
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 1 month ago

I would agree with you that something similar to metric would eventually arise, but I would consider duodecimal to make more sense than decimal, as 12 is a superior highly composite number and the terminating representation is much shorter for more commonly used fractions (e.g. 1⁄4 would be represented as 0.3, 1⁄3 as 0.4, 1⁄2 as 0.6, etc). I would also argue that groupings in powers of 12² make more sense than 10³.

I would also argue that it would make more sense for measurements to be based on natural units (such as Planck length) for all the basic measurements (second, metre, kilogram, ampere, kelvin, mole, and candela), such that the anthropic unit (the one you'd most commonly refer to without prefixes) would be some multiple of 12 away from the natural unit.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

As I've progressed and gotten more and more specialized in my field, I may not have anyone else "ahead" of me anymore, but there are still plenty of other people that have specialized in different ways, both in my field more generally, in their own niche, and outside the field entirely. I think so long as you engage with people who keep learning and specializing, people who have empathy and can show understanding, you're never really short of peers. You'd be surprised at how others' experience, even in radically different fields, can shape new insights and cause you to grow as a professional and a person. Breadth of knowledge gives you more tools to solve problems creatively.

[–] 10 points 1 month ago (1 children)

'Taint what a horse looks like, it's what a horse be.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

On the Disc it's the 8th son of an 8th son ("8" being the more magical number, along with the eighth color only wizards can see, octarine). The 8th son of an 8th son of an 8th son is a sourcerer, but they're rare (on purpose).

[–] 7 points 1 month ago

However, you could make the case that gnome ceremorphs or gnome squidlings could pretend to be kids if a normal mindflayer wanted some fucked up version of a family for whatever reason.

[–] 169 points 1 month ago (7 children)

Joe Biden is too old to be a Boomer, technically. He's part of the Silent Generation. So really he's just doing the traditional Silent Generation part of bowing out so a Boomer can take over.

[–] 9 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Dried frog pills, probably. I've been told if you take one you can hallucinate that you're sane, which is probably close enough for the average physicist.

[–] 15 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Sounds painful with a high possibility of breaking bones then drowning while conscious. I'd recommend an inert gas that's not CO2 and readily available, like nitrogen or something (CO2 buildup in the blood is what gives the sensation of suffocation). If you're worried about people finding you and a mess, get an enema and stay a bit dehydrated first, and also ensure your body's found within the first 2-3 days if possible (the first thing your corpse does is shit itself, and rot sets in pretty quickly).

This of course presumes you're making the decision to end yourself while of sound mind, not in some panic, feeling trapped or completely hopeless. There's usually a way out that's not as permanent and can lead to future positive interactions that make continued living worth the pain. That said, I'll never judge someone whose pain outweighs their will to live.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

Jazz has the same etymology, it's pretty spunky.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

Mine is IBM Plex Mono, but the nerdfont 'Blex' variety.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

I pity them all, including all the poor conservatives that've fallen for the rhetoric, though of course I still want them imprisoned for their crimes. There need to be systemic changes in education and mental health support to prevent the possibility of continued fascism, but the system is broadly self-reinforcing.

[–] 4 points 2 months ago (5 children)

You're right, but in that vein it's incredibly difficult to scientifically confirm that other humans have emotions outside of explicit communication. If you follow that line of thinking, you might as well assume that babies can't really feel pain or something (which up until somewhat recently was the going assumption). You might not know, but it's not unreasonable to assume they do unless proven otherwise, even if you don't know what they're feeling or to what extent.

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