
joined 3 years ago

Hello! I was a big fan of Atom editor, and I'm very glad that Pulsar is continuing the legacy of Atom. My concern/question is, how in the heck do I install plugins? Specifically, plugins for python? And also, is there a terminal/space to run Python code like there is in VSCodium? In VSCodium, there's a play button and code runs automatically in the built in terminal. Any help is appreciated!


Hi. I started doing the WHM (Wim Hof Method, for those not in the know) a couple years ago, it was going great. Recently, however, I started getting panic attacks, and I figured the WHM was to blame, so I have stopped doing it altogether. However, I've found ways to manage my panic attacks/paranoia, and now my brain's like "Well, since you're calmer, try the WHM again" And I'm weary it will trigger my panic attacks again? Should I give it a try or stick to what I've been doing? I should mention, I got back into yoga, and that's helped DRAMATICALLY with my anxiety/panic attacks. Which is why I'm considering doing the WHM again, because, apparently, the WHM will bring up past traumas, but yoga helps to get rid of that trauma, so in my head, if I combine the two, I'll be releasing that trauma? If that makes sense.


Hi, Lemmy! So I made two mistakes. But I'd like to inform Lemmy, that there is a free speech version of the Lemmy code being used to throw racial slurs around. That instance is called I advise you not to go there, as you will come across racial slurs on the front page.

So my first mistake was asking what people on like to use for different social networks. One instance, as mentioned above was My curiousity got the better of me, and I went to check it out. That was my second mistake. That place is a cesspool.

That's all I wanted to say. Someone or some company is using lemmy's code to host a lemmy-clone and make it a cesspool.

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