
joined 8 months ago
[–] 2 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

Beliefs? How is it a belief that we should be given basic human rights like access to healthcare and correct documentation?

[–] 1 points 3 hours ago (3 children)

How is me being Trans the same as a religious person forcing their beliefs down my throat?

[–] 1 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

This isn't an explicitly Liberal community?

[–] 34 points 3 hours ago (2 children)

My point was that making life harder for non paying customers doesn't negate the fact that they make life harder for paying customers.

[–] 60 points 3 hours ago (5 children)

ISP locking doesn't make any sense, why should they care if I use stock Android or GraphineOS?

[–] 38 points 4 hours ago (7 children)

As they continue to make life harder for paying customers more people will stop paying

[–] 15 points 13 hours ago (1 children)

That's deep

[–] 1 points 14 hours ago (1 children)

The fact that Microsoft can afford to invest money into the GUI while DEs like Plasma and Gnome often receive limited funding.

Don't you know that you should take everything you see on the Internet seriously :3

I don't think it should be recommended tbh, at least not as a replacement to another operating system. Many individuals within the Linux community overstate its benefits while downplaying the downsides causing people to have incorrect expectations of Linux.

American politics are primarily shaped by corporations who have an economic incentive to keep the Overton window exclusively center right to far right.

[–] 5 points 2 days ago (9 children)

Copyright should be abolished


If you vote then you're this guy, voting bad, Biden bad

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