
joined 1 year ago
[–] flashgnash@lemm.ee 1 points 4 hours ago

Wasn't crispr the name of that microwave weapon that was considered a war crime to use?

Also don't know about anyone else but personally I'm 100% still not touching meat grown in a lab

[–] flashgnash@lemm.ee 11 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)

By all means people should eat what they want to eat, however vegan is not the right word.

People asking me if I eat fish always scares me because what if someone serving me food just assumes vegetarians eat fish and doesn't think to ask.

I'm not a fan of people using those terms incorrectly because of that kind of misunderstanding

[–] flashgnash@lemm.ee 3 points 9 hours ago (1 children)

If something isn't on nixpkgs and doesn't have an appimage I generally just don't use it lol gotta be the biggest package repo excepting maybe the aur

[–] flashgnash@lemm.ee 2 points 16 hours ago (1 children)

That looks awesome I'll have to give it a go

I guess it just launches the games via the shortcut the same way rofi normally works?

[–] flashgnash@lemm.ee 2 points 17 hours ago

I use kitty as my term, I am a little jealous of some of the warp features though.

Wave has some cool features too though feels very clunky and busy ui

[–] flashgnash@lemm.ee 9 points 20 hours ago (1 children)

Not sure what your mean by it doesn't work that way

If men were predominantly doing the hunting, women would be more likely to choose a more successful hunter (more likely to pass on their genes if they have a better mate)

Also in general the ones who were better at hunting and their mates would be more likely to survive long enough to have children

[–] flashgnash@lemm.ee 6 points 2 days ago

VM is probably the answer as long as your machine can run one well enough.

[–] flashgnash@lemm.ee 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I used to use neovim for a while, the main reason I migrated to helix was because it just has everything built in, no need to spend hours getting lsps working and everything

The motions are vastly better than vim though imo, the select as you go thing makes it feel a lot more natural

(For example, w moves you to the end of the word and selects it, then pressing it again deselects and selects the next word unless you're in v mode)

Meaning to delete a word it's w+d not d+w

Also very good multi cursor support, instead of typing out a long sed command I can select a block or all, and do S,(regex) and it spawns a cursor on every match which can do everything the normal one can

As for it being everywhere have you ever used sshfs? It's always my go-to when editing projects on a remote server and then you can use whatever you want

[–] flashgnash@lemm.ee 13 points 3 days ago

Listen we all know deep down the solution is to try to parse it with regex

[–] flashgnash@lemm.ee 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I'm one of those people, they make a surprisingly good combo

If you're doing nix right it doesn't matter how unstable something is if it's borked you just revert it

Have generally found hyprland to be pretty stable anyway though as long as you're not on the unstable nix channel

[–] flashgnash@lemm.ee 1 points 3 days ago

Python is the gold standard for cross platform interpreted languages

If what you meant was are they all interpreted, no C# rust and python are the main 3 I use rn and are all cross platform

[–] flashgnash@lemm.ee 2 points 3 days ago

Pretty sure a lot of the people here are deathly allergic to anything meta. I know a couple people irl who just get on and use it also


Saw an advert for this thing, in theory it looks pretty good (repairable e-ink tablet) but I'm a little confused by their statement that it will at some point in the future run a linux based operatint system

"A Linux-based system will be open in the future for community modifications and customizations. *Not built-in with the device"

I guess this probably means it's not actually as open as they claim if you can't just put mainline Linux/android on it but thought I'd ask here cause in theory it seems like a neat tablet


I've heard cosmic is in the process of being packaged for nix, but on the tracking issue the only things not complete are the video player and the app store, neither of which I care about

Is there any halfway sensible way to get the bits that do work running on nixos? Would quite like to try this desktop out

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by flashgnash@lemm.ee to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Am I the only one who gets to the self checkout and is compelled to finish as soon as humanly possible?

Imagine if there was a speedrun timer on them and a leaderboard

Would make boring everyday life a little more interesting


Often find myself getting frustrated editing yaml, and it seems to be used everywhere for some reason I cannot fathom

I have an idea to write an editor plugin that will, when opening a yaml file, convert it to json (or some other less painful configuration language), then convert back on save. I don't know enough about yaml syntax to know if that's possible or if there's some quirk that makes them not completely cross compatible

Or alternatively if it exists a better CLI tool for editing yaml than just a normal text editor because I'm getting sick of pasting in a block of yaml and then having to fix the 8 indentation errors that somehow spawn from that


Not sure if what I'm looking for exists, but thought I'd ask.

I like the boss fights of games like sekiro and and dark souls but I always end up getting bored of them before getting particularly far for one reason or another

I'm not a huge fan of the grungey art style most souls likes seem to adopt, and I often find myself wandering around not really knowing where I'm going, what I'm doing, or why I'm doing it

Really loved the Nier series. The combat in that makes you feel like a badass, whereas souls likes tend to make your character look like a regular guy with a sword (which I get is the point but not what I tend to look for)

Also like the visual style of black desert, the combat feels pretty good and looks very cool though I'm not a fan of all the micro transactions and pay to win (more or less the same goes for Warframe, at least when I played it years ago)

Does anyone know of any games that might scratch that itch, don't necessarily have to be souls likes as long as they look good and have challenging boss fights

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by flashgnash@lemm.ee to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

My phone's just bitten the dust and now I need to look for a new one again.

Thought I'd test the waters and see what kinds of phones people on here are using nowadays and what for, what features set them apart if any etc

Bonus points if anyone's managed to get mainline linux running on them either via KVM or bare metal

Edit: Thanks for everyone who talked about their choices of phone, I am now writing this on a fairphone 4 and am quite happy with it so far.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by flashgnash@lemm.ee to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I am potentially going to be able to put Linux on my work PC soon, have been using it on my personal PC and laptop quite happily with hyprland ontop of NixOS

Thinking of using NixOS for my work machine as well, however I don't want to use hyprland or even Wayland as I need this machine to be stable and reliable (Nvidia GPU)

Is I3 still the best option for this or are there better alternatives? (leaning towards I3 ontop of KDE)

I'm also somewhat tempted to just go GNOME with the forge extension as it seems the most reliable, though the tiling on that extension is far from perfect


Work have started trying out signal for messaging, but I'd rather not have all my personal contacts and conversations on a machine I don't own

Is there any way I could white/black list certain contacts from one device, or is the only way to manage two separate accounts? (If so, is there an easy/built in way to do that on windows/nixos)


I have a theory that it should have a very different "personality" (probably more like writing style) depending on language because it's an entirely different set of training data

In English chatGPT is rather academic and has a recognisable style of writing, if you've used it a bit you can usually get hints something was written by it just by reading it.

Does it speak in a similar tone, with similar mannerisms in other languages? (where possible, obviously some things don't translate)

I don't know a second language well enough to have natural conversation so I'm unable to test this myself, and may have worded things awkwardly from a lack of understanding


I've noticed YouTube specifically has become more addictive, I never used to be one to sit and scroll for long durations before but I often catch myself spending way too long on shorts now

Even people or older generations seem to be getting sucked in nowadays


I have been experimenting with react native as I heard it's one of the good ones, and so far it is not a particularly enjoyable experience. Lots of irritating things like no global styling, lots of ugly, hard to read properties on tags, etc

In a perfect world where you get to choose, which frontend frameworks would you use and why?

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by flashgnash@lemm.ee to c/nix@programming.dev

I've found the built in nix firewall to be somewhat lacking (can't have different ports open on different networks for instance, I would rather reduce my attack surface while out on other people's/public WiFi)

Is it possible to use other firewall software on NixOS declaratively?

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