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[–] 0 points 7 months ago

This was followed by Orandazuma wa Denki Unagi no Yume o Miru ka? (Do Dutch Wives Dream of Electric Eels?, Dec. 1984, PC-8801). Inspired by Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (1968), players take on the role of a private investigator who has to track down a sex doll (called Dutch wives in Japan) that has become sentient and is murdering its lovers. The player tracks down the rogue doll by seducing all the women in Tokyo’s red-light district.

The concept sounds awesome. The porno parody "Blade Runner" needed.

[–] 0 points 7 months ago

Deine gesamte Existenz hängt davon ab, dass der nächste Antrag bewilligt wird und das gibt dir auch nur 2 Jahre Luft. Wenn's schief geht, brauchst du nicht nur eine neue Stelle, sondern einen neuen Beruf, weil es keine anderen Stellen in deinem Spezialgebiet gibt. Bezahlung ist meistens E13 nach Tarifvertrag der Länder oder TVöD. Davon lässt es sich ganz gut leben, wenn die Stelle Vollzeit ist.

[–] 0 points 7 months ago

IIRC from the "What we left behind" documentary, they were shot on film. They even had a few minutes of HD material scanned from the film reels. It's the CGI that was baked only into the tape version that makes it so difficult to do a HD remaster. And why they went back to the tapes when producing the DVD release.

[–] 0 points 7 months ago

Sie haben Newag falsch geschrieben.

[–] 0 points 7 months ago

Nach manchem Arbeitstag fühle ich mich, als ob mir mit dem Arbeitstag eins übergebraten wurde.

[–] 0 points 7 months ago

Leider nicht im kleineren Segment. Der Peugeot e208 ist gegenüber Ende '21 knapp 20% teurer geworden -- zumindest in der hohen Ausstattung. Damals 36k für GT+Sitzheizung, heute 42k für die vergleichbare Konfiguration GT mit 100kW und 50kWh+ACC+Sitzheizung+11kW AC-Laden, die alle nicht mehr Serie sind. Und damals gab's noch knapp 10k Förderung. Vergleichbare Id3-Konfigurationen lagen damals 2-3k drüber, die Differenz ist heute im Wesentlichen gleich. Da bewegt sich momentan alles in die falsche Richtung.

[–] 0 points 7 months ago

Sets of measure zero are unfair. But you're right, the second line in the image is basically an eigenvector equation for Int and eigenvalue 1, where the whole point is that there is a subspace that is mapped to zero by the operator.

I'm still curious if one could make this work. This looks similar to problems encountered in perturbation theory, when you look for eigenvectors of an operator related to one where you have the spectrum.

[–] 0 points 7 months ago (2 children)

What is meant here, I believe, is (1 - Int)^-1. Writing 1/(1 - Int) is an abuse of notation, especially when the numerator isn't just 1 but another operator, which loses the distinction between a left and a right inverse. But for a bounded linear operator on a normed vector space, and I think Int over an appropriately chosen space of functions qualifies, (1 - Int)^-1 equals the Neumann series \sum_k=0^∞ Int^k, exactly as in the derivation.

Int is injective: Take Int f = Int g, apply the derivative, and the fundamental theorem gives you f = g. I think you can make it bijective by working with equivalence classes of functions that differ only by a constant.

[–] 0 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Especially when you don't have a US keyboard. How the fuck am I supposed to navigate through the info document when the key combination to follow links is Ctrl+] and ] itself is hidden behind some modifier combo?

[–] 0 points 8 months ago (3 children)

Offensichtlich gehören Texteditoren jetzt auch zu diesen Hacking-Tools. Anzeige gegen Microsoft wegen notepad ist raus?

[–] 0 points 8 months ago

You can use an APK decompiler to get to the source code of the app. There is probably some logic for building and decoding API messages in there.

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