
joined 1 year ago
[–] 7 points 23 hours ago (3 children)
[–] 3 points 1 day ago

Take a dozen of these and throw them in Pepsi zero and then boil them for 20 minutes like a tea egg. It really brings out the flavor of these weird green egg things.

[–] 1 points 3 days ago (2 children)
[–] 7 points 4 days ago

Nothing brings me more joy than to enslave a couple, put them into a tiny jail, forced to breed forever and watch as their children are taken down a chute and become slaves until the end of time.

[–] 4 points 4 days ago

skibidi toilet

[–] 5 points 1 week ago (2 children)
[–] 4 points 1 week ago

But it's distance to you is not monotonic so it's alllll goooood.

[–] 5 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Where are these stays from lmao.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by to c/

Changes so far:

  • Nothing so far


I must have been really tired last night because I accidentally posted this as a release when it's a WIP release. Fixed.


I'm moving the fixes here into 1.38.1 instead.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)
[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago

I've been trying to proc this all day but I can't. Are there biome restrictions to this that they aren't disclosing?

[–] 8 points 2 weeks ago

YeAh. We ShOuLd CaPiTaLiZe EvErY oThEr LeTtEr InStEaD.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by to c/

This release adds the option to offline a post feed, giving you the freedom to browse while offline. The use case here is if you know ahead of time you are going to be offline you can download a feed beforehand and read it later.

This release also implements several user requests.

Full changelog

  • When opening a link to a post on a different instance, added a banner to explaining the instance mismatch and also have an option to switch instances. Also added a loading spinner when switching instances in this way.
  • Added a "Make available offline" button to make a feed available offline.
  • Changed bookmark button to reflect the current state. Eg. if the post is already bookmarked then the bookmark icon is filled.


  • Fixed a bug when viewing a post on another instance, tapping the switch instance button will not show an error message if the post cannot be found on your instance.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes posts are not mark as real on v0.19.5 instances.

Hello everyone. I just wanted to announce that it's been over a year since I started working on Summit (I started on June 13th, 2023). This is going to be a quick post as I am still busy with real life stuff but I wanted to commemorate this event.

I wanted to thank the community for the support and also for all of the feature requests, bug reports and the translations. The app has grown tremendously in just a year and I'm excited for the projects planned this year.

Thanks everyone.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

Me: careful. I have friends sitting in high places.

My friend:

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by to c/

Hello! I haven't posted in a while so I wanted to give a quick update on what is going on with the app.

The next feature I'm working on is quite large. Its offline support which aims to make the app usable offline... to a degree. This feature is going to be made up of several different parts including features to download certain content in advance and have the app respond to network changes.

In addition to this feature I am also working on some physical projects since it is summer where I am. I had a lot of yard work planned for this year so I'm also spending a lot of my free time with that. Due to this and the size of the next update, the next update will likely take a little longer.

Changes so far:

  • Changed bookmark button to reflect the current state. Eg. if the post is already bookmarked then the bookmark icon is filled.
  • When opening a link to a post on a different instance, added a banner to explaining the instance mismatch and also have an option to switch instances. Also added a loading spinner when switching instances in this way.
  • Added a "Make available offline" button to make a feed available offline.


I'm not going to stop though.


This is a relatively small release. This release adds posts prefetching. This should make loading more posts in the post feed feel faster. This is a crucial change needed to implement offline mode.

This release also adds community icons in both the post feed and the post screen.

Both of these changes are configurable so you can disable one or both if it's not to your liking.

Full changelog

  • Added prefetching to the post feed. This should make loading more items in the post feed happen instantly as long as there is a good internet connection.
  • Added support for community icons in the post feed.
  • Added a setting to enable/disable post feed prefetching. The default is on.
  • Added a setting to enable/disable community icons in the post feed. The default is on.
  • Change post view to show the community icon if the post list also shows the community icon.
  • Fixed a bug where tapping in certain areas of the post will not register the tap.


Made a couple versioning mistakes so this will be released as v1.37.2 instead.


I submitted the release but changes are in review still. It's been in review for over 5 hours so it feels like it's going to take a while before it's released to the play store.


Please upvote my comment below if you want community icons to be on by default. Down vote it if you prefer having them off by default.

Here are some screen shots of what the icons would look like for some layouts:

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

The next big feature on the menu is "Offline mode". This feature is difficult to tackle so I'm going to be implementing some other features that should make it easier.

The first is pre-fetching. Prefetching can also improve the base user experience so I will be looking at possible things that can be pre-fetched.

Changes so far:

  • Added prefetching to the post feed. This should make loading more items in the post feed happen instantly as long as there is a good internet connection.
  • Added support for community icons in the post feed.
  • Added a setting to enable/disable post feed prefetching. The default is on.
  • Added a setting to enable/disable community icons in the post feed. The default is on.
  • Change post view to show the community icon if the post list also shows the community icon.
  • Fixed a bug where tapping in certain areas of the post will not register the tap.


I'm changing the default on community icons to "on" since a good portion of you want it on by default. This will be configurable on a per-layout basis so you can always turn it off.


This release burns down more of the backlog as well as continue to improve the app quality further.

The key feature this release brings is NSFW mode. NSFW gives users a fast way to toggle NSFW content outside of settings.

When NSFW mode is enabled, both the blur and NSFW filter settings will be ignored. Instead NSFW posts will always be shown and are never blurred.

This mode is excellent if you want a quick way to switch between browsing SFW content and NSFW content.

Full changelog

  • Added NSFW mode. The option to toggle this mode is in the home screen's overflow menu.
  • Added NSFW mode as a possible option for the quick action on the home screen's FAB.
  • Added an image info screen to the image viewer.
  • Added a undo button to restore a deleted post.
  • Changed delete post action to update the post deleted automatically. Also deleting a post will show a snackbar allowing the user to undo the action.
  • Fixed a minor bug where the background of the inbox screen does not take up the entire height of the screen.
  • Fixed a bug when using the screenshot feature to take a screenshot of a comment without the post. Remove the divider at the top of the screenshot that serves no purpose.
  • Fixed a bug where sending an image to the app would show a bottom sheet but the bottom sheet would not be expanded.
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