
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Hey there! FYI I really appreciated this comment. The response to my comment here convinced me that Lemmy isn't really the place for me. I popped back today to look something up, and I wanted to make sure you got a friendly hello after seeing your response.

I totally agree with everything you said. Having shared practices for remembrance and an established "typical" way to demonstrate care for deceased people is a significant part of maintaining social cohesion and so useful for giving individuals an outlet for grief.

The way an entire industry has emerged to capitalize on loss and paij sickens me, but that part is a whole different conversation.

My education is in archaeoligy, and my primary interest was American deathways. I've probably spent more time thinking about contemporary death rites and remembrance than I've thought about anything else as an adult.

Anyway, I hope you're well! Keep on being a cool person.

[–] 0 points 4 months ago (4 children)

Ritual and ceremony are deeply important aspects of the human experience. What cultures do with their dead is way, way up there with foodways and adornment when it comes to cultural significance.

The increasingly common view in the West that elaborate death rites are unimportant is really new when compared to the rest of human history. It's probably a postmodern thing? If I'm right about that, that would mean the less reverential attitude towards traditional deatg ceremony is like 110ish years old.

Compared to the 200,000-300,000 years Homo Sapiens have been around (or 45,000 years ago if we only want to discuss the length of time that Northern European-style deathways have most likely been practiced), 100 years isn't a lot to change that cultural inertia.

Sorry, I know this is a Wendy's. Just a frosty, thanks.

[–] 2 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Sure, today is worse than yesterday. But at least it's better than tomorrow!

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

I love their recipe for no bake cookies, though! Just 12-15 minutes at 375°, and you're good to go.

[–] 0 points 10 months ago (7 children)

I stole this from somewhere:

We are the only superpredator known to exist. Our best friends are apex predators we allow to live in our homes and treat like children, and we are sufficiently skilled at predation that we have allowed them to give up hunting for survival.

We accidentally killed enough of the biomass on the planet that we are now in the Anthropocene era, an era of earths history that marks post-humanity in geological terms. We are an extinction event significant enough that we will be measurable in millions of years even if we all died tomorrow.

We are the only creature known that engages in group play fighting. Other animals play fight, but not in teams. This allowed us to develop tactics, strategy, and so on, and was instrumental in hunting and eventually war.

We are sufficiently deadly that in order for something to pose a credible threat to us, we have to make it up and give it powers that don't exist in reality. And even then, most of the time, we still win.

[–] 0 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Shadow creatures constantly stalking me just outside my field of vision is a ridiculous notion, but....


This is it, gang. Tonight we need to say goodbye until Joe Bob's Labor Day Ruckus or The Ethiopian New Year Hullabaloo or whatever. I'm going to desperately miss talking nonsense with your freaks & weirdos.

One last time (for now): take a moment to ensure that you've been duly sworn in by taking our sacred oath.

First Movie: ???

Second Movie: Day of the Dead

Darcy spilled the beans a couple weeks ago, so unless she was messing with us and JBB is really misdirecting us with that Florida clue, we know one of the films will be Day of the Dead. What do y'all think the other one will be?


I tried redoing Hungry Like The Wolf by Duran Duran for tonight, but I couldn't wedge both caliginous and callipygian in there while also referencing Bastille Day and probably-werewolves. I failed you, fam! 😫

At any rate, you should know that you're legally obligated to get sworn in before that one guitar part punches you in the feels. So, raise your right hand...

First Movie: Alligator

Second Movie: Grizzly

What do y'all think?

I'm really bad at guessing these, but I'm going to say An American Werewolf in London (1981) and Abominable (2006).

However! Tomorrow is Bastille Day, so I think it would be appropriate if Joe Bob and Darcy played Brotherhood of the Wolf (2001).


🎶🎶 The Last Drive-In (gotta watch 'em all-lll)
It's Joe Bob and me-eee
We know it's our destiny-yyy
Darcy, you're our best friend
Shitty movies we must defend
The Last Drive-In (gotta watch 'em all-lll)
A passion so true
The drive-in totals will pull us throughhhh
Joe Bob teaches, we'll learn from you
The Last Drive-In, gotta watch 'em all
Gotta watch 'em alllllll

You know that I literally only take one responsibility seriously, and that's making sure we renew our commitment to Kung Fu City every Friday evening. Don't forget to say your prayers, fam.

Movie 1: Mad God
Movie 2: Perfect Blue

What are everyone's guesses? I haven't seen a lot of animated horror before, so I've got nothin'.


Lloyd Kaufman is ~~asking~~ begging for help!

On 27 June 2023, YouTube took down the TromaMovies channel over violations of its community standards, leaving many other channels up that commit the same violations. Selective enforcement of rules is not gangster, YT.

Here is the announcement from Lloyd Kaufman.

And here is a petition gently asking YouTube to unfuck themselves. I know petitions are kinda whatever, but it's a thing we can do.


Folks and kin, gather 'round the flickering embers of this here ancient fire and let the shadows dance in the hollers of our souls.

In the hallowed heart of these spooky-ass woods, we unite as one. Like the roots of ageless trees entwined beneath the forest floor, so shall our mutant bond remain unbreakable.

We are bound by the legacy of our ancestors, which we carry forward into the endless night through our sacred oath.

First Movie: Dark Night of the Scarecrow

Second Movie: Beyond the Door III


I actually thought I might be having an aneurysm or a stroke. It was weird.

An iridescent zigzag appeared in part of my field of vision, and another portion of my field of vision just... stopped. I had this big blind spot for like an hour, all while this jagged rainbow bastard chilled in my left peripheral.

That went away slowly, only to be replaced with vertigo and exhaustion. Almost no headache, though. I kept verifying that one side of my face wasn't paralyzed or whatever because I've had migraines a few times before, but those were nothing like this! Apparently they can just be this way.

Does anyone else get these? They're dumb.

What are everyone's guesses for this week?

I'm saying this week it'll be Jug Face and Valerie and Her Week of Wonders.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

The area is called "wonder valley," I guess. I found it by searching for US locations that do not have or do not enforce building codes. I figure those locales would have some treats for us.

The area looks like it's on the fringe of town on the way into Joshua Tree National Park. I think out of the way areas like that tend to draw a particular type of personality.

I presume that if I lived there I would either fiercely adore every one of my neighbors, we'd be constantly shooting at one another, or both.

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