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[–] hesusingthespiritbomb@lemmy.world 1 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)

America places a lot of value in the concept of the person having the final say over our armed forces being a civilian. There are multiple very good reasons for that.

Multiple presidents have served in the military prior to becoming president, many of whom have seen combat. The last American president to do so was George HW Bush, who served in the air force and was shot down over the Pacific in WW2.

As to why that hasn't happened more recently, it's because the American people don't see it as a priority. HW Bush was replaced by Bill Clinton. W Bush won over purple heart recipient John Kerry. Obama won over veteran and POW John McCain. Clinton, Bush, and Trump went even farther and essentially dodged the draft.

I'd imagine it would be more like CPU scheduling than tree traversal, but according to the article they just do it by hand now.

[–] hesusingthespiritbomb@lemmy.world 0 points 1 hour ago (1 children)

I know "rich" means a lot of different things to a lot of different people, but "paying for priority boarding" should not be included in a reasonable definition of the word.

See I have to believe at least some of this shit was because the leader of that group was a federal informant. This is the kind of thing the FBI agents in Ms Congeniality would think is funny.

I think we've hit the other end of the pendulum and release length.

The traditional 26 season episode, each year like clockwork format had a lot of issues. It lent itself to TV shows with an episodic format, and a lot of episodes tended to be forgettable.

In that context, less episodes and more time to produce is great. However it's gotten to the point where I think that philosophy is fucking up show quality in a different way.

First, a lot of TV shows have taken the "less episodes" philosophy as a way to cut costs. There are a ton of TV shows where I feel like important plot developments are either left out or rushed because they have to jam everything into eight episodes. Some are even going to six. Showrunners are blatantly doing this to save time/money, not to produce a lower quantity higher quality product.

Second, a lot of "filler" episodes were actually good for the show as a whole. A good amount of them had subtle character development and world building. This allowed for a much more robust main story. It also allowed writers to try out unique concepts that often ended up being fan favorites. With the eight episode format, TV shows often just end up jumping from major plot point to major plot point in a way that feels empty.

The long time between releases also can ruin the emotional investment in a TV show. With the best TV shows, you often feel some connection to the universe and the characters. Waiting a long time between releases breaks that connection. Stranger Things, the show that in many ways popularized the modern TV format, is the perfect example of this. It's been a decade, two years since the last episode, and everyone is pretty much done. There's probably a ton of lesser shows that died because viewers just moved on.

Finally, some shows should be episodic and have 26 episode seasons. We live in an era of binge watching. Older episodic shows with tons of seasons and episodes continuously outperform the high budget new stuff, yet nobody seems to ask themselves if maybe there needs to be a strategy shift for new content.

Honestly fair. My bad for not factoring gay people in my consideration of how people on this site are sex starved horny degenerates.

[–] hesusingthespiritbomb@lemmy.world 16 points 2 days ago (5 children)

If you reversed the gender on this you'd the comment section would be a combination of roasting the hypothetical dude and complaining how trashy the shirt is.

I don't even think the double standard is related to sexism. I think you're all horny degenerates who are emotionally stunted to the point where any woman implying anything sexual breaks your mind.

[–] hesusingthespiritbomb@lemmy.world 30 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (3 children)

Honestly it seems like the actual amount of pedophiles available to murder massively outstrips the demand of pedophiles to murder, and the end result is that people just expand the definition to the point where it's becoming meaningless.

Over the past few years, I've seen pedophilia used in the following contexts. The list gets more ridiculous as you go down:

  • Middle aged men "dating" adult teenage sex workers
  • Middle aged men "dating" adult sex workers in their early 20s
  • 18 year olds meeting up with 15 year olds they met online
  • A 17 year old discord mod talking with a 14 year old how they're attracted to each other, but the age difference might make it unethical
  • 18 year olds dating 16 year olds
  • Drag Queens having story hours at the library
  • Men in their early thirties dating women in their early 20s.
  • Men in their mid thirties dating women in their mid to late twenties
  • Queer people in general

It feels like this "kill a pedo" routine is just gonna be used by people to go after regular people by assholes looking for blood.

I was in college when this happened. Absolutely nobody thought he could win until Florida was called. Trump himself seemed mildly surprised in his victory speech.

I've worked in a few.

I could understand if each department had massive budgets that were spent in an idiotic manner due to inexperienced and incompetent leads.

I could understand it each department got less than the bare minimum, resulting in a final product that was mediocre despite strong individual contributors.

What I don't understand is this mentality "hey let's spend $200 million on this new TV Show, but only 2 million on the writing staff."

[–] hesusingthespiritbomb@lemmy.world 5 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Okay but they should recognize the concept of ROI and diminishing returns. An accountant should be perfectly capable of realizing that that after a certain point it makes sense to spend money hiring more writers versus bigger name actors or CGI.

[–] hesusingthespiritbomb@lemmy.world 9 points 1 week ago (4 children)

I get what you're saying but instilling fucked up religious values in a kid is a completely different thing than marrying off a sixteen year old to a middle aged man.

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