
joined 1 year ago

Ten years after the Ten tour that became a farewell, the girls are planning a tour but not new music — because the studio would feel too weird without Sarah Harding, who has been claimed by cancer.


i hadn't fired up my python project in an age, probably two vscodium updates. when i did, i had no more syntax checking and the alert window showed errors reaching the 'jedi' server.

downgrading the vscode-python extension to 2023.16.0 was seen as the surefire way to clear this. it worked for me, too - got my syntax error highlighting back and no pesky errors in the alert pane.

they created a new issue against the extension, or the packaging system, or something, which was closed immediately though the problem still persisted. the chatter was about a cache, somewhere, with a lot of 'perhaps' and 'if'. one day i'll try bumping this back up, maybe after vscode-python passes the problematic 2023.18.0 version.


My friend's Last.FM app has died on iOS. While we try to get it working, would anyone like to recommend a favorite third-party app?


Since the integrity environment gunk, I've switched all boxes over to use Firefox as primary. This took a lot of configuring, as Firefox out of the box brings… a lot of stuff I don't want.

One of those things is telemetry — whatever that means to Mozilla — that was tamed only with a combination of an enterprise profile (hi sudo!) and user.js hacks.

However, the policy and user.js changes don't work on the Ubuntu box, where I've installed Firefox from the PPA to get it out from under Snap (and thereby usable with a password manager). The policy locks down and disables the right configs and the configs all have the right settings, but it keeps pinging incoming.telemetry.mozilla.org. Two Macs and a Pop!_OS box don't ping Mozilla at all with these settings.

No harm no foul, I just blocked them in NextDNS and laugh in their general direction. I just wonder what else is different in the PPA.


i've tried grocy a few times over and it's burned a lot of time and brain cells. is there anything that does this (or even much less than this) and just works?

i understand why it was made this complex - i code and i work with people who want everything to be so theoretically 'flexible' that nothing simple works, so i'm used to the abstraction layers. but

  • first try: looked at number and size of packages, no tree-shaking, code doesn't pass sniff test. dozens of megabyes for this? nope
  • second try: well i don't want to build this myself. i'll put it in its own instance to minimize security exposure. but hey, this release is months old and these terrible bugs have been fixed, i'll just grab newer code. missed the thing where database migrations are tested only from official releases. database breaks.
  • i learn sqlite syntax and reconstruct the database.
  • months later i download new grocy android client, which expects a v4 grocy back end. all recipes break.
  • i download official grocy v4 release (the third one in rapid succession, due to major bugs - luckily i hadn't tried too early).
  • database breaks.

i'm done. i don't care that i lose the work i already put into it. i just want to open the cupboard twice and have the same thing be there both times. help


Starting in version 1.54, [the browser] Brave will automatically block website port scanning, a practice that a surprisingly large number of sites were found engaging in a few years ago. According to this list compiled in 2021 by a researcher who goes by the handle G666g1e, 744 websites scanned visitors’ ports, most or all without providing notice or seeking permission in advance. eBay, Chick-fil-A, Best Buy, Kroger, and Macy's were among the offending websites.

this raises my antennae way up but i have to admit, although being probed makes my skin crawl, i don't actually understand what bad actors can do. it seems bad but that could be fud.

more distressing is the wall of shame; if even slightly true, this is hideous. typing just obvious things i know from just one screenful of a 700+-line document: state farm, lending tree, citibank, glassdoor, iberia. for some reason financial firms are heavily represented here.

anyone have any knowledge in this domain? and if it's an actual problem, what's the best way to put a ring around it? the actor is inside your browser, so the usual firewall tricks don't apply.


i've read anecdotes that the ideal length for a short-attention-span pop song has steadily drifted down. just a few years ago songs shorter than 3:00 were really rare, and now they're more common than not. i'm looking at an ava max album (which i adore) where 3:30 would look like an interminable grateful dead jam.

it's said that this has to do with streaming but i don't quite get the connection, anyone care to educate me?

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