
joined 6 months ago
[–] 8 points 7 hours ago

if by some miracle the country is saved from an own-goal and trump is not crowned god king by January, it will due solely to the American public - in spite of the Democrats.

As is traditional


[–] 8 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago)

Overcoming this bullshit is how humanity gets to become what it needs to be

Right now we’re like a teenager living on our own, in way over our heads, with a couple different paths we could wind up going down

[–] 25 points 9 hours ago (1 children)

It was “due to their admitting, in a public comment, that their engagement here is in bad faith.” The frequency was a factor but by no means the proximate reason for the ban.

I don’t really agree with that being the metric, but that was what it was for.

[–] 51 points 10 hours ago (3 children)

Reminder, ozma was banned from one other sub for a while for specifically seeking out the worst news he could find about Biden and posting a never ending stream of it.

This or this are places to find good overviews as opposed to just finding the worst news possible at any given time.

[–] 1 points 12 hours ago

I mean your comment isn't 100% off base. I was just being a little prickly about it for reasons that will become clear below -- so the reason I chimed in is:

  1. Me saying my piece on it in no way makes it difficult for others who want to answer the question to give the answers OP deserves.
  2. Some of the people who are going to answer this question who fall into category #2 are going to lie, by definition, and I think it's relevant to point that out and be able to talk about it (that that factor is relevant to the discussion). If everyone was coming into this discussion and telling the truth, then yes it would be inappropriate for someone else to come in and say what those other people's answers were probably going to be.

A long debate about whether or not there are political astroturf accounts on Lemmy is probably off topic here, so I made a thread which might be a little more suited to it.

[–] 14 points 14 hours ago

What the fuck is this headline 🙄

The Washington Post’s story about how Trump is going to save NATO was worse, but only a little

[–] 5 points 14 hours ago (1 children)

“Unpopular” is a pretty carefully chosen criterion there

[–] 13 points 14 hours ago* (last edited 14 hours ago) (1 children)

Because one and only one of them might put you in a prison camp, and destroy the machinery by which you might ever hope to elect someone who would align with your values, without having to fight a war for it?

Or maybe, "only" deport 18 million people who didn’t do anything. But hey! If none of those 18 million is you or your family, that’d be okay. And you got to make your statement.

[–] 10 points 15 hours ago

It's just bread and cheese, no sauce. And the cheese is underdone. And all the toppings aren't on the pie; they're just pushed all together in one corner of the box, and someone stepped on them.

[–] 5 points 15 hours ago

It's also the energy. They're standing awkwardly, a little too straight but having trouble picking their chins all the way up, feet a little closer together than is comfortable.

It's an imitation of discipline and strength without the substance that would make it look natural.

[–] 6 points 15 hours ago (3 children)

I will give your suggestion 100% of the careful attention and obedience that it deserves.

[–] 6 points 15 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago) (1 children)

They're gonna have trouble affording smuggled oranges and tinned meat, too, when they're in the camps with bread and water as the standard food.

I get what you're saying and I'm not tryin to sit in judgement. But also, this one is fuckin important.


I hate that this is the debate we’re having now

I also hate that I’m feeding into the NYT’s lazy and transparent attempt to undo their previous partisanship with new opposite partisanship like those two things cancel out and add up to journalism

But what the hell, if that’s where we’re at, this is a relevant data point about the landscape


I normally don't even want to get involved in posting a drumbeat of "here's something about Biden staying in the race" stories because, (1) I'm not sure he should, and (2) it doesn't "cancel out" the waste of time that is the incessant drumbeat of articles about how he should drop out. It's like taking uppers to counteract downers; it just doesn't work that way, it makes everything worse. And the amount of press this whole thing is getting and the way it's being presented is absolutely fuckin absurd.

But that being said, I want to post this one because I like Elizabeth Warren quite a lot and I think what she says gets to the core of the issue.

Also, if you are a Democratic politician or donor and you want to replace Biden with someone else, surely talking to the press about how he should drop out without anyone in particular in mind that you're talking to them about as a replacement, and a strategy to get that person into place, should be an absolute last, last, last resort for a way to get that done. And probably not even then.

Biden's thing of "If you want to replace me then mount a challenge at the convention, that's what it's for, and whoever wins, let's fuckin fight the real enemy" makes quite a bit of sense to me, and the longer this goes on, the less sense the people who are talking to the press about him dropping out make.

So here you go, here's a story about someone who thinks he should stay in and what she has to say.


Courtesy ESA Mars Express, via @andrealuck

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