elektronische Tanzmusik. Es kommt von "Hardcore", der schnelleren Variante des noch etwas bekannteren "Hardstyle".
Bei Metal isses spezifisch "Harcore Punk", wovon die ganzen "-core" genres hergeleitet wersen (bei welchen ich auf Teufel komm raus spontan auch nur metalcore und deathcore kenne, könnten die einzigen gängigeren Hardcore Punk Genres sein)
I think I just figured it out, hang on with me.
It'd be the tech literate person in the family. The nephew that's working as a programmer or something like that. Now, if that nephew has some interest in stealing their uncles money, they now have access to their bank account through a freely rooted phone.
This gives them a lot of options, which I don't have to explain.
Given that a lot of scams actually happen between presumed family and friends...
Yeah I kinda get why banks are doing this