
joined 3 years ago
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

I think the need to government reform is clear to most people. Our government is ineffective. We've had a succession of bad governments. It's likely that any future government will also be ineffective.

The government hasn't the power to make honest and effective changes, because it is beholden to special interests. It balances its commitments to its allies, with its chances of losing the next election.

So the best policy, the only realistic policy, is to serve the donors and special interests, then do some crowd-pleasing in the election year.

I would argue (though I thing this next bit would be controversial) it is not this government's fault, to work this way. It is the fault of our governance system that compels them to work this way.

Many people have good plans for electoral reform. For example. The ideas are thousands of years old. The structures are well established and proven.

The difficulty is implementing the reform, when the government has no interest in doing so.

So here is a new plan:

  1. Establish a sub-reddit which records the policy proposals in the dail and and the voting records of each TD. It will be an accurate record of each TD and party's performance. It must also be easy to read, and in a place where people will read it. It will also be a place for discussion. Accessible information and discussion forums are both required in democracy, and are both lacking. This will also help build support for (2).

  2. Convince independent politicians to join a new party. this party will be unique. It should be easy to convince them, because they have little chance alone with the abundance of canditates, and because this new party is a uniquely good opportunity.

It will have specific goals and policy, which are simple and popular. They will address the only important issues (also the issues the current government is underperforming on.

a. Climate change (a real carbon tax)

b. World peace (boycott and ostracize any person, business or territory conducting a massacre)

c. Housing (ban investment funds from owning housing / force developers to build appropriate amenities)

d. Government reform (citizens initiative referendums)

The first three policies are chosen because not only are they the most important things, and also because they are already overwhelmingly popular. Despite this the government has not done them.

The last one which is not well known. But the last one is the whole point. If point (d) is done, every other major change that our society requires can be done quickly and easily. Government will not be able to stop it, no matter what their donors think.

You only need 6 TDs be elected, to propose policy.

  1. The new party will be unique, in that the TDs will act as representatives of their electorate. Every dail vote will be passed down to the constituents. In the dail, the TD will vote following the result of this vote. Constituents can also propose new initiatives for the party.

This is a good test case for democracy, to see if there is any major fraud or problems that need ironing out, before this is trialed on a territorial level. It will require some effort to figure out the best way to do this.

When people see that democracy works on the local level, the party can grow in importance and number of TDs, so eventually government can become effective and legitimate.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (2 children)

It is useful to have lots of stupid laws. It makes people feel powerless and frustrated. It means the police can always find excuses to persecute you.

The technicalities of the individual laws are not important. It's the psychological effect of the whole body of laws on a people.


Remember, right wing people are just misguided left wing people. They have the desire and energy to improve their lives, but are going about it a stupid way.

They think that they can improve their lives by taking things from poorer people. Which is a reasonable thought. But it is wrong. If the immigrants are driven away, these protesters will become the poorest people, for others to take things from.

The only way to improve your lives is by improving everyone's lives uniformly, through left wing policies. This isn't just virtuous. It's virtuous only because it's economically sound.


with artistic training or brain stimulation we could look beneath the intrinsic nature of qualia to see the raw associations that make them up, just as a musician hears the individual components in what, to most fans, is a wall of sound. “It should be possible to experience parts of those underlying structures directly, just as we can learn to experience the individual overtones of a sound,”

The proposition, then, is that redness, pain, and the other qualities of experience are a blurred view of a dense thicket of relations. Red is red not because it just is, but because of a vast number of associations that we have learned or been born with.


This is a long article that covers a lot of ground. But there are many important bits of info scattered through it.

For example what is the role of diet on the skin barrier and cell barriers? Does lack of freshly prepared meat lead to cells building themselves from the wrong fatty acids which leads to immune problems?

I think nobody knows yet but it is being researched now. I also don't yet understand even the pieces that are well established by science.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Thanks for all the comments. This is exactly the kind of analysis that any new idea needs.

It's very different from X.509, as described by wikipedia. It doesn't use public/private key pairs. It doesn't need any authorities to certify anything. So maybe I just haven't explained it well enough.

It is just a joining of a few old ideas. It really just puts together two very effective tools and banking card readers. allows a master password to generate many individual passwords, such that losing your device does not matter, and your master password is never stored in a database or revealed to anybody, even in hashed form. These are very strong (maybe unique) traits.

Banking card readers allow your master password to never leave an airgapped device. The combination of these two technologies is powerful. So that's what I propose.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

I won't be the one to actually build an implementation. I can only generate the idea, and leave it as a suggestion to the wider world. I don't have the money or expertise or incentive to actually build a piece of software.

Nobody can think of a flaw in this system. At this early stage, that's as much as can be hoped for. All attempts to find flaws have failed.

Maybe somebody will find a flaw and fix it, or make other improvements. If this becomes a component in an even better system, that's fine too. As long as a competent secure system gets built by someone.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (3 children)

It has traits which remove all of the serious vulnerabilities of today's security systems.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (6 children)

These are the right questions but they are difficult questions. The answer is always a compromise.

the user forgets their username or their password

Normally, there is no way to retrieve it. Uniquely with this system, the password is not stored anywhere for best security, there is only one master password to remember, and it doesn't matter if the hardware is lost.

In the browser-plugin variant, the master password could be stored in the browser.

the password is leaked, or the hash algorithm gets cracked by a rainbow table?

Same as with every other system. You have a big problem. Everything is at risk. But this system is much more secure than others which exist, because it does not require storing or sending your password anywhere, or trusting any server to keep it secure. The option to type it into an airgapped memoryless machine removes all of the normal ways passwords get leaked or stolen.

Which algorithm in particular would you use? Do you have a technical specification and reference implementation for your system? No. For now it is just an outline. Somebody would have to flesh it out.

So when you ask the hard questions, there are always vulnerabilities and compromises. It's not really perfect security because that is impossible. All I can say is that this system is much more secure and more convenient than any other that exists today.

[–] 0 points 2 years ago (1 children)

A big problem in cities. Is already known to cause serious diseases in humans, and the research is only beginning now. We don't know anything about the effects on wildlife.

[–] 0 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Is cash so anonymous? Does the cash machine record the serial numbers of the notes you took? When a shop takes its cash to the bank at the end of the day, does the bank again record the serial numbers? If so, a cynical regime could figure out how much you spend in each shop, but not what you bought.

I don't know if they do this yet, but it's an easy, obvious, concealable scam.

[–] 0 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (1 children)

You're asking the right questions. Most people dismiss new ideas without even thinking about them.

People talk a lot about what governments (or some of them) did too much of or did wrong, like mask mandates and lockdowns. But for me the more interesting thing is what they failed to do.

I'll keep it short, but each of these points really deserves a long explanation. If you haven't already read much about this stuff, you might answer "everyone is already doing that" or "it would never be as effective as vaccines". But on all these points, most governments have been failing to act effectively and act soon enough, instead betting everything on vaccines.

  • Thorough granular research into disease spread.

  • Studying the effectiveness of different types of lockdowns.

  • Ventillation! Categorising public space by its toxicity. Signage. HEPA filters. Ventillation is really the backbone of respiratory disease control. They is so much here that's lacking. Think about how toxic most metros are, and how much reform has happened in the past two years.

  • Novel ideas like disinfecting air using ozone.

  • Things that I haven't heard about, because I'm not even an epidemiologist. It's not my job to be finding and implementing solutions at all.

None of this is 20-20 hindsight. Epidemiology is an old science. Educated people have known for decades how to deal with epidemics, and many lay people (like me) learnt all about it in early 2020. So it's unforgivable that governments (and govt advisory experts) are still struggling with these ideas today.

If some of these were done at the beginning, many lives would have been saved. It's hard to state whether there would still have been a need for lockdowns, mainly because there is no good data on lockdown effectiveness at all.

100s of years ago we dealt with other pandemics in the same way

TBH I don't think this is true. I think people historically have had much more effective responses to airborn disease epidemics. They focused much more on things like ventillation, keeping healthy using diet sunlight excercise, isolating the sick, etc. Can you give an example?

[–] 0 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (3 children)

The thing is, the only thing people have been talking about for two years is lockdowns and vaccines. So it's easy to imagine the there are very few options - another government/territory might have had slightly less vicious lockdown or slightly more competent vaccine rollouut, but no big difference.

That's just because people only talk about that, and they don't think much about the majorly different options that are (are were) available.

What China came up with was a creative and radical solution. That never happened again - every other solution was a variant of China's. But a different much of people would have come up with a different creative radical solution.

[–] 0 points 2 years ago (6 children)

Yes the novel messenger RNA vaccines cause heart inflamation and sometimes death. This is well established by now.

Most people see covid 19 as a big threat (presidents were not laughed at when they called it a war) so they don't care about a few people being dying as part of the battle.

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