
joined 2 months ago
[–] 5 points 3 weeks ago

I think it's like a big truck, not a series of tubes.

[–] 6 points 3 weeks ago

In Trigun, I always thought that the disconnect between Vash pretending to be lecherous and the reality of him pretending to be passed out when girls come up to actually do something with him shows it's part of his facade and adds a lot of depth to what could otherwise be a shallow character trait.

[–] 6 points 3 weeks ago

Always seems self-evident that equipment you don't own and control isn't going to work on your behalf.

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago

China is the West's picture of Dorian Gray. We pretend we're so good for reducing our carbon use by not manufacturing anything and switching to less immediately carbon intensive, meanwhile the rest of the world exported 182 million metric tonnes of coal to China (roughly 140 million cubic meters of the stuff) last year. That would be enough to fill 208,000 3000sqrft mcmansions from bottom to top with coal every year.

So why does China have so much green energy going in? Because exploiting the environment sometimes includes green energy. You dam every river, raze every forest to set up windmills or solar panels or to burn as "biomass", because you want to suck up every bit of resources you can and that includes stuff that happens to be considered green.

That's not all. China has also used more concrete than the rest of the human race throughout all of history in just the last few decades. Cement in particular is a highly carbon intensive thing to make (particularly using fossil fuels which almost all cement is made using), and they've built empty cities that'll some day fall into dust without having ever had people living in them.

That's why I say we need to be very careful about letting environmentalism become a box they package up and put on the shelf. It's easy to think we can consume away our problems caused by overconsumption, but it's much more complicated than that.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

"Like, you can say, 'Okay, we are exploiting, you know, child labour,' right? Or, you can say: we are offering people anywhere in the world the capability to get a job, and even like an income,"


You've convinced me. Let's eliminate child labor laws.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

It always seemed kinda sus, glad I started a matrix homeserver instead.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

I mean, the market is centrally planned and controlled by the state, so it isn't capitalist.

You don't need to ask the state permission to raise prices under capitalism.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

I should learn SDL2...

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

When I'm using linux, I do something similar, I just sync'd my home folder as my nextcloud directory and that similarly made all my files available.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

The way I've got it set up is I have a Nextcloud\Desktop, Nextcloud\Downloads, Nextcloud\Documents, Nextcloud\Pictures, and Nextcloud\Videos folder, and on each machine I use I point each of those points in windows to use the folder in the nextcloud folder instead of my users folder, then I run the official client to sync the entire nextcloud folder. By doing that, whichever computer I'm on I've got the same stuff in my main folders and anything else I have I can keep in the nextcloud folder. I've also got it on my mobile device just to automatically upload new pictures to the InstantUploads folder, but the app is a bit limited.

I live equally on the road working as at home, and I've got completely different computers for home and travel, so in this way I've always got all my files available since once I start up the computer it automatically starts pulling the local files. If you don't want a full copy of everything on both machines, I think you can tell it to just create links of the files and the client will download the files from the server as they're required, but I prefer having a local copy of the files myself.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago (4 children)

I use nextcloud for syncing between different computers, because I tend to have different machines that are far separated geographically, and it works well. I put all my home folders on each computer into the nextcloud directory so I have all the same files everywhere I go and if I don't have one of my computers I can still log in and access those files.

I used to use nextcloud as my solution for everything, but a big problem with photos is it isn't really very navigable, and a problem with nextcloud as a general platform is everything is a plugin so if the plugin doesn't get updated you can be stuck on an older version of the software which carries its own risks. As well, given the interface, You have your media but you can't really go back and look at it. What I did instead is I set up a library in jellyfin with all my photos sorted into directories, and you can scroll and navigate through them fairly intuitively. I pulled my data out of google and facebook before deleting the accounts and so had many many photos but no way to really enjoy them, but that solution worked really well for me and I've been able to look at my old photos easily.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

No worries, I've done the same at times.

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