
joined 1 year ago

So, what new skill have you mastered recently ? What are you proud of ?

I have come to realise that I prefer embroidering in winter, somehow, and I feel like I have progressed and make neater stitches.
Sewing wise I am in the process of atempting a GOOD fit, not just an ok one, and it's... in progress. I guess the progress consist of having higher standards and not being afraid of multiple mock-ups. Let's see how much more patience I can gather before deciding it's good enough.


Have you finally done a thing that you have been putting off for long? Figuring the invisible zipper? Putting sleeves on correctly on first try? Conquered a new fiddly fabric? Created the most perfect fit?

It has been downhill since the stripped dress I'm afraid, but that dress has the most perfectly matching stripes all around and that makes me very proud! (I have also finally brought my machine to the repair shop and it's running much more smoothly, huge improvement)


Do you have any tool that you use all the time? Do you recommend it to everyone unprompted? Is it ridiculously specific to your situation, wants and needs? Let every one know how they can make their sewing better!!

I myself don't have any at the moment, but I have been eyeing a nice pair of left-handed fabrid scissors for quite some time and I might get it some day.


Started this "simple summery dress" last year, had to redo the top part because the previous plan was very ugly. After a few wear decided that it needed some decorations. So I added a few flowers and beads. I am really happy to be able to wear it this summer though, it's really comfy.