
joined 5 months ago
[–] racemaniac@lemmy.dbzer0.com 3 points 3 days ago

But is that the fault of XML, or is the data itself just complex, or did they structure the data badly?

Would another human readable format make the data easier to read?

[–] racemaniac@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 3 days ago (4 children)

There are people who find XML hard to read?

[–] racemaniac@lemmy.dbzer0.com 0 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Yeah, try that one in court. No your honor, i didn't pay for the murder, i paid for someone who paid for someone to commit the murder. I'm obviously innocent!

It's a plain stupid argument to try and make, and it makes no sense. And i'm not even vegan, i just recognize that yes, a part of the money i pay for meat goes to who kills it, so i pay for someone to kill animals for me so i can eat them. That's how the world works, and denying that is just ridiculous.

[–] racemaniac@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

What do you mean by forcing being the wrong word? Do you give the cat a bowl of meat and a bowl of vegan alternative for a month, and then see what the cat chooses? That would not be forcing imo. But i doubt that's happening anywhere.

[–] racemaniac@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 1 week ago (29 children)

Ok, i get it, it's fun to hate on the vegan, but he's right and you're not.

If you buy meat somewhere part of the price is you paying for the person that killed it. That's obvious right?

Of course in relation to the cat, even if there's a healthy vegan diet possible, he's wrong imo. Why force our choices onto pets?

[–] racemaniac@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Let's just say you're right, it's perfectly possible and healthy for the cat.

Does that make it ethical to force a carnivorous hunter animal on a vegan diet? Are you going to force it to stay inside to limit the possibility for it to catch mice & birds just to be sure?

Just beyond the physical possibility, how ethical is it to force our choices onto our pets?

[–] racemaniac@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 2 weeks ago

GP specifically talked about the first version of PHP, sounds like it was just a dummy implementation as they were working on PHP, that then later got replaced with a proper implementation :)

[–] racemaniac@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

I kind of hate this kind of narrative here.

Yeah, capitalism is shit etc... but let's get to the real root cause: we're all still animals, and want our pack to be the best. The root issue isn't money, it's power. Many societies wouldn't mind degrowth if it didn't mean all the others would bury them & dance on their grave.

If one single country would actually degrow, all the others would dominate it financially, loot it for all its worth, and unless it can completely 100% sustain itself without outside trade (pretty much impossible in our globalized society), it would mostly collapse. And even if it could sustain itself, the power imbalance would be so huge we'd run in all other kinds of issues soon (hey, why not just conquer that country that is pretty much powerless now?)

Imo we're all just animals knowing we're headed for extinction, but at the same time it's a big game of chicken on the road, the first to stray from this path will get fucked in so many ways by all the others who see their chance to improve their situation... And imo capitalism isn't the cause of that, but one of the results of this. It's just another way for us to compete and try to fuck eachother over like the animals we still are.

So either we get to some near global agreement on how to get out of this situation, or we just keep doing far too little since... what's the point of trying to improve things if it just means you get annihilated by those that don't, and things will remain the same despite your best efforts...

[–] racemaniac@lemmy.dbzer0.com 4 points 1 month ago

It's probably just a strategy to get them to shut up. And to make clear noone at the Russian army cares about them or their relatives that were sent to war.

[–] racemaniac@lemmy.dbzer0.com -5 points 1 month ago (4 children)

... It has to be said they kind of are idiots...

They're in a war, the area the people they're looking for has been captured by the enemy, the hospitals nearby are filled with wounded soldiers, the army has to figure out how to respond.

And they think everyone should drop what they're doing to figure out what happend to their brother/son/nephew/.... ?

I get they want to know what happened, but to expect it right in the middle of a situation like this is just.... ridiculous. The Russians still aren't grasping that they're in an actual full on war that they started it seems? And that their men are dying and will be dying as long as it keeps going? And that everyone has far bigger priorities than to care about them?....

[–] racemaniac@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 1 month ago

Ah yes, i can't critisize such stupid articles without opposing their message... I'd love more equality, and agree that something should be done about it.

I just would love to see actually useful numbers that mean something when we make a fuss about it rather than useless info like this that is meaningless.

How you interpreted my message as bootlicking is beyond me, but i guess you're a youngling that interprets any critique as an attack?

[–] racemaniac@lemmy.dbzer0.com -5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (3 children)

This is a completely meaningless figure...

I really hate when articles come out with this kind of data. Huge numbers like this without any context just mean nothing. Ok, 42 trillion$, how much money did they already have? How much percent did their fortunes increase? Is that more or less than inflation?

It's just a meaningless huge number that has no intention other than to shock, certainly not to inform or they would have given actually useful numbers that would actually let you have an idea whether it's that bad or not...

I hate that people keep falling for nonsens like this.... Just post a huge number without any context or any other numbers needed to be able to make sense of it, and everyone is like "omfgwtfbbq, this is SOOOO bad"! Is it? It's perfectly possible that this isn't even enough to keep up with inflation, and they're technically poorer, probably not, but we'll never know from this useless article...

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