
joined 1 year ago
[–] 18 points 1 day ago (9 children)

ABC is a network that doesn't have an FCC license. Each individual local station is an FCC licensee. They're the ones that are responsible for the content they air.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Question, when you move to a new place in Spain, do you need to register residency with the police?

I don't know if Spain does that or not, but I think Italy does some version.

The United States doesn't have that, and doesn't have a national id card. Although most people effectively register themselves to get a driver license, that is only required if you drive. So voter registration nominally provides some way for the government to get the information on residency, which is important for figuring out which local elections you need to vote in.

Now recently, in the last couple of decades, some states started requiring photo id verification to vote. This defeats the purpose of having a separate voter registration system, because you still have to go to the driver registration system to get either a driver license, or a non-driving photo ID. Nevertheless, the separate voter registration system has hung around in every single one of these states, because the real goal is to prevent people from voting.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

Not enough mushrooming in that case.

[–] 14 points 1 day ago (4 children)

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + ... = -1/12

[–] 3 points 1 day ago

Burglary doesn't actually require you to steal anything, but yes they did, and yes the feds probably could charge burglary on some of these defendants.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago

Yeah. I eventually noticed that.

[–] 11 points 2 days ago

The thing that's fucked is not the idea of chains of causation. Courts deal with that all the time.

The fucked up part about felony murder in many states is that it bypasses mens rea or intent elements and jumps straight to murder 1 sentencing.

[–] 6 points 2 days ago (2 children)

J6 was a crime against the federal government on government property in the District of Columbia.

The feds do have this felony murder law, but it seems to be narrower in scope than many state laws. For instance, the case where law enforcement shoots a perp did happen at the capitol, but it seems like it can't be charged as felony murder under the federal version of the law.

Also, the federal law lists specific crimes only that can be used as underlying felonies, and I suspect that "obstructing an official proceeding" and even "insurrection" are not specifically on that list. Possibly, the feds would have had to charge and convict on simple burglary to apply felony murder.

I don't think any felony murders were actually charged. And a great many J6 defendants were charged with no felonies at all, so they would not be eligible.

[–] 140 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (46 children)

This is probably "felony murder". The rule here is that if you are committing some kind of felony, and someone dies as a result, then you are guilty of murder for that person. This bypasses all of the usual intent filters between first degree murder, second degree murder, and manslaughter.

Classic example: you and a friend decide to hold up a bank. It goes sideways and a bank security guard shoots and kills your friend. You are guilty of murder because your friend died because you both decided to commit a felony.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago

Here's another factor: The ISS is in a high inclination orbit that is excellent at overflying most of the US and Russia. Not so great as a base for deep space missions.

[–] 4 points 2 days ago

Both of these astronauts were multiple-mission space veterans before they left. They have space shuttle experience. Sunita has prior command experience on ISS. These two are basically the most veteran professionals that NASA has on the roster.

They have now been resupplied with clothing on a Progress module. I think it was like 45 days before that showed up.

They have both stated that they're happy for more time on orbit, and I'm mostly inclined to believe them.

[–] 12 points 3 days ago

I went to labcorp for a while when I needed monthly blood draws for my doctor.

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