
joined 1 year ago
[–] flerp@lemm.ee 4 points 4 days ago

I'm lawful neutral until the clip breaks, which it always does, and then I go chaotic neutral.

[–] flerp@lemm.ee 11 points 4 days ago

But then the next person who prints something will print over it and have your file in their file!

[–] flerp@lemm.ee 4 points 4 days ago

Ic hæfde to witan: sind þas word gemæne oððe is þæs unþeawfulle YouTube wifru forþfæreð, ic mean "eorðan Englisc swylce þa leornere witaþ is fægere and riht"?

[–] flerp@lemm.ee 5 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (1 children)

This game is still one of my all time favorites. I was annoyed by a spoiler in the official Dark Souls 2 trailers and decided not to watch trailers of games I wanted to play therefore I went into Bloodborne completely blind. And I'm glad I did because what an experience it was!

I loved the scenery, loved the setting, and for the beginning of it I was thinking, this is cool, fast paced Dark Souls werewolf game, I'm way into it! And then halfway through it made a turn into eldritch horror and that moment when I realized that will always live on as one of my top gaming experiences.

I'd read a bunch of Lovecraft's stories and I really loved them but I wasn't really into the expanded mythos beyond that and so this was the first video game I had played with this kind of stuff. I loved every minute of it, even the Chalice dungeons which I think I'm in the minority there.

[–] flerp@lemm.ee 7 points 4 days ago (3 children)

Wait, what happened here? Is this picture supposed to be offensive somehow? Is there a place you can see deleted lemmy comments like you can see deleted reddit comments?

[–] flerp@lemm.ee 2 points 4 days ago

The corporations can fuck right off because they steal more from creators than pirates ever could. But directly supporting independent creators you like is a good thing that should be lauded. Someone dying penniless in the street because they chose to make things that enhanced people's lives instead of going into a soul sucking banking career or some shit is a travesty if you ask me.

[–] flerp@lemm.ee 5 points 5 days ago

I still think mechanical watches are a pretty neat idea. I also never forget my towel so there's some hope for me yet.

[–] flerp@lemm.ee 24 points 5 days ago (3 children)

That's father than I would take it personally

[–] flerp@lemm.ee -3 points 6 days ago

That's not my theory. That's the data.

One interpretation could be that women were constantly engaged in strenuous endurance activities and so through evolution built up tolerances against exhaustion that at least rivals if not exceeds that of men. And one historical activity that used a lot of stamina and took a lot of tolerance against fatigue was the way in which ancient humans hunted.

That's not what a theory is, it's a hypothesis at best, hope that helped.

[–] flerp@lemm.ee 7 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Women were first allowed to compete in marathons in 1972. In 1972 the men's record was 2:10:30. The current record is 2:00:35 which is about an 8% difference. Pretty close to the difference between men and women currently.

The first women's record was 3:40:22 and the current women's record is 2:11:53.11 which is 40% faster.

Once funding for women's athletics reaches parity and once girls are encouraged into athletics as much as boys, then we will see if the ladies catch up. So far they're doing a pretty good job catching up, and you can't look at one current window in time and say you have the answer, you need to look at trends.

[–] flerp@lemm.ee 4 points 6 days ago (3 children)

Evidence shows that women have better endurance for long distances. They tend to be less susceptible to fatigue and beyond 195 miles are actually faster than men. Considering humans were better at outlasting their prey and chasing them to exhaustion rather than burst speed, this data indicates that women are at least as capable as men at those tasks if not better.

[–] flerp@lemm.ee 4 points 6 days ago

The way my life's been going lately I haven't been able to play any games in a long time and thankfully for my wallet I've also stopped buying them. I do however open up Epic every Thursday to pick up the free games. Some of them have been pretty decent and one of these days I'll get around to playing some of them. Not to long ago was Fallout 1, 2, and tactics which I have always wanted to try. Just have to find a free minute and some motivation and brain power, hopefully all at the same time.

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