
joined 1 year ago
[–] orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts 30 points 1 day ago (4 children)

I know for a fact I’m already on them. I found out through channels that the police would visit my property on a weekly/bi-weekly basis to see where I was. I don’t think that’s been the case now for years, but it was when I was more actively involved in local activist leftist groups.

[–] orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts 2 points 5 days ago

Yeah, it would be good to word it more precisely. Hearing the same phrase every year doesn’t have the impact they think it does. I’m kinda curious as to what would sound better 🤔

[–] orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts 6 points 5 days ago (6 children)

Everything I come across says that 2023 was the hottest year on record so far, but I don’t know the source of this info and I’ve never seen the list you provided.

[–] orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts 5 points 6 days ago

I’ve had an Xbox Live account since 2007 but lately, I’ve mostly been gaming on Linux and my Steam Deck. I buy more games there than anywhere else. I like GamePass, but I can go and get indie games for cheap, support a small dev in the process, and the UX is superior. It’s far better than constantly dealing with these increases because capitalism demands growth at all costs.

[–] orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts 2 points 1 week ago

The US ruling class always collectively benefits from being right-wing. It’s why we no longer have a true leftist party in the US and instead are stuck with hard-right and center-right. I always ask people to give me a valid reason as to why the ruling class would willingly divide itself when they all benefit from the same things and are ultimately from the same realm. It’s why you see things like AOC marching with pro-Palestine marches, followed up by candid photo ops with Joe Biden—the current figurehead pushing the genocide. It’s all theatrics.

It’s like George Carlin always said:

It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.

[–] orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts 12 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Fascism is a weed and power is a vacuum. It’s always going to crop back up and we stop it with any means necessary.

Unfortunately for the US, we’re kinda fucked and being pushed towards the more extreme removal methods.

[–] orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts 4 points 1 week ago

There are so many cool apps where you can leverage the camera to assess things in the real world. My wife and I occasionally use the plant identifier app, and there are tons of apps for scanning objects in 3d. Trying to redirect some of that screen time to genuinely interesting and educational apps helps. Also, my wife and I have been playing Pokémon Go for years. It’s too hot right now, but it got us out walking consistently when it was cooler out.

My screen time is much reduced, but I still try to find other ways to use it that don’t involve social media. Social media is the common thread when it comes to unhealthy screen behaviors these days and shaking that FOMO can be a challenge. Part of that challenge for me involved setting up my own Lemmy instance. I spend time reading through interesting articles, looking at art, animals, weird facts, book recommendations, comics, etc. It’s much easier to disconnect from than social media can be.

[–] orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts 6 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Windows has basically become malware. It does a fuck ton of tracking, and all of its features are about appeasing shareholders over users.

If we want to get technical: I loathe it because even in the year 2024, it’s the only operating system I’ve witnessed that will absolutely grind to a halt when a third party application stops responding or crashes. There is no valid fucking reason why the parent system should be halted by an application that crashes.

Also, ads in the start panel. Absolutely not, Microsoft. No way in hell am I allowing that to live on a computer I own. Yes, I’m aware third party apps will address that but it shouldn’t be a thing to begin with.

Oh yeah, and it decided to automatically update itself to the latest version on my ASUS ROG laptop while the thing was closed and not in use. So upon booting it up and seeing ads in the UI, I wiped the system clean and installed Nobara. Bye bye. 👋

[–] orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts 69 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

The ones marching were primarily liberals and leftists. The conservatives and centrists were the ones this bingo card should be talking about.

[–] orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts 2 points 1 week ago

It’s kind of unavoidable honestly, and no one should be shocked. Tons of people are finally learning that democracy in the US died years ago. I usually just scroll past or engage in a limited manner. I already have other communities to discuss that stuff and Lemmy is mostly an escape.

[–] orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts 6 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

It’s the standard for a lot of sites now. Not saying it’s acceptable; it’s just what I’ve observed.

[–] orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts 6 points 1 week ago

Yeah, I never consider it a waste if you got some personal enrichment from it as an outlet. My goal was to never spend any actual money on the online portion and eventually people just got way too overpowered. It was a glaring example of pay-to-play and how it can ruin a game. It shut out any chance of growth and fun.

Baruleny (orcas.enjoying.yachts)

Alt text: Screenshot from the Pause menu of the video game “Barony”. The selected menu item reads “end life”.


Now to find Donnie and Raph.


The left one is the remake from the old mold, but I have the real OG stored away. Leo was always my favorite. I want to collect all of the new ones though.


I recently started playing GTAV again and sometimes I’ll get in my car and let the radio stations play while I do house stuff. Favorite stations are the 80s one with Kenny Loggins, and West Coast Classics and Rock Radio.

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