
joined 2 years ago
[–] 6 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (1 children)

If everybody starts doing it (and trust me they will, it's free money after all) we'll be kinda forced to.

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago

What are you going to do about it? Complain more on the same internet invented mostly by the country you hate?

You don't like slavery, yet you're using Latin characters, who were invented by the Romans? Checkmate!

[–] 8 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

Yea, wish we had a green race just like we had a space race during the 1st cold war, at leadt something useful would come out of it.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

The liberal veneer of civility goes away in the moment you criticize their idols.they cant fathom somebody that doesn't like mr joe "saviour of the world" biden or mrs kamala "sent here by god himself" harris since they live in political ecochambers, so the only possibile explanation is that Russia pays a bunch of people to post normal people's opinions online (most people are not hardliner diehard democrats)

[–] 7 points 1 month ago (7 children)

How will they enforce it? I'm sure big/medium businesses will comply, but how can you track a cash transaction between private citizens?

Furthermore in the country where I live (Italy, one of EU founding members) more than 60% of independent professionals (partite iva) evade/elude taxes in some way or another, and it's very common (so common that every Italian experienced it many times in their lives, me included) for small businesses and professionals to offer you a slight discount if you pay cash under the table (no receipt, so no taxes) and, even if we have an entire police force dedicated to financial crimes, the submerged economy is just so big that they can't deal with it now, imagine when they'll have to arrest/fine everybody that accepts more than €3000 in cash.

What somebody writes on a piece of paper and what happens in the real world are 2 very distinct things, many stores in Italy don't accept credit cards even if it's against them law, and only a minuscule fraction of them gets fined.

The EU has extremely nazi-esque control on the private financial life of its citizens (the state monitors your bank account, to open a bank account you need to give every info about u in the future they'll ask for your DNA probably, if you withdraw/deposit a "suspect" amount of money our IRS will come after your ass, ane you need to prove your innocence basically guilty untill proven otherwise, ecc, there are a thousand examples, I'm sure EU citizens can relate) but I can't see how they'll be able to track pieces of paper.

TLDR I can't even see how they will be able to enforce this law, especially when we talk about small businesses/independent contractors, and the situation gets even funnier when its a transaction between 2 private individuals.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago

Amazon didnt pay a penny in taxes where i live, theyre giant criminals yet they dont need to use cash to evade taxes.

[–] 0 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Biden cant even run, let alone run a country

[–] 5 points 2 months ago

I think we need more govt subsidies to green tech and less subsidies to the fossil industry, i don't care if it's all a big 8d chess move to make us all speak Mandarin Chinese, the important bit is not dying rn.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago (6 children)

And they sometimes get called "tankies" too by people to the right of them. That's why I both think it's a useless term (if everybody is a tankie, then nobody is) and why I think I fall in the definition (as most leftists do, I've seen pretty mild social democrats being called "tankies" by liberals)

Plus ultimately these blanket descriptions are pretty useless IMO, you'll find extremely heated debates between "tankies" themselves on many topics, there's no consensus, and there are many different ideologies "tankies" subscribe to. It would be like saying that Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians and Greens are all the same thing. We could call them "dronies" maybe.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago (8 children)


Everybody to the left of biden is considered a tankie nowdays, and I'm proud of being to the left of (and opposed to) genocide enablers.

[–] 0 points 3 months ago (1 children)
[–] 0 points 4 months ago

What's your favorite color? The choice is yours! Benito Trumpolini or Benito Bidenlini?

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by to c/

Not everybody knows that during the revolutionary period of 1848 (actually a bit later, in 1849) there existed a republic in central Italy.

I'm speaking about the second Roman republic, the second attempt in living memory to enstablish a democracy in Rome, the first being in 1798-1799, during the Campaign of Italy by the French Republic.

This attempt was short-lived, and ultimately perished after Napoleon III (grandson of Napoleone Bonaparte, the man that helped to enstablish the first Roman Republic, funny enough) besieged Rome and ultimately forced the revolutionary government to surrender.

The impressive part of all of this is that, before the French siege, many armies tried to extinguish the revolution and, spoiler, they all failed. The Roman Republic was attacked by:

-The Austro-Hungarian Army, lead by general Radetsky, the same man who defeated the Piedmontese (later Italian) in 1849, leading to the abdicaton of then king Carlo Alberto di Savoia, in favor of his son, Vittorio Emanuele II, who became, in 1861, the first king of Italy.

-A first French invasion, 7.000 men strong

-The army of the kingdom of Two Sicilies, fighting to re-instate Pope Pius IX on the throne (he was an exile in the kingdom)

-Spain, minor invasion. they had a ship near Civitavecchia (port near Rome)

All these invasions listed here failed.

The Roman Army was led by:

-General Durando, a revolutionary that (in the eternal contradictory spirit of the Italian Risorgimento) also fought for the Italian Kingdom against Austria-Hungary in the Third Indipendence War (known in the rest of the world as "Austro-Prussian War)

-Giuseppe Garibaldi, same as above, he was a republican and fought for the Roman Republic (and many other revolutions around the whole world, starting in South America) but, after making his considerations, fought for an united Italy under the Savoia dynasty, conquering the kingdom of Two Sicilies a decade after defending against it as a general of the Roman Republic.

Pictured is a 3 Baiocchi coin from the Republic, needless to say (but always better to remember) the Fascies Lictor and the Eagle weren't associated with Fascism at the time, as it would be born exactly 70 years later, in 1919, instead they were associated with the even older Roman Repblic, the Republic of Furius Camillus, Iulius Caesar and other notable figures.

I could write paragraphs about 1848, the Risorgimento and the Roman Republic, but frankly, it's an immense topic. Linked under this post there's the wikipedia page of the Roman Republic and other intersting pages.

A "Baiocco" is worth 0.01 "Scudo", so we could say this is a 3 Scudo cent coin.

It's a Copper coin, Weighing 25 Grams, about 0.2485 cheeseburgers.

The mint details are as follows (thanks to Numista):

A 3 baiocchi coin can be found for 25-50€ in Italy depending on conditions, certified ones go for around 90€.

For more info:

Ok. (
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by to c/

What a bad day to have internet.


I use plasma, BTW


Seriously, "Ensure the CEO sleeps before a certain time"

With all those skills, tasks and resposabilites they're asking for a fucking full-stack babysitter...

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

Made with Krita, licensed under the MGPLv3 (a memetic license i just made up, if you saw this meme you must share it everywhere you can, and under the same license. Possibly citing me :) Transcript from here


Made with Krita, licensed under the MGPLv3 (a memetic license i just made up, if you saw this meme you must share it everywhere you can, and under the same license. Possibly citing me :) transcript from here

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

Remì proceeded to bite Pollo, but Pollo invaded Remì's private sleeping space (my bed) at least I captured a cute moment.

PS: Pollo means chicken, bcs he looks like a raw chicken breast lol ^_^

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