
joined 1 year ago
[–] 15 points 1 month ago

youtube is plagued with these bots that either copy someone else's comment (normally positive of the video creator in order to avoid being auto deleted) or use some chatbot to come up with phrases, the picture is always some attractive woman or sometimes just straight up images from porn, when you click on the profile the banner image or profile links will contain a link to either a scam site or an onlyfans page. They generally also bot upvotes on their comments in order to get better visibility

[–] 18 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Ok, as someone who was genuinely interested in Scandinavian history during the Viking Age, this one pisses me off more than it should, we know the vikings at BARE MINIMUM LEVEL OF CONTACT traded with people who traded with the Arabs, we know this because several viking hoards have been discovered with Arab coins.

Additionally, the Viking era came about because the vikings had (generally) better boats than other countries at the time, and those boats could traverse both river and sea, allowing them to trade over great distance.

There's a ton of other stuff I wont go into about the steel (which, by the way, was not damascus, nobody who spent any time learning about it would claim so), the broad terminology of "vikings", and the Ulfbert sword, maybe I'll come back some day and type it out, but I just don't have the time or energy to write an essay right now

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[–] 1 points 2 months ago

I'm pretty sure it's a reference to this:

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Alt text: a text post that reads: Work in retail long enough, and you'll eventually realize the rules for dealing with Customers are exactly the same as dealing with the Fae:

  • Avoid eye contact.
  • Never reveal your full name.
  • Accept nothing They offer you.
  • Never verbally agree or disagree with anything They might happen to say.
  • To apologize is to acknowledge a debt owed.
  • Under no circumstances are you ever to thank Them.
  • Remember that They are incapable of reading signs in human languages.
[–] 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I saw that thread, there were some extremely weird and gross responses, one person wrote like 6 paragraphs on how they couldn't stop using it, with one of the reasons being they "liked the mouth feel"??? It's baffling the lengths people will go to to justify saying a slur.

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Alt text: screenshot of a weapon in elden ring with the name "Great Épée", an arrow connects the name to a picture of a sleeping kitten

[–] 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

Star forts existing despite their expensive construction because they are superior to other fort designs in the age of gunpowder due to their overlapping zones of fire and safe zones for defenders? No! Clearly its because we have aquatic ancestors with melon glands and long skulls that bread us into slaves by removing said melon glands! And we hid their skulls there! In some of the most interesting and eye catching structures to see! You know, to not draw attention to them!

spoiler/s just in case it wasn't obvious

I legitimately do not get the logic here.

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[–] 0 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

to Those Leftists™, anyone thats left of them, right of them, or has identical political beliefs on everything except one issue are "libs", its been thrown around so much on lemmy that it takes up the same part of my brain as "woke", when I see someone use it unironically its generally safe to say I can ignore them.

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[–] 0 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (1 children)

Gladly! I'll use an example that I myself witnessed (and helped pull me out of the alt right pipeline, funnily enough) but unfortunately no longer have the link to corroborate my story, as it was deleted by the original post author some time afterwards, I'll also include a timeline of how it gets into the right wing circles and gets spread around, bolded part for those who just want to know the context:

A young feminist makes a post on a personal blog that includes the text "all men are trash" as part of a larger critique on masculine culture and how it negatively everyone, including men. IIRC it was something like "all men are trash, they do bad things [other examples, leading paragraph type stuff]" and then continues in the next couple of lines "That's what men are supposed to be and are lead to be under a patriarchy, but these values are harmful to everyone, them included, that's why the men who don't end up like this, and end up kind and nice, are demonized by those men who did end up evil and cruel, they disprove the need for a patriarchy, [the rest of the article]" (again, this is just what I remember, it may not be fully correct)

Effectively, the author was pointing out that a patriarchal masculine society demonizes men who are kind and help others, while rewarding men who are ruthless and cruel, with the statement "all men are trash" probably being used as an inflammatory statement to make the reader keep reading.*

At some point in the following year, someone in the alt right circle of twitter picks up on this blog and screenshots the paragraph with "all men are trash" and some other minor details that don't include the part about how the feminist actually critiques the negative influences on men

This screenshot then spreads to right wing indoctrinators, who happily run with it and use to to paint a picture of how feminists hate all men and think they are trash, so as a man you shouldn't be a feminist, and should hate feminists because they hate you!

Fringe right wing content creators see the indoctrinators takes on this and edit it together with similar examples, some of which are genuine 'hate all men' people, others are also taken out of context.

Right wing & right wing adjacent content creators release videos using the edited content to make videos with titles like "FEMINISTS think ALL MEN are trash?!", where it eventually reaches me,

I find the original blog in order to try to understand why they could possibly think I'm trash and read the rest of the article, I question why the content creator left this out and then start questioning what else they lied to me about, I start watching left wing content creators for alternate perspectives and end up the way I am now: hard core left wing gay guy who cringes at the fact I was ever even right wing adjacent

[–] 0 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (3 children)

Almost none of it is created to stoke anti-feminist attitudes, but it is certainly spread to do so.

There was this great tumblr post a couple years ago that I can't seem to find anymore about how when feminists spread phrases like 'all men are trash', even if in context it doesn't seem offensive or bigoted, people who dislike feminism will spread it to people offended by it without the additional context and say "look, see! Feminists hate all men! They hate you! Why would you as a man want to help people who hate you unconditionally?!", and unfortunately the people most vulnerable to that type of manipulation are teenage boys, who aren't exactly likely to seek out the context that's been removed

[–] 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

The dude on the bottom commissioned various artists to draw characters buying wonderbread, eating wonderbread, attending a theme park dedicated to wonderbread, as well as other things involving wonderbread that I can't quite remember, thus earning the moniker "Wonderbread dude"

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Shamelessly payday 3 posting

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