
joined 1 year ago

I mean, if you consider how much a study costs to get to the point of publication, the publication costs are peanuts in comparison.

[–] ikilledlaurapalmer@lemmy.world 20 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

Fine! .csv.gz ftw!

[–] ikilledlaurapalmer@lemmy.world 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

100% spot on. I did this for many years, and the sysadmin stuff was actually a fun little hobby. There were many seasons in terms of deliverability. I only ran personal email, never a list or anything like that, my ip wasn’t on any black list, but from time to time emails wouldn’t be delivered, or they would start going to peoples spam folders. I’d get fixed what I could using google/outlook/whatever’s tools or reach out to the mail admin address. Many times deliverability would be fixed, but months later the cycle would repeat. Or worse, I’d get silently and suddenly banished to spam. There’s nothing more you can do about that (yes I had all the things to prevent it).

Ended up moving my mx records to fastmail and using them for email. It’s not much, if any, more cost than running a vps for email (well, if you only consider one user), but I’ve had drastically improved deliverability.

Long story short, email is terribly broken, but it’s a good idea to have your own domain so that you own your address.

Yeah, but it’s important to point out that the reason for that is that your data is encrypted at rest and they cannot decrypt it for you and your vanilla imap client.

They do have a decryption app for desktop that allows you to use your desktop email client.


Has anyone benchmarked how much qemu bogs down an AMD64 container running on a Mac M1 vs in its natural architecture?

Just starting to ensure that containers will run on a Mac and there are so many weird things. I’m wondering how much effort it’s worth to try to build a whole separate version of each container in ARM vs having a single AMD64 for each.


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