertising type is always also part of the brand and the product itself. maybe make a sports out of that, klick the clickbait install buttons only to downvote the app for beeing intrusive and deinstall it again without even starting the app once, just to train advertisers to do it right instead of wrong next time. maybe. but for security reasons better don't do that (at least not with a device with sensitive data on it)

please do not blame users to fall for ads. advertising industry now had centuries to learn to trap users and literally thousands or millions of marketing guys, designers, psycologists, neurologists or whatever only to learn and establish new abusive ways to distract and trap users. but a user only has his own lifespan to counteract that and learn to avoid those manipulations, and he also has to do other important stuff in his life too.

please don't blame users for beeing humans. blame the industry where they are intentionally abusive, inhumane and/or counterproductive.

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago

maybe there was a mixup of individual datapoints and individual persons.

lets see if that could fit.

as far as i read things in this thread, the whole security is based on exactly these datapoints: Full Name, Date of Birth and SSN (three datapoints) plus username and password for 3 sites (six datapoints) makes 3+6= 9 datapoints per person.

2.9 billion (us) should be 2.900.000.000 (correct me if i'm wrong, but where i live one "billion" is actually "" thus a "bit" more)

divided by 9 those 2.9billion would be ~ 320 million.

on wikipedia they say the us had 331 million people in 2020...

that would fit like an ass on a bucket! lol just to mention that.

have a nice day!

[–] 13 points 3 weeks ago

Does anybody have a real answer?

the answer is: probably not. this might be very personal and then the only one who "could" have a real answer, is the one asking for one.

but ideas do exist

what if you want social interaction but what "they" call social interaction actually is not what you want?

maybe you don't want group interaction but instead a single friend to go out and maybe do stupid harmless stuff or watch sth instead?

groups always are different, also people behave different when in groups.

maybe one just choosed the wrong ones to interact with. society has lots of subgroups, some even toxic by their own wish. maybe better choose more wisely.

maybe learn to cope with your personality not beeing ready yet to be part of a group by adding yourself to it slowly?

maybe these are answers, but if they are real ones, who knows?

[–] 7 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

we need an adblockers blockers blocker

no, what is needed is an app that helps track who benefits from thr apps that annly you most:

  • ownership of companies pushing annoying ads
  • management of companies pushing annoying ads
  • find the connection between those and the products you maybe want to buy in shops or in internet before you buy, then instead of buying, let the app send the seller a message that you did not buy because of that connection.
  • do this in numbers with lots of people and see what happens to the advertising jungle

the point is NOT buying because of advertising AND let them know it, so they can learn to improve themselves.

they wanted your data? let them have it the way you want them to.

same with any platform. ask the creator of your choice to also publish using patreon and you'll become a member then, getting the content free of ads. better more directly pay who does the actual work, not all the big tech harvesting all the benefit inbetween.

so what maybe is needed here could be a free or even self-hostable platform that also allows payed subscriptions.

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