
joined 8 months ago
[–] 4 points 1 week ago

Central Unions and big political organizations have cancelled the common meeting planned for this week, because "the far-right didn't pass" This the 3rd time they almost did, I don't know how many warning shot they need.

I'm sick of the blindness of the left management. We seriously need more people in grass roots organization.

[–] 15 points 1 week ago

The words of the machine are sacred, Only the impure need explanation

The Flesh is Weak

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

The old train will miss me … LITERALLY at last

[–] -5 points 1 week ago (3 children)

In any demonstration, you have to make some unproven statement, taken as true. It could be "1+1 = 2" or "God exists". So sciences are methodologies based on believes. Lot of religions use logic and reasons, based on science and philosophy, to deduce things from their core believes. This is theology.

So if both science and religions are based on believes, and could have the same methods, how to distinguish one of the other ? We could argue that science try to reduce believes as possible. Personally I'm not good enough in sciences to argue with religious people, and demonstrate that point. In trying to challenge my believes in scientific models, I have to stay tolerant with religious people (I'm not sure I would otherwise); which is a most productive approach. Furthermore, it helps to have a critical point on view on science (as you've said, and to taking it as a blind faith)

[–] -5 points 1 week ago (6 children)

How do you know that science is not a believe like the other ? My answer is in challenge it with other believe systems to explain reality. Of course some things make a lot more sense with science methodology, but to be faire, te main point of religions is not to explain gravity.

I consider other believes as opportunities, no to explain to others, or to be taught by others, but making both and strengthen us all.

However, we shall to care do not confuse religions and believes. A lot of people took part in religions and do not believes, and others believes and do not took part in a dedicated community. This is a different topic. Communities are generally a good thing, but hierarchy lead to abuses. This true in every organization, religions include

[–] 7 points 1 week ago

The question is not where the moron are, but what place give them the power to harm

[–] -4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Fun fact : if you write french with the last grammar modernization, and with the gender minority inclusivity, you could being correct AND pissed off a lot of french speaker.

[–] 0 points 2 weeks ago

Each time a leftist ask me to vote, my answer is "only if you unionize". I don't think we should rely and a political party that defend the bourgeoisie to organize the fight against fascism.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

yea sorry. It was a typo

[–] 8 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (5 children)

Whatever the result, what cause the rise of far right will be still there. We have to continue to mobilize after the election this time. Organized for your interest fellows


As a member of a revolutionary union, we are supposed to organized in industry union. However, industries are not that clear nowadays; our workplace are often linked with many industries. So, we often make inter-professional unions. This is related to our mistrust of corporatism; we analyzed a lot of tensions and treason of other unions as the defense of specific job (i.e teacher, and not whole workers of education)

But, when people speak of unionized, their first question is related to a union link to their specific job.

Where you are, is corporatism a thing among the workers ? among their organization ? Do you think this is an issue ? How do you deal with it ?


The brand new Sex Workers Section of the CNT union of workers and precarious of Strasbourg (CNT - STP 67) call to mobilization for the International day of the Sex Workers Struggles. This day was chosen since the church occupation of Lyon in 1975; if french laws have changed, discriminations remain.

In some city, outside any legal frame, cops are chasing sex workers in the street. The french juridiction is supposed to "protect sex workers from pimp. In fact, it sanctions people helping sex workers, including roommates or relatives, where GAFAM and platforms that actually exploit them are not threaten in any way.

The french situation is one of many incarnation of the discrimination against sex workers internationally. On the contrary of the historical sex workers organization (the STRASS), this section is organized in an inter-professional confederation (CNT) and internationally (CIT)

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