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[–] haunte@leminal.space 1 points 37 minutes ago

Telling people on lemmy "You are an Xer" is the dumbest fucking thing I have ever seen on social media.

[–] haunte@leminal.space 16 points 6 hours ago

Greene is just jealous she's not the one getting the attention. It's the same reason she had a feud with Boebert. She's desperate for attention and trump approval.

[–] haunte@leminal.space 22 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I'm getting Stephen "eggman" Molyneux vibes here, but 100x more creepy. Keep your pathetic breeding fetish private, you goddamned weirdo.

[–] haunte@leminal.space 57 points 3 days ago (6 children)

Real men aren't afraid to eat oranges or take vitamin C. Real men eat whatever the hell they want, not what they think will impress the other boys.

[–] haunte@leminal.space 104 points 4 days ago

"Our" farms? Farms are a publicly owned commodity? I was not aware of this. I'll tell you what, when you wrest ownership of the farms from agricultural corporations and nationalize them I'll sign up for a stint on the farm gang. But I'm over 30 so I guess I get a pass? I'm guessing Kelly is over 30 too.

[–] haunte@leminal.space 70 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Begging for a pity applause is far, far worse than just pushing through it and pretending not to care. It's self inflicted public humiliation. Take the L and then blame the audience for being dumb when you revisit it in your head endlessly for the next twenty years.

[–] haunte@leminal.space 79 points 4 days ago (2 children)

"I do the weave. You know what the weave is? I'll talk about, like, nine different things that they all come back brilliantly together. And it's like, and friends of mine that are like English professors, they say: 'It's the most brilliant thing I've ever seen,'" he told a crowd in Pennsylvania.

"But the fake news, you know what they say, 'He rambled.' That's not rambling. What you do is you get off a subject, mention another little titbit, then you get back on to the subject, and you go through this and you do it for two hours, and you don't even mispronounce one word," he added.

What's he's describing here is someone who can't stay focused and constantly goes off track and just fills the voids with random nonsense. That's the opposite of a good orator. It's also telling that he thinks mispronouncing words is what makes someone dumb and not the lack of anything intelligent to say.

[–] haunte@leminal.space 42 points 4 days ago (5 children)

I mean, I can see it happening.

"Hey Jeff, we need to you to translate those ads to target the Latino's".

"How do I do that, boss?"

"Just run it through google translate and send it to the print shop. Do I have to do everything myself?"

"Got it boss! Latino... Latino... there it is! Latin!"

Some of these people aren't the smartest.

[–] haunte@leminal.space 7 points 4 days ago (1 children)

It's possible that he never discussed any of that with Howard when they were planning the movie. Vance wasn't heavily involved in the process, he didn't write the screenplay or produce it. They probably just had a few discussions about how the book should be translated into film, as a courtesy. And Vance at that time was very anti-Trump, so if they did discuss politics in passing that might have colored Howard's views on him. None of that means Howard is "full of shit".

I haven't read the book or seen the film, so I can't speak to anything specific on the adaptation, but according the the review linked in the article Howard did little to change the overall message, so he deserves criticism on that point.

[–] haunte@leminal.space 23 points 5 days ago

“Why won’t they just provide real documentation and proof?” Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung said in an email to the Daily Beast. “The onus is on them. What does she have to hide?"

These clowns are grasping at straws but they are all sold out, bitches. No straws for you. Of all the goddamn things to try to create a controversy about.... this is just sad.

Noooo, she's not a real working class American, unlike daddy Trump who was born in a tower with golden diapers. She can't prove she worked a shitty job in college!

[–] haunte@leminal.space 225 points 6 days ago (11 children)

Despite this seemingly rosy picture, Reddit is still bleeding money. In the quarter ending June 2024, the company reported revenue of $281.18 million - a 53.63% year-over-year increase - but still posted a net loss of $10.10 million.

Most of the actual work on the site is done by unpaid moderators. Hosting bills are probably huge but not THAT huge. I'm sure they have a decent sized staff, but not THAT big. I wonder what's going wrong...

Reddit Files to Go Public, Reveals That It Paid CEO $193 Million Last Year

Ohhh... Well, there's your problem, dumbasses.

[–] haunte@leminal.space 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

So your personal opinion of the game is the only thing that matters. Got it! At least use an objective metric. I personally played the hell out of Starfield and really enjoyed it, with a few caveats. I guess that means it's a huge ass success. It's your opinion vs mine. And I value my opinion over yours.


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