
joined 1 year ago
[–] over_clox@lemmy.world 24 points 16 hours ago* (last edited 16 hours ago)

They're the same picture 🀣

[–] over_clox@lemmy.world 2 points 17 hours ago (1 children)

Why bother? The climate is gonna make them rust all by itself eventually, probably sooner than later going by the recent reports...

[–] over_clox@lemmy.world 3 points 17 hours ago

Wake up babe, the world is rapidly falling apart, but I got us some paper straws, so we should be okay...

[–] over_clox@lemmy.world 45 points 17 hours ago (2 children)

It looks like they used Monkey Jesus as their reference picture..

[–] over_clox@lemmy.world 20 points 18 hours ago (1 children)

Damn. That reminds me, I gotta go back and get my shovel..

[–] over_clox@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

Yes, of course I intended on my post to be interpreted hypothetically. Every situation is different, and every person is different.

[–] over_clox@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

This is an interesting and deep insight, thank you for posting your thoughts! πŸ‘

[–] over_clox@lemmy.world -2 points 2 days ago

What if you were the person suffering in the heat? Should I open my door for you? Because if I could tell you were genuinely in need of help, I would..

[–] over_clox@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago

Your last sentence strikes a hard truth, but I totally get you. Yeah, I ain't suggesting anyone outright adopt a homeless person and wipe their ass every day and all, just saying that sometimes, depending on the circumstances and the individual, that it's only proper to help for a day or three, within your means anyways.

[–] over_clox@lemmy.world 0 points 2 days ago (1 children)

A person knocking on your door and asking for help shouldn't be outright considered as a trespasser, especially if all they're asking is help. Of course you can't trust just anyone, but still, if someone showed up and knocked on my door, sweating their ass off in the scorching heat of the summer and asking for help, I ain't about to leave them out in the heat..

[–] over_clox@lemmy.world -5 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (3 children)

Let's say we're in Arizona right now, hypothetical..

Let's say it's 120⁰F outside. You gonna leave the fella outside, only to die on your porch of heat stroke?

Edit: Ain't that cute, I see I've been downvoted. Welp, if such a hypothetical situation happens, and someone dies on your porch in the heat, then you'd basically be guilty of negligent homicide since you could have helped, but refused to.

I'm not exactly a fan of having people die on my porch.

[–] over_clox@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Hey, I ain't mad, at least you said you'd help with the bare basics of a little food and water.

But what if it's 120⁰F outside? What if they're about to suffer a heat stroke on your porch?


It's kind of disappointing how people tend to use the upvote/downvote buttons. Sure, if it's an opinion you don't like, then downvote it to hell.

But if OP is posting a link to a legit article. That's not an opinion, that's facts. Downvoting facts makes them less likely to be seen by others.

Use those buttons wisely. I don't like it any more than many others, but I'm gonna tap that upvote in hopes it might help more people see the news!

Downvote me if you want, IDGAF.


I've never seen a green mosquito before...


A gift from my Calculus teacher upon graduation.

Yes manual included. Sadly the 0 (zero) button no longer works, due to battery corrosion... ☹️


This is the calculator that got me through junior high and high school. It even handles fractions, which is what you see on the display there.

355/113 is a very close approximation of PI, accurate to 6 decimal places.

Yes the calculator also has a proper constant for PI, but 355/113 is a pretty nifty trick in it of itself.

355/113 = 3.14159292, at least on this calculator.


Well if the opposite of progress is congress, then what's the opposite of prostate?


Fuck You


We here at Boeing Airlines have realized our continued recent issues and failures, and for that we sincerely apologize to any and all affected passengers and crew members.

We have decided that from this point on, we will now be changing our brand name to Boing as we upgrade all of our airplanes with spring technology. That way if any of our planes fall out of the sky, they'll go boing boing boing...


Couldn't help it LOL, wanted a snack to go with my beer.


Yes, it worked perfectly! The repaired broken line was apparently power to the LED backlight.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by over_clox@lemmy.world to c/shittyfoodporn@lemmy.ca

I dunno, I needed a snack with my beer haha!


Get a medium to large metal coffee can, or any old metal can I guess. Make sure it's cleaned out and dry to start with, and is not rusty.

Then get some spray cooking oil and a few scraps of bread. Spray the inside of the can with cooking oil, then drop some bread scraps in there.

Now you have a roach trap, set it near where the roaches are generally at their worst, and they'll crawl out of the walls and into the can to get their munch on, but won't be able to crawl back out.

Check it every couple or few days or so, eventually the roaches will start piling up and most of them that have been in there for a bit will end up dying because they're covered in the cooking oil and apparently can't absorb oxygen.

Take the trap as necessary and either dump it in the toilet and flush them away, or if you have access to a bonfire burn pile, bag the little demons up and burn them. Then clean the can out and reset the trap as necessary.

Even with the worst infestations I've ever seen, this tends to eliminate over 99% of them within about two weeks, if not less.

A few thoughts about the different approaches between my trap vs poison...

If you poison them, then they just go back into your walls and die, further stinking the place up, is more dangerous to people and pets, and honestly isn't even nearly as effective as people would hope.

But roaches are simple and stupid. They're really easy to trap, and why the hell would I want them going back into the walls in the first place? Especially when I can just flush them instead?

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