
joined 9 months ago
[–] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 5 points 4 weeks ago (2 children)

The few times I've needed to man [app name] on a system without internet access or on an obscure utility, I've always been able to find what I need in the included docs

I hope the dev eventually gets sponsored, this is one of those utilities that you don't think you need until --help doesn't cut it

[–] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

For anyone who doesn't have a device that natively supports this feature, there's an app on F-Droid called "Privacy Indicators" that provides this for camera and mic access. It uses the built-in Accessibility services to provide this, and needs a couple of other special permissions

You can change the color of the indicator, mine's red for more visibility.

I installed it from GitHub however, since the F-Droid build was really outdated: https://github.com/NitishGadangi/Privacy-Indicator-App

[–] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 31 points 1 month ago

The car full of hammer and sickles in the background though 😂😂 that's metaphorical gold

[–] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 5 points 1 month ago

I did this with all my PS1 games a while back, ran into a ton of unreadable ones. Managed to read some scratched ones by trying out four different drives, but some sadly fell victim to disk rot ☹️

o7 thanks for the memories I guess!

[–] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 3 points 1 month ago

I love this 😂

[–] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 3 points 1 month ago

These are pretty fair points I'd say

I haven't used the FP4 personally so can't really comment on that, but a lot of the community who owned the 3 weren't too keen on the 4 the last time I was on their forums. Most of that was due to the software issues you mentioned, as well as the removal of the 3.5mm jack.

The improved GM1 isocell rear camera on the 3+ is pretty good for what it is, but on the software side there's practically no optimization there at all. In full manual with OpenCamera I can take better pictures than my iPhone 13 - lack of HDR (camera hardware supports it, no software implementation) and OIS aside. Others have used the Google Camera app on auto and they're very happy with what they get, I'm personally not too keen on the overprocessed look that some environments can exhibit though.

Ever since the leadership changes and designer departure following the 3+ release, a few mistakes have been made - unrepairable fairbuds being the worst one IMO!! Plastic sustainability of those buds aside, the three tiny unreplaceable batteries will be a one way ticket to the landfill once they're worn out.

Personally I'm hoping they develop a true successor to the FP3, really like the feel of this device

[–] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 1 month ago

I use OSMand alongside GMaps WV (a webview for Google Maps, wipes all data automatically after closing). Works well enough for me, but in GMaps you can't rotate the map or provide your location

[–] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 1 month ago

I use "Automation" (on fdroid) - the UX could do with some improving but it thoroughly covers the basics.

Newer versions of Android make it difficult to automate certain things though, I find root helps to get around that in some cases

[–] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 1 month ago

I was looking for Sleep As Android too!! Separately to this I saw a comment on R a while ago asking for FOSS alternatives, and to say the dev's response was out-of-touch would be an understatement. They just complained about not being able to make a living from a FOSS app...

Regarding Gadgetbridge though, those devs and contributors are running into more and more accessories using encrypted protocols which is a bit worrying. Right now I've settled on the BangleJS which has official support, just wish it had a more accurate heart rate sensor!

My dream FOSS health app would be some concoction of OpenScale and Gadgetbridge 😂

[–] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 5 points 1 month ago (10 children)

Could you ellaborate?

I have an FP3 and I'm pretty happy with my device - previously owned a Galaxy S5 (the only lost features are the HRM and amoled display😓)

What I do find garbage though is what Google continues to do with Android...

[–] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 11 points 1 month ago (5 children)

I've seen the redesign too and not really sure how I feel about it 😂 there's a lot of additional whitespace and it kinds looks like a blown up mobile version of the site

[–] lemann@lemmy.dbzer0.com 21 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Those are fake mirrors completely missing aniwave's core features: account watchlists, auto skip intro/outro, auto next, watch together, and the comments don't even work.

Wouldn't surprise me if they're missing the majority of Aniwave's library too

Edit: The search is horrifically basic too. No filters at all, seriously? The clones don't even try to compete 🤦‍♂️


Ordered back in Feb and just got delivered!

As soon as I saw the PS1 version release a while back, I was eager to get a PS2 version to backup the single 8MB card I've owned since my first PS2. I got all my games pre-owned back then, so sadly none came with extra memory cards 😭

Initially I ran into some issues copying the save files from my old 8MB to this one (using wLE), ended up turning off the "Game ID" MCP setting so all saves get copied to the same VMC instead of dedicated ones for each game.

Apparently this card works on the PS3 too if you hold the front right button while connecting the USB, looking forward to that since I have some PS1 saves trapped in there...


I've been looking into this material due to the really nice surface finish and clean look (actually purchased some already 😅)

However I recently came across a video by CNC kitchen where he raised some potential health concerns relating to the fibers specifically inside the filament. One of the commenters mentioned they couldn't wash the fibers off their skin, and another likened it to the "3d printing equivalent of asbestos"

I don't plan to print with it just yet due to needing a hardened nozzle, and spare extruder parts. However when I do, i'm feeling a little worried about how safe it is - mainly whether the final printed part is fine for occasional skin contact, or whether this material should ideally be left to just cosmetic parts.

P.S. image not mine, taken from here


I was recently tasked with rewriting the base CSS for an inventory/project management system, creating a set of reusable components designed to match, using an open/close approach. These were based on a pretty strict specification provided by one of our designers, who unfortunately left.

The implementation went well, but I've run into a bit of a problem. Quite often the team members make changes directly to the base class in the new base CSS file, rather than extending it, creating a new one, or using each system area's dedicated stylesheet file.

One of the more recent changes involved removing a grid-gap property from a rule from the base CSS, affecting a lot more than the single UI element the team member was working on.

Should I approach the team about this?

I haven't mentioned anything yet, but have noticed our QA team putting in more bugs about UI elements looking odd


TL has been returning 1004 errors all day, however their staff are aware of this looking at a discussion thread on a certain site.

Hopefully it gets fixed soon - posted here just in case others are having issues with the site and its mirrors


Sorry in advance for the wall of text! Some background...

Enter me, someone who usually gets around by bicycle or public transport. I'm about 200 miles away from anyone close (besides my partner) and the trains, while fast and convenient, are expensive and quite limited at some times of the day.

So, as a solution, I decided I'll pick up some driving lessons so I can drive to friends with a rental or my own vehicle, on much more flexible terms. Since I had some existing experience in various driving simulators (almost 200h combined), I decided why not?

Now, about the lesson.

The instructor was absolutely amazing, got me up to speed with all kinds of things I wasn't familiar with, like adjusting the mirrors, wheel and stuff.

The car is a stick shift/manual, as that's the norm here. To be honest, changing gears was the easiest part - it felt really familiar because of the simulators. However I really struggled with how much information you need to take in from around you during the actual driving, literally had to try so hard to not make my mind wander for even a second, because I'd lose track of the environment and stuff. It was dark too so that made things a little challenging.

I'd say a major stress point too is the fact that i'm operating a 2000kg SUV, not an agile 20kg bicycle.

On one hand I'm hoping things improve with time, on the other I really wish we had good, affordable public transport to begin with.

What are your thoughts?


If a firmware update fails on your Mach-E, you're stranded... There's no backup or emergency boot ROM to at least allow you to drive home.

This is pretty disappointing for a "premium" EV IMO, considering other devices like PCs and smartphones will automatically revert to the last working update if they fail to boot.

Most modern PC motherboards even have this feature implemented at a hardware level for the BIOS, where the previous firmware is restored from an independent "flashback" ROM if a startup failure is detected following an update.

In this video Louis is pretty frustrated about these poor engineering decisions being blamed on EV technology, rather than pointing the blame at the manufacturer's poor engineering decisions - as it allows the manufacturers to continually get away with making things worse, and not being held accountable.


This is a pretty neat tour of Prusa's printer factory on the Strange Parts channel

They have an absolutely massive 600 printer farm, with the same mk3 and mk4 machines that they sell to customers, which is really impressive.

They do almost everything in-house, including manufacturing the printer mainboards, for faster project planning and turnaround times.

Note - the video is pretty long at about 40 mins!

After watching I'm a little tempted to pick up some prusament filament to support the company, really like how they are supporting local talent.


I've wanted one of these for a while, decided to bite the bullet a couple days ago! Seeing as I was somewhat familiar with CAD software (from engineering classes several years ago) it seemed fairly straightforward.

As someone completely new to this, there have been a TON of things I've learned from binging 3d printing channels...

  • First layer adhesion 😭
  • Bed levelling
  • Types of extruders (bowden/direct) and how they affect what materials you can print
  • Tons of printing materials, personally will be using PETG and PLA
  • Keeping filament dry in a vacuum bag

And soo much more - but there is still a lot that I have absolutely no idea about.

The printer is a second-hand Flsun Q5, the seller sent it fully assembled (very, very brave of them, but it arrived unharmed). I had a brief look around at other options, but for the price of an easythreed, this was a no brainer.

I think the seller had some issues with bed adhesion, as there was a ton of slimy stuff on the print bed when it arrived. Used some isopropyl alcohol and a dish sponge to scrub it off, seems all fine now!

I had some issues with the Z-offset but got it good enough to where there is some first layer adhesion.

Model finished printing while I was drafting this post, I sprayed some contact cleaner onto the glass bed to take it off (is that bad?). There's some stringing:


I recently came to the realization that I've been kinda punishing myself with cheap no-name solder that is really difficult to work with.

I reluctantly bought this (rather expensive) lead free solder for around $25 and the difference really took me by surprise - it melts and flows so easily!

Kinda got me wondering what everyone else has been using for solder, or what's worked well for you so far at least?

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