
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Yeah that's the first thing that comes up in search.

I will contact local OSM community if they have some prefered project.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Yes for the basic thing most people buy it and it is this fucked up. Also it uses Google maps, they are bit useless for cycling.

I have more mapping apps and all of them have offline planning.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Sorry not native speaker, thanks for correction.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

It didn't worked.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

Thanks I give it a try, problem for me is that I need to plan route and then put it in cyclocomputer. I don't need any other bs.

[–] 7 points 1 week ago (7 children)

I would like to find alternative to Garmin app. It is bad if you don't want to use the cloud features, also you can't plan routes without internet connection like wtf that's the only reason I bought it for.

[–] 5 points 1 week ago

Yeh and in CZ such a banality as selling pics on OnlyFans leads to resignation from Christian democrats.

[–] 17 points 1 week ago (7 children)

Other thing is there are small communities with 1-2 mods so you know them and they aren't usually "the superuser" that mods 10 different communities.

I don't say there are none of them, just that it is usually small and you recognize the mod that just steer his small community.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

For wine it is universal, but yes I can't get decent cider without paying premium, I think that in UK it is different.

[–] 35 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (6 children)

Wine - it is full of marketing gimmick and usually the mid range is best. The same is with whisky, rums and other alcohol.

On the other hand, at least here, is better to pay premium for craft beer.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

In Brno (where it is taken) there are about 20 types and subtypes of trams in use.

When I looked it up we have still in use about 100 of these T3 that are regularly running. They don't get replaced much, just modernized.

This one is restored to 80/90's configuration and is registered as museum piece but still runs pretty regularly on 10 line.

Trams are just so simple that you don't need to replace them that often.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

What do you mean phitoshoped? Irl the Bled lake looks also that blue.


You maybe guessed it - inciting hate against person or group of people.

It is in Czech but translation is so easy now that it probably doesn't matter.


First cleanup - I just don't think that the pinned posts are necessary, they are linked in sidebar. But it has some problems with federation (it wants to open them in browser). So I wanted to ask for your opinion on this.

And suggestions:

  • is there audience for general discussion thread once in ~3 months or something like that?
  • should I add some thumbnail picture?
  • what else?

Just to be clear I don't think that this community needs more engagement - quality over quantity. Since my hobby became my job I didn't homebrew for about year, so I don't have much to post here (but I try to be active in comments).

So I want to hear your opinions on this and some suggestions.

Edit: mentioning


Sorry for linking Czech article.

Basically the same arguments as always "think of the childrens" and "this doesn't represent Russian values".

It is game about Czechoslovakian legions after 1917 revolution. Basically they occupied trans-siberian railway, won few naval battles (as a land lock country we have 100% win rate in naval battles lol) and were evacuated from Vladivostok.


So in Slavonice there is a guy who makes this clock's from old vinyl. I want to commission something like this but more bikepacking/touring not tt.

I just don't like to buy one clock so if someone would like to help me make some designs and drafts, I will send one in EU for free.


This is how it looks in 99% of Czech Republic.

It changes to terrain signs painted on trees sometimes but it is also standard. I found 2 other signs for cyclists, some cross border route that decided to make their own on both sides. And still most cross border routes use cz standard signage.

So how it looks where you live? Am I just too spoiled by standards for hiking and cycling signage?


This one is near Slavonice part of light bunkers museum. I don't know if it wasn't covered or if it is uncovered as a part of exhibition.

Near Vratěnín there is this one part of art project Bunker Cut. More on this here:

Near Bratislava there is this one in flood prone region. Double deck let's you use the higher level while lower level is flooded.

And some NCD use I found for them. It is excellent wind cover when you need to make dinner on the road.


So ~14 days ago I begun my trip in Brno to Mikulov, join EV13, ride for a week and then return to Slavonice where I was cooking on summer camp for kids.

So on and off (with previous trips) I rode on EV13 from Bratislava to Vyšší Brod.

Tldr: It is amazing route, with little traffic, under appreciated, history, nature and every kind of surface you can imagine.

First few impressions/general feelings:

  • Austrian side is pretty much empty and dead, Austrians in these border regions go on the bike ride to Czech Republic for beer...
  • It is interesting to cross border few times per day, see differences in each country.
  • It is really under used I met 3 people who rode this route.
  • You never know what is ahead - sparsely populated region, nice roads, bad roads...
  • Plan your trip that museums and stuff that you would like to visit are open. I didn't do that and I didn't visit anything.
  • don't trust EV planner on their website, I am apparently insane so can average ~100km/day so 7,5 day trip took me about 6 days.

Austrian part Expect nice asphalt or smooth gravel roads. No traffic for most parts. But nothing in a case of pubs, coffee places, restaurants or stuff like that, just few stores here and there.

Czech part Expect everything, nice roads, more traffic, totally broken asphalt roads, forest roads, trails, panel roads... but nothing that needs full suspension, 35+ mm tires with reasonable tread is enough. Pubs and other places here and there where you can get lunch for about 10€.

Notable places to visit

  • Bunker in Šatov (I posted a pic there ~week ago)
  • Valtice - castle and nice park
  • Znojmo - castle and there are few brewerys
  • Čížov - museum of Iron Curtain and visitor center of NP Podyjí
  • Slavonice
  • Gmünd
  • Nové Hrady
  • Cetviny There are more but I didn't choose optimal time so most places were closed (like bicycle museum in Retz)

Routing/signage This part of route I took has really good signage from Bratislava to Gmünd, you really don't need any computer or GPS tracker with maps. From Gmünd to Cetviny look up local routes, on cz side they are well signed and are in a process of putting EV stickers on them. On Austrian side the route doesn't look entirely finished so get GPX ready in your navigation, I found 2 EV signs on 20 km section.

And few stories along the way

  • I met a guy who emigrated in 80's from CZ to A, he bitched about how Austrians can't brew a beer...
  • I rode from Slavonice to border with some German guy (Joseph) and we chatted about how this route has bad surface and of course about Czech bunkers, in Slavonice there is museum of light bunkers I translated for him info sign about their construction.
  • In Novohradské Hory I met totally wet French family, chatted a bit and they asked where they can find some food (restaurant or shop). When I told this to my friend he just said that he was there few months ago and had a beer in both open pubs there lol.

Last thing I want to say is that in Slavonice there is a guy who makes clocks from LP's. You can visit his shop there and he makes custom orders, so I want something like this but not on tt bike: If someone is interested I will order more of these and ship them in EU if you are interested (first one for free), we can finalize the design together.

Also I will add pics in comments when I get to it.

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