
joined 1 year ago
[–] 5 points 10 hours ago (2 children)

At first I thought it's Android lol

[–] 1 points 11 hours ago

if you do have schizophrenia you have remarkable insight into your symptoms. I am on medicine right now(Triflux) so it could be the result of the meds instead of me having remarkable insights.

I did get a second opinion and he came to the same conclusion. I don't know anything about the disorders you have listed here. (I have to look them up online)



ok so first of all let me list the symptoms that I have.

  • Paranoia - I always think that something could happen. for example I think I would die because of the boiling water I put one stove. somehow It could jump on me and I will die. this is just a simple example I have ton of example to give.
  • Delusion - I don't always feel this way but If someone don't give me exact reason why do they doing something I would assume they are doing that to harm me. I am not that delusional that I would not believe if they explain me why they are doing certain things.
  • Hallucination - This is the main symptoms of schizophrenia. I don't have it. really! I could explain why my psychiatrist thinks I have auditory hallucination. I talk to myself a lot and keep replying to my thoughts not voices thoughts. sometimes it feels like those thoughts are coming from someone else like they are talking to me. and I know it's inside my head. I doesn't even feel like normal voice. I won't try to find that person around me since I know that it's not real, I know all the conversation going on inside my head are imaginary. the problem it creates is when I am talking to my family members and at the same time I am also talking inside my head that renders me unable to pay attention to my family member who is trying to talk with me.
  • Delusion of reference - I kinda feel like everyone is watching me when I go to some public place. however it isn't that bad that I couldn't even go to public places. I do go to public places however It makes me uncomfortable since I keep thinking about scenarios in which something would go off or something bad would happen or I would do something that will draw everyone's attention. again it's not that bad since I can go to public places and do whatever business I have to do there.

maybe I should show this post my psychiatrist so he could better understand however he always say that you don't have to explain the symptoms to me I already know you have schizophrenia and I always argue that I don't have schizophrenia. I don't know I am so confused :/

I have seen a lot of videos about schizophrenia and I don't even have all the symptoms of it. maybe I have one or two symptoms but that's it. I am cognitively fine and you might even call me clever on some occasion.



I tried to find the actual origin of this song but I couldn't find the official song by T-series or something I wonder from where this song came from. I know that it's from Atif Aslam but still It's kinda surprising that it doesn't have a official video on YouTube.

[–] 21 points 3 days ago (2 children)

It could just be a note taking app and nothing would change.

[–] 10 points 3 days ago (1 children)

You solved the puzzle! here is a cookie for you :D 🍪

[–] -1 points 5 days ago

Like we won't know when Earthquake happens

[–] 5 points 1 week ago

the reason you interact more here could be because people here are more nice and welcoming because it's definitely the reason I love to interact here :D

[–] 8 points 1 week ago

found the personal best medicine combination for schizophrenia. :)



I have been struggling to find good amount of dose and medicine for schizophrenia. the medicines my doctor gave me was too "heavy" on me since it made me dizzy for half a day when I take it before sleeping. it wasn't good. I couldn't function like that. so I asked my doctor to change to doze/meds and they gave me just one medicine called "Triflux". It worked \0/ . now I don't feel dizzy/sleepy for almost a day when I take medicines and now I can focus on my job :)

imo, changing medicine and finding a good doze is really important in curing schizophrenia. :)

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I am tired of Kagi shills everywhere posting how kagi is great :/

[–] 13 points 1 week ago

you are hearing voices and believe that people are talking about you. It's symptoms of schizophrenia. Don't take it as medical advice rather talk about it with your doctor.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

When I "hear" something I know it's inside my head. It's like "I am thinking" those stuff and I do very often. Like thinking about past conversations again but slightly modified.

To be diagnosed as schizophrenic you don't necessarily need to have hallucinations. But don't take this as medical advice and find a professional.


Hello everyone,

Today I went to office and started thinking about how everyone in the office could harm me(they have done nothing that would make me think they are planing to harm me). but I cope up by just communicating with them. I ask "hey how are you", "what's the thing you are working on" and their replies always makes me calm. their sympathy towards me is what makes me functional in the office.

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

I couldn't find a single schizophrenia related community that's why I made one.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Thank you very much :)



so first of all why I created this community? because I wanted a place where I can share my daily life challenges and struggles to world and also get other people's view and experience.

right now I will be the only one posting in this community. I will this community will flourish and become a place where schizophrenic people could share their experience.



I am an vim user and I am used to the vim way of doing things. I started tinkering with emacs some time ago and enjoying it since because of the elisp. however I find the default keybinding kinda weird and it's hard to get used to it. we can't even vi" or ci" in emacs. also emacs doesn't have inbuilt multi cursor support.

I really want to use emacs but these things are holding me back :(



I started using gemini almost a year ago when I had recently learned about it. after some time using it I got busy with my life and forget that this awersome protocol exists.

today I was hanging out in IRC and found #gemini . It made me check it out after this much time and it surprised me that gemini is still active. however when I searched for stuff using gemini search engine I found a ton of dead links on the first page. it was disappointing. is still alive and the last post was 7hours ago. there is also a youtuber name zaney who attempted to port entire gentoo wiki to gemtext, but it seems like he lost interest in doing so.

what are some cool gemini capsule which are still active and you use it?



First of all I don't really get the actual meaning of "please". I understand it as it used to make a polite request. However I have rarely seen any westerner saying "please" on either Lemmy, Mastodon or IRC. where I live using "please" (मेहरबानी) is used often.



I started learning Perl some time ago I also made a IRC bot using it however it is a very simple and basic bot but it's something I made using Perl :D

I also stumble upon some language quircks of Perl it's has bash vibes where if you don't do things right way it punishes you. eg, when you forget to quote your parameter expansion and bash performs word spliting and you are confused what's wrong!

so now I learned I language which I can use to manipulate text :D

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