
joined 1 year ago

The first time I came across the usage of this phrase was in the movie Hellraiser, and I had no idea this was a common saying. Clearly though, there must be a double meaning there in the movie that I couldn't fully grasp without knowing the more colloquial meaning.

The description on Wikipedia is unfortunately not enough for me, I would like to see examples. And it's very hard to find those because Google gives me mostly links to religious websites.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

I'd rather we stop sexualizing characters altogether. If anything, it's silly and makes it more difficult to take them seriously.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

The weird thing is, as a guy, I never even paid attention to the sexualized stuff in games. To me these are like two different brain activities. So, as far as I'm concerned, there was never any point in this kind of marketing. I've never in my life purchased a game because it featured sexy ladies.


The native population had been wiped out by the malware of their own creation. Only the Linux users survived, but turned blind because they stare at their monitors and don't go out much.


One time I read a quote by a philosopher. I'm not sure if he was strictly Daoist, but at the very least Daoism-adjacent. IIRC correctly he wasn't one of those academic types, and more an ascetic sage type.

Anyway, I don't remember the exact quote, but the crux of it was that the Dao has no intention. It said something like "if the Dao had intention, it would only be like a shepherd". This shepherd analogy is the only specificity of this quote that I can remember. If you know who it was, please let me know.