
joined 1 year ago
[–] 8 points 13 hours ago

... Uh... This doesn't seem that objectionable. It's a bunch of targeted fixes to websites, I imagine every browser does it in some form. Firefox at least allows you to turn it off if for some reason you wanted to.

BTW, I think Proton (for playing games) does this as well.

Also, Every site FF pretends to be a different UA on is artificially reducing FF market share data.

Ehhh... I think a bigger effect on FF market share statistics is probably all those privacy addons and settings everyone is using.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

Was going to say my phone but honestly? Probably my bed.

[–] 8 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Any y'all got any tips for getting worries about the future out of your head?

[–] 4 points 2 days ago

I'm trying to get better at the whole "If you don't have anything to add, don't get involved. If joining in won't be good for you, don't join in." thing. I'm still bad at it, but I at least now know it's a problem.

[–] 16 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (3 children)

I think it's petty to not play a game just because of the engine it's written in...

I think I may have to make an exception to that rule for this. :P

(Trans rights are human rights, btw)

Edit: ... Wait, hang on. Isn't the notion of using a game engine at all "woke" in itself? Like, isn't that the entire thing that started this whole thing?

[–] 27 points 3 days ago (5 children)

Counterpoint: If you're working from home it might be the only people contact you get for days.

Supposedly talking to people and touching grass is healthy.

[–] 32 points 3 days ago (2 children)

For anyone who hasn't seen it before, Tauri is basically Electron, but it doesn't ship a full chromium browser with each application.

Basically, I hope it replaces all Electron apps. :P

[–] 1 points 3 days ago

I'm thinking things like where they don't give you access to a console. I guess like Android or things with heavy parental controls or whatever.

[–] 9 points 4 days ago (2 children)

I mean pretty much any distro that isn't locked down will be good for programming. All you really need is a package manager with a selection of at least somewhat modern dev tools, which almost all of them have.

[–] 8 points 4 days ago (1 children)

It was not (at least not entirely). It was mostly general frustration at the demonisation of lgbt folks and contraception in the past, mostly due to Catholocism. If there wasn't as much of that, then I think HIV probably wouldn't be as much of a "thing" as it is nowadays.

[–] 88 points 4 days ago

I was taking to my sister, who is an artist, about setting up Linux and warned them about poor Adobe support. Their response was "⭐ 𝒻𝓊𝒸𝓀 𝒶𝒹𝑜𝒷𝑒 ⭐" due to their AI shenanigans and high costs.

So thanks modern Adobe for making it easier for people to switch to Linux.

[–] 20 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (3 children)

Xkcd 538

For most people, the only security they really need is against people either stealing devices or accessing them without permission. In those cases, biometrics (if implemented properly) and passwords are roughly equivalent.


Stumbled upon this game and had fun with the demo. Might be up some people's alley.


Hey all, I'm British so I don't really know the ins and outs of the US healthcare system. Apologies for asking what is probably a rather simple question.

So like most of you, I see many posts and gofundmes about people having astronomically high medical bills. Most recently, someone having a $27k bill even after his death.

However, I have an American friend who is quick to point out that apparently nobody actually pays those bills. They're just some elaborate dance between insurance companies and hospitals. If you don't have insurance, the cost is lower or removed entirely. Supposedly.

So I'm just asking... How accurate is that? Consider someone without insurance, a minor physical ailment, a neurodivergent mind and no interest in fighting off harassing people for the rest of their life.

How much would such a person expect to pay, out of their own pocket, for things like check ups, x rays, meds, counselling and so on?


I recently played through a demo for a game called Pinball Spire on steam, and it put me in the mood for playing pinball games. Unfortunately, and I don't know if this is just due to me having bad google-foo, there don't seem to be that many on Steam that catch my interest.

So figured I may as well make a thread asking about what the "state of the art" of pinball video games is. Some of the ones I've played:

  • Sonic Spinball: Very janky, but very unique and I don't think I've seen anyone try to do anything similar to it.
  • Pokémon Pinball and Sonic Pinball Party: Fairly standard pinball games, tbh. They're both on handhelds so they can't do that much.
  • Demon's Tilt and Xenotilt: Just really fun feeling arcade pinball games with a really fun tilt mechanic.

So yeah, know any good PC or console pinball games?

Oh, and can someone help me: I vaguely remember seeing a stream of a pinball game for the Mega Drive/SNES where the ball goes through multiple tables. Does anyone know what that game was called, if it even exists?


So popped up in my feed and I had to find the full version. Sharing here because it's really nice.


Hydration is important.


So another thread ( ) got me wondering... How many people would want to move to another country?

Just to provide a concrete scenario, let's assume that in your current country you (magically) have a decent-ish job. They open up offices in another country of your choosing, and you have the option of moving there and work for an equivalent living wage.

They're able to get visas set up (however improbable that may be) for you and any family, but you have to go through the process of finding housing, physically moving your belongings and anything else you need to set up.

What countries would you take the offer to move to, if any?


Not my photo or mastodon, but figured it would be worth sharing.

I love the cardboard visor.


So this is something I've been thinking about a bit recently, and I'd be interested in hearing people's thoughts on the matter.

Lets suppose you meet someone, and chat socially with them. Maybe a work colleague, maybe a friend met through a friend. You aren't that close with them, but you get the vibe that they aren't a bigot or judgemental at the very least. If the conversation turned to furry stuff, would you tell them that you like furry art?

Do you keep a different set of non-furry socials for your irl friends and family? What about having a furry profile pic on your work slack? Or your Github? Do you try hard to make sure that nobody will be able to find your secret furry double life if they know you IRL?

I guess, in essence, I'm wondering if you draw a hard line between your "sfw furry life" and your "IRL life".


Stumbled upon this artist on bluesky ( ), and their art is adorable.

Not sure how well known they are, but look at how soft everything is!

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