
joined 2 years ago

In addition to the First Amendment, journalists are protected by Fourth Amendment safeguards against unreasonable search and seizure.

Police should focus on serious lawbreakers, not reporters covering the DNC protests.

Hundreds of journalists are expected to converge on Chicago to cover the Democratic National Convention on Aug. 19-22 – and they must be allowed to do their jobs unimpeded.

The city’s plan to “streamline” mass arrests during the convention, by processing arrestees at a makeshift court at the Area 3 police station at Belmont and Western, does nothing to alleviate the threat mass arrests pose to journalists. The plan, reported by the Sun-Times last week, is supposedly for the arrestees’ convenience: It’ll be easier for them to get home on public transportation that way.

[–] -1 points 2 months ago

Not sources I know at all, just trying to provide something that an individual who thinks Scheerpost is Russian propaganda for some illogical reason will give more validity. All mainstream propaganda spins the story to paint the US as the hero, which alone should make you highly curious of the other side to the story.

But based on your user name, it makes way more sense a primative eukaryotic lifeform struggles to decipher the massive bias from mainstream news sources these days lol.

[–] -1 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Ok, so you're super critical only to concepts which oppose the side of the story you believe to be true? Have you ever applied this same level of scrutiny to the information you approve of? Until this takes place, you can't logically be confident in your stance whatsoever. But, do whatever makes you happy, I won't argue against it. Yet it's ridiculous to write off anything in opposition just cause it's not as you understand it.

Here's the sources you more or less asked for, I made sure it's from mainstream sources seeing as you're opposed to independent media for whatever reason.

UK Government coving Ukraine in 2014:

Here's a NewYorker article covering it too:

[–] -1 points 3 months ago (4 children)

Pretty similar to the US invasion of Ukraine in 2014 where the President left in desperation to prevent his murder. Two wrongs definitely don't make a right, but after the US overthrew the country's government they should have understood they were going to encounter retaliation at some point.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

Of course, it's just a statistic. Definitely not a competition, more a simple comparison of these two ongoing atrocities.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Nobara is a great gaming focused distro, it's a fork of Fedora by a well-known Red Hat employee.

[–] 0 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Absolutely. No one would realistically think about an attack on American soil, just like with any other nuclear power.

So thats it, got nukes and you'll get space, otherwise bend over as the US is coming for all your shit? Maybe its the insane spending on weaponry which allows the US to run a muck overseas destroying any shred of security in other country's.

How so? USA terrorising the rest of the world does not contradict my initial statement.

Your statement permits terrorism, weapons equaling security is just downstream lockheed martin & friends propaganda. Where as security by definition means being free from danger or threat. Russian and US both possessing nukes derails any global security and more so in those two country's, no?

[–] 0 points 2 years ago (3 children)

This implies nuclear war is an option on the table, definitely a bad call. Additionally, wouldn't this mean the US has ample security? Based on their routine war crimes I'd think the opposite. Their weaponry does however ensure worldwide chaos, especially if a country wants to drop the dollar or has natural resources to exploit.

[–] 0 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I always saw it as the planet continues to collapse, both socially and environmentally, what would the purpose be of bringing another soul into the situation. The UK is seeing temps not forcasted until 2050, the global water situation looks worse each day and on average folks seems to be way more inclined to follow along without true thought or reflection. I see it as a selfish move to introduce a youngster into this mess.

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