
joined 1 year ago
[–] 0 points 1 year ago (3 children)

That seems weird…67% AMD and 33% Intel? Meaning zero percent of polled Linux users play on nvidia?


I’m working on a reread of Way of Kings right now (I have fully read the whole cosmere; this is my project while I wait for each secret project), and I just got to the part where Shallan’s siblings are talking to her via spanreed about the soulcaster.

Nan Balat mentions that their father’s steward Luesh was found with a pendant with three diamonds in a strange pattern.

Obviously we know from later books that he was a member of the ghostbloods, but according to the coppermind, all ghostbloods must have the symbol tattooed somewhere on their body, so why does Luesh get away with just having a pendant?

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

The thing that I think makes lemmy more valuable than mastodon is the focus on content versus personality. With Twitter, you followed people because you were interested in what they had to say and share. With Reddit, you followed communities. So even if a lot of the people don’t move over, once enough of the community does, it’ll feel the same (or better). I was never super active in my various subreddits (although I did comment, I just never posted), but I’m making an effort to comment and vote a lot on here just to help build that sense of community