
joined 1 year ago
[–] 55 points 1 week ago (6 children)

My question to the politicians...

Has praying been working so far?

School shootings in the USA occur so frequently now that there is very clear evidence that prayer does not prevent them. Therefore , at what point should the strategy be changed to try something else? The most powerful people in the USA claim they have no power to stop this, yet can very significantly curtail abortion access I under the guise of protecting lives.

The definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

There have been 416 school shootings since Columbine. Every time prayer is offered by politicians. Every time another school shooting was just around the corner.

[–] 44 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (8 children)

Just because you don't like her music doesn't mean it's mediocre or that you are somehow more evolved. When it comes to personal taste, how do you decide who's opinion is the right one - like you have taken it upon yourself to do and gate keep 'good' music. Her music is undeniably popular and all of those people who like it would disagree with you about it being mediocre. So what makes you right and them wrong? There is no objectivity when it comes to things like music, only subjectivity.

Before you jump on me and label be a Taylor Swift fan, the big reveal is, I'm not. I have no problem with you saying "I think her music is mediocre" but that is different to saying " her music is mediocre" the former is an opinion, the latter is trying to paint an opinion as a fact.

This comment will probably not be received well simply because so many people seem to dislike Taylor Swift on here and will miss my point. Taylor Swift is irrelevant to my point, sub in any band or artist if you need to understand that.

[–] 33 points 1 week ago (3 children)

You know it doesn't seem like all that long ago that people were being sued or threatened for playing music in shops or in the back office of a hotel and stuff like that. It might have been urban legend at the time when the music industry was over reacting to Napster, KaZaA, Limewire, Bearshare, etc, etc. but it is true that those venues officially need a license for any music they play in public. So how come a nationwide advertising campaign can make use of music, without the permission of the artist, and not be sued into oblivion by the RIAA? Or does the artist not own the copyright to their own work? Or does the RIAA sympathise more with gentle, kind Billionaires than nasty greedy non billionaires??

[–] 38 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Russian warfare is 90% cyber these days. They troll, hack, spy and attempt to influence elections using the internet. Are they really going to cut off their ability to engage in those activities? It's like saying they will blow up their own weapons factories if people don't start catching their bullets.

[–] 112 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

I always found the journal model to be one of the best scams there is. Buy our journal. Written by you. Edited by you. Referreed by you. Based on research paid for with public money. The journal contribution is to sell the paper back to the people who provide their content.

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago

He did a follow up study in 1998 co-authored by some people he met at a bus stop which confirmed these results. hoo cha

[–] 5 points 1 month ago

Injuries take longer to heal when you are >30 and even more when >40. Learning to skateboard means a lot of injuries... Just sayin'

[–] 12 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

My train of thought...

"How is that going to fit on your wrist? I mean I guess it could but would be really heavy and uncomfortable. Oh wait, those are headphones so it's even bigger than I thought. Ah wait, 'watch' not 'watch'. Dumbass"

[–] 54 points 2 months ago (4 children)

Because you are a kid and you don't know but are pretending to be an adult. Nice try!

[–] 7 points 2 months ago (3 children)

Except then the ordinary workers who did nothing wrong are made to suffer. Either they don't get paid or they lose their jobs. IMHO you make the CEO personally liable. They have the power to change the company attitude and policy. They need to have their personal fortune hit as well as jail time.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

The problem with this type of thing is intent.

How do we prove intent to deceive?

Lying is not simply stating incorrect information. It is intending to deceive by knowingly stating incorrect information. It is not easy to prove what someone knew.

What if they were misinformed by a third party that may or may not have an agenda? Under these circumstances the politician is not lying and believes they are telling the truth even though the information they uttered is wrong. Do you go after the third party? Does this then give the politician a mechanism to evade charges using fall guys?

I absolutely believe that people like Bojo should be held to account. In his case there was plenty of evidence. It should also be acceptable for the opposition to state that they were lying in the commons without facing repercussions.

[–] 1 points 5 months ago

On the religion side the last picture should be the same as the first.

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