
joined 1 year ago

Very fascinating find!


cross-posted from:

The New College of Florida is under fire after what appears to be hundreds of books that have been wiped from its collection and discarded on the street.

The right-wing war on knowledge continues to be a five-alarm fire for American (and world) Democracy and getting worse by the day...


The New College of Florida is under fire after what appears to be hundreds of books that have been wiped from its collection and discarded on the street.

The right-wing war on knowledge continues to be a five-alarm fire for American (and world) Democracy and getting worse by the day...


Another sign of a broken system...


Reposting this image from r/Minnesota:.

A vote for Trump is a vote for the end of the BWCA as we know it; tailings and copper pollution from the mining would ruin the environment and be a drag on tourism.


A call to action, to be sure.


What a total waste of tax money...


Makes you very happy to see this!


Absolutely ridiculous...

A work vehicle bearing the saying that supports a white supremacist group was spotted in Hutchinson and reported to social media.

The slogan, according to the ADL, was coined by David Lane, a member of the white supremacist terrorist group known as The Order.


cross-posted from:

A weekly central Kansas newspaper and its publisher filed a federal lawsuit Monday over police raids last summer of its offices and the publisher’s home, accusing local officials of trying to silence the paper and causing the death of the publisher’s 98-year-old mother. 

The lawsuit did not include a specific figure for potential damages. However, in a separate notice to local officials, the paper and its publisher said they believe they are due more than $10 million.

The lawsuit from the Marion County Record’s parent company and Eric Meyer, its editor and publisher, accuses the city of Marion, the Marion County Commission and five current and former local officials of violating free press rights and the right to be free from unreasonable law enforcement searches guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. The lawsuit also notified the defendants that Meyer and the newspaper plan to add other claims, including that officials wrongly caused the death of Meyer’s mother the day after the raids, which the lawsuit attributes to a stress-induced heart attack.


Glad to see Kansas doing this and trying to bring some transparency back to the statehouse!

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