
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I read this thread yesterday before it was deleted and the article in original post was looking like fake news. Even on .world where this post still exists, highly upvoted comments are disqualifying one of two sources of this artice (and second one is report in anonimous telegram channel). So i wasn't surprised when i discovered that this thread was deleted as "misinfo".

But i must admit that neither this post nor db0/yogsothoth discussion contained anything that could be labeled as chauvinistic. Therefore, it was shocking to see in modlog that the author of the post was banned for “chauvinism”.

And another moment that comes to mind is the hexbear/dbzer0 drama, when a meme posted in piracy community by hexbear user was deleted by dbzer0 admin for equally far-fetched and flimsy reason. It seems strange to call .ml admins "Power Trippin' Bastards" for doing exactly the same thing that your teammates do on your own instance.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

This article claims that the world's third largest railroad network (after US and China) will collapse in a few days and this claim is based on a report from an anonimous telegram channel ("VChK-OGPU") and an audio file provided by some Ukrainian propagandist. Moreover, it's accompanied by a charming remark that "Newsweek was unable to independently verify the authenticity of the audio clip or VChK-OGPU's report". None of such "sources" are suitable for a post to pass the moderation in the lemmy worldnews community (be it .ml or .world), but for a Newsweek article it is somehow sufficient.

And the funniest thing is that Newsweek has MBFC Credibility Rating of "HIGH CREDIBILITY". This is how "highly credible" MBFC approved journalism looks like.

[–] 68 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (4 children)

While absence of China in Top 10 may be somehow explained by The Great Firewall, the absence of India, Turkey and Russia is totally implausible. Or they might be scanning only torrents of movies with English audio.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago (9 children)

It's revealing that you care so much about white mercs from Wagner but totally ignore casualties of black Malian troops killed by local AlQaeda branch with support of Ukraine. Seems like it's impossible to be supportive towards Ukraine without being at least a bit racist.

[–] -2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

What's really under doubt here is your reading ability and knowledge of geography:

  1. Ukrainian officials themselves claimed that they've provided help to islamists;
  2. Mali is not region of Russia, it's a sovereign state on totally different landmass.

Additional coverage:


Mali announced Sunday that it is cutting off diplomatic relations with Ukraine following an admission of Ukrainian involvement in a recent deadly terrorist attack in the West African country.

"The transitional government of the Republic of Mali has learned, with deep shock, of the subversive remarks by which Mr. Andriy Yusov, the spokesperson for the Ukrainian military intelligence agency, has admitted Ukraine's involvement in a cowardly, treacherous and barbaric attack by armed terrorist groups which resulted in the deaths of elements of the Malian defense and security forces in Tinzaouaten, as well as material damage," said government spokesman Colonel Abdoulaye Maiga in a statement.

The Malian army admitted on Monday a high death toll following clashes in Tinzaouaten in the north of the country, while the Russian-affiliated Wagner Group supporting the Malian army had confirmed Russian losses and the death of a commander following heavy fighting there.

The comments were reinforced by Yurii Pyvovarov, Ukraine's ambassador to Senegal, who openly and unequivocally displayed his country's support for international terrorism, particularly in Mali, according to Maiga.

Maiga said Ukrainian officials have done worse by announcing that there are “more results to come.”

"These extremely serious accusations, which have not been denied, show the Ukrainian government's official support for terrorism in Africa, in the Sahel, and more specifically in Mali," he declared.

The remarks by Yusov and Pyvovarov "constitute acts of terrorism and an apology for terrorism," he added.

The Malian government has therefore decided to break off diplomatic relations immediately, to refer the matter to the competent judicial authorities, and to take the necessary measures to prevent any destabilization of Mali from African states, in particular from Ukrainian embassies in the sub-region, by terrorists disguised as diplomats, and to formally alert regional and international bodies as well as states that support Ukraine to the fact that this country has openly and publicly displayed its support for terrorism.

Mali considers support for Ukraine "as support for international terrorism" and an aggression which is part of "the broader pattern of certain actors who actively support and instrumentalize terrorist groups in the region.”

[–] 11 points 2 months ago

Pretty ironicaly, so called "Russian puppet" Yanukovych is literally the last Ukrainian president who was democraticaly elected by population of entire Ukraine (meaning within its 1991 borders).

[–] -1 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Speaking about getting back 2013 Ukraine borders is not more reasonable than speaking about getting back 2013 Ukraine legitimate government. It's impossible in real life to replay from save file - this means that Ukraine would stay with regime imposed by insurrectionists and without Crimea and Donbass.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)


  • closed border for all males;
  • non-stop involuntary draft of unwilling citizens;
  • resorts to conscripting HIV positives and people with mental health issues.


  • first wave of forced mobilization ended half year ago, second wave still not started;
  • still has open border for most citizens (which actually helped a lot of them to avoid first wave of mobilization).

In alternative reality created by western massmedia this definately means that Russia is short of manpower. In world of logical thinking this actually means something else.